“‘A curse on anyone who makes a carved or metal image, something Adonai detests, the handiwork of a craftsman, and sets it up in secret!’ All the people are to respond by saying, ‘Amen!’”-Deuteronomy 27:15
From verse 15 of Deuteronomy 27, the priests begin to pronounce a series of 12 curses.
In Hebrew, the word for curse is ARUR or אָ רַ ר.
This word carries with it a sense of divinely imposed bad luck or misfortune.
The unfortunate circumstance that befalls you could be the result of the Lord directly sending a disaster your way…
…He withdraws His mighty hands of protection and blessing from you thus allowing evil from some ungodly source to bring destruction in your life…
…the Lord could very well have intervened but He chose not to.
According to the Jewish sages, we’re told that those who actually went up to the mountaintops of Ebal and Gerizim were the priests, the tribal princes and the chief elders.
And as already mentioned, they were divided into 2 groups of 6 tribes each.
Now what happened to the remaining members of the associated tribes?
Well, they gathered down in the large valley between Mount Ebal and Gerizim.
One group of the 6 tribes positioned themselves so they were directly facing towards their corresponding mountain and the other group of the 6 tribes did likewise…but were just facing the opposite direction.
The picture I posted above is actually the view from Mount Ebal of Tel Aviv.
It was from Mount Ebal that the curses were shouted out loud.
The voices would have been as a thunderous echo that ricocheted down throughout the whole valley.
In other words, ALL of Israel would have heard it.
I have written more than once how God doesn’t actually do bad things to people, but when he says he will curse us, it is as you suggest: he doesn’t do something bad to you, he just lets you alone and the world will do the bad things.
We live in a cursed world which Satan rules over. Satan was not thrown into Sheol, but down to the earth, and he is allowed to rule the earth (and will continue to do so) until God decides his time is up. So, since the world is a cursed place, when we reject God and walk away from his instructions, we walk away from his protection, leaving us alone against the entire world.
God actively blesses us and passively allows curses to fall upon us when we walk away from him.
What’s wonderful about this is that we are always allowed to walk back.
As you said the world is rule by shatan, that is true but how does he rule is the question here?
The world is a blindfold it makes sure you don’t know what you are doing even in your most righteous order and being.
The Name of the creator of the heavens and the earth is the salvation of all but many takes that likely by thinking The Most High Yahuah has other names in other tongues, tribes, languages and people but it is not so. From this concepts and human believe come the name of the wicked one into the world and in the tongue of men today.
The name written in all English text today which is God is the personal name of the one that decieve Hauah/Eve.
This is how shatan rule this world, he is in the mouth of even the so call Holy People pray in his name all day. How can good come to this world?
My brother, you have perceived a most basic issue here, and I commend you for bringing it to the light. In fact, in trying to conceal the True Set-apart Name of the Most high Yahuah from everyone, the (post-Masoretic) ex-Babylonic rabbinic Jews have, as far as I can see, been perpetrating “lashon hara” against the Creator by applying a false name to Him and thus denying Him the glory and esteem that are properly due to Him and Him alone.
Thank you!