“‘A curse on anyone who has sexual relations with his father’s wife, because he has violated his father’s rights.’ All the people are to say, ‘Amen!’-Deuteronomy 27:20
From verse 20, we are presented with four laws outlawing certain types of sexual behavior.
Again, understand that these laws are far from exhaustive and obviously do not cover every forbidden sexual practice.
Rather these four laws are representative of the all the commands that involve unacceptable sexual behavior.
So verse 20 tells us that getting down and dirty with our stepmother is a big no-no.
And technically speaking, this would also include a son’s own biological mother as well.
I know that sounds sick as all hell but folks we all know that such perverse behavior does happen, so this is hardly a stretch.
However, you know what’s really interesting.
This command is actually not speaking out against incestuous immorality.
What do I mean by that?
Well, notice it says..“because he has violated his father’s rights”.
Other Bible translations will say...”he has removed his father’s garment”.
So that’s really what this commandment is all about.
It’s an offense against the father’s honor.
Remember how I told you that throughout the Bible, metaphorically speaking, a wife is viewed as a garment worn by her husband.
Again, this symbolism is in no way demeaning to the wife.
The wife is considered to be a noble covering for her husband who he puts on for protection.
Hence, for a son to go ahead and have sex with either his stepmother or mother is a gross violation of the sexual rights that belong only to the father.
Recall it is this very sin that Reuben committed when he went ahead and slept with his father Jacob’s concubine Bilah.
And later it is what Absalom did against his father King David when he went off and slept with all of his concubines…on top of a roof in broad daylight I might add.
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