Before I close out our discussion concerning God’s instructions to utterly wipe out the Amalekites down to the last man, woman, child and infant, there’s one more point I need to go over with you.
I’m talking about the false notion in the gentile church that Yeshua has somehow revised the character of God away from the avenging “Old” Testament God who will lay waste to His enemies and somehow transformed the former OT deity into a buttery and maple syrupy New Testament God who loves all, forgives all and would never hurt a fly.
The idea being promoted in the modern church (especially the liberal churches) is that with the advent of Yeshua, the Lord is now some pacifist deity who exists only to forgive us of our sins and failings and has forsaken all of His attributes of vengeance and wrath.
How in the heck do they even come up with this aberrational theology?
Well, since the Church has thrown the very foundation of Scripture, the Torah, into the trash, the only way they could have come up with this twisted doctrine is by misreading and mistreating the New Testament.
There just ain’t no other way man!
For sure, one of the main set of NT verses they use to support their stance are the following ones:
“You have heard that our fathers were told, ‘Love your neighbor— and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you! Then you will become children of your Father in heaven. For he makes his sun shine on good and bad people alike, and he sends rain to the righteous and the unrighteous alike. “ -Matthew 3:43-45
Alrighty, I’ve already discussed this before but to make sure it sticks for good, let’s go over it again.
Here’s what you’ve got to understand.
There is a big-time difference between loving OUR enemies and loving the Lord’s enemies.
Got it?
Just as there’s a difference between a man-led war (even if justified) versus a war ordained by God, there’s also a huge difference between our personal enemies such as neighbors or work colleagues who may harm us or offend us versus those people groups the Lord has declared are His eternal enemies and are to be destroyed.
If my personal enemy in the form of a neighbor who lives next door steals my property or slanders me, I do believe Scripture commands me to love and not hate that person.
However, there is no way in hell I am to love and accept those whom HASHEM has identified as His eternal enemies.
I’m talking about those people groups who oppose the Lord’s kingdom and have been specifically marked for destruction.
Amalek is a perfect case in point and the great adversary Satan and his followers are another.
Take a good look at Deuteronomy 25:17 again.
“Remember what ‘Amalek did to you on the road as you were coming out of Egypt”
The Scripture tells us in no uncertain terms that the Lord hates Amalek (meaning He has rejected them) and He is going to use His chosen people Israel as His divine instrument to eliminate them from the earth.
What does this mean to us?
It means we are also to “remember Amalek” meaning Satan and all entities associated with this great adversary who rebel against the Creator.
We are to literally be prepared for a Holy War against them.
That’s why we have Scripture.
It is our battle plan and manifesto so we can be prepared for a Holy War that I believe is not too far off.
Before closing, there’s another really important point about Israel’s relationship to the Amalekites I want you to catch.
Israel was to as much as possible have nothing to do with Amalek.
They were to keep themselves separate from Amalek and NOT attempt to attack them based on what they felt might be perfect timing.
The timing of Israel’s attack upon the Amalekites was to be decided by the Lord alone and not based on Israel suddenly becoming gripped by some religious fervor.
Remember, a holy war is only holy when God Himself decides the timing and orders the attack.
If man decides the timing, then it is NOT a holy war.
The idea the OT G*d cannot be the NT G*d comes from one of the earliest heresies in Christianity, Marcionism, named after the heretic Marcion. He thought the OT G*d had to be an imposter because of all the “evil” acts he committed.