I finished off yesterday’s post by mentioning how the Lord used the Assyrian Empire as a tool to disperse the Northern Kingdom of Israel (consisting of 10 of the 12 tribes).
Well, that was just the beginning of the Lord’s judgement on His People.
Approximately 135 years later, the nation of Babylon led by King Nebuchadnezzar showed up and laid waste to the Southern Kingdom known as Judah.
This siege included the destruction of Jerusalem and Nebuchadnezzar, starting with the most learned and talented people, took away a majority of the population.
This was the 2nd exile of Israel.
Next, the 3rd exile of Israel is probably the one we’re most familiar with because Yeshua spoke of it.
“As Yeshua left the Temple and was going away, his talmidim came and called his attention to its buildings. But he answered them, ‘You see all these? Yes! I tell you, they will be totally destroyed — not a single stone will be left standing!‘”-Matthew 24:1-2
The 3rd Exile occurred in 70 A.D. and was brought about by the Romans who sacked Jerusalem and ended up burning the Temple down to the ground.
The majority of the population living in the modern state of Israel today are the people of Judah (the Southern Kingdom) who have returned from their Roman exile.
However, Scripture also prophecies that the Northern Kingdom will one day return back to the Promised Land and this is actually taking place today as of this writing (November 8th, 2019).
Let’s get back to the curses listed in Deuteronomy.
The Lord says when He has driven His people out of the land, they will be a people regarded with suspicion and considered as inferior aliens.
In whatever foreign land they find themselves in, they will be forced to serve the heathen gods of that gentile nation.
In addition, any vineyards they plant or crops they sow will come to nothing because the locusts shall destroy them all.
We’re told that even the small joy of being able to enjoy a glass of wine in their homes will also be taken from them.
Again, what I want you to notice here is that…
….the LOCATION where the Israelites…
…are experiencing all of these curses has changed.
Before they were experiencing all of these curses inside the land of Israel.
However, after they’re exiled, they shall experience the same curses in whatever host country they end up settling in.
My point is being kicked out of the land of Israel did NOT mark the end of the curses.
The curses still clung to the Hebrews wherever they went.
There’s an important takeaway here.
One cannot run away from God, you can only run to him.
The story of the prophet Jonah is a perfect example of this case in point which I would like to explore the next time we meet.
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