Today we begin Deuteronomy Chapter 26.
For the Complete Jewish Bible, click here.
For the King James version, click here.
Deuteronomy chapter 26 marks the start of a 4-chapter section dealing with the blessings and curses contained in the Mosaic Law.
This section briefly summarizes the topic of “true religion”, gives us some examples and then closes with the profound assertion that “this commandment that I command you today is not too hard for you”…
…contradicting the central tenet of Christian doctrine which asserts the Lord gave the Hebrews the law knowing they wouldn’t be able to obey it.
This section of Scripture also contains multiple warnings for Israel that if they fail to keep the terms of the covenant Moses made with HASHEM at Sinai, they can expect one disaster after another to occur.
We’re also going to witness some covenant renewal ceremonies take place.
This is interesting because it demonstrates that the Law of Moses is to stand forever.
In other words, it didn’t end once Israel entered the Promised Land.
But that’s not all.
Also contained within this 4-chapter section is an astonishing phenomenon that is best summarized by the following verse from Deuteronomy chapter 29.
“The secret things belong unto the Lord our God:
but those things which are revealed belong unto us
and to our children for ever,
that we may do all the words of this law.”
-Deuteronomy 29:29
This aspect of the Torah is presented to us as a mysterious riddle and then connected to the admonition that Israel is to obey ALL of God’s commands.
What does this really mean?
To put it in simple terms, there is the plain and surface meaning of the text of Deuteronomy referring to its immediate context, which states that if Israel disobeys God’s commands national disaster will result.
However, simultaneously, embedded within the written text of the Mosaic Law are certain sacred numerical structures that are for the holy benefit of God.
The straight and plain language of the text of the law is for the benefit of the uninitiated and common people.
However, implanted within that same text are certain intricacies the Lord is keeping hidden for His own good purposes until he decides to reveal them to those who know, love and diligently seek Him.
The Lord will give understanding of His deeper mysteries only to those who pursue Him and obey His Commands.
Well, I expected some examples.
Just getting started bro.