“Therefore, when Adonai your God has given you rest from all your surrounding enemies in the land Adonai your God is giving you as your inheritance to possess, you are to blot out all memory of ‘Amalek from under heaven. Don’t forget!”-Deuteronomy 25:19
Following on the heels of my last post dealing with King Saul and the destruction of the Amalekites, I need to point out a couple of things.
First notice in verse 8 of 1 Samuel 15 (the section of Scripture dealing with the destruction of the Amalekites), it says…
“He took Agag the king of ‘Amalek alive; but he completely destroyed the people, putting them to the sword”.
Here’s what you need to know.
Often in Scripture, you’ll come across statements that will use words like “completely” or “all” that seem to indicate utter finality in a very precise mathematical sense.
However, the truth is, most of the time, those are just general statements.
It’s kind of similar to when a man says something like…
“When I divorced my wife, she took all my money”.
While the man may have indeed suffered a very severe financial setback due to his divorce, it’s not like he lost all of his money to the point where he ended up living out of a tent in a park populated by homeless folks.
Likewise, in the story of Saul and the Amalekites, when it says Saul “completely” destroyed the Amalekites, that’s not to be taken literally meaning that every last Amalekite man, woman and child were killed.
Actually, that duty was passed on to King David.
King David was the one who pretty much annihilated the Amalekites to the point where there was almost none of them left.
Yet, literally speaking, in a precise mathematical sense, he still didn’t achieve the feat of killing off every last Amalekite to the point of complete and utter extinction.
That wouldn’t happen until King Hezekiah came onto the scene a couple of centuries later.
He ordered 500 soldiers handpicked from the tribe of Simeon to march into Mount Seir (located in Edom territory) and it was at that point in history that the last and final remain remnant of the Amalekites was utterly destroyed.
Now why in the heck am I spending an inordinate amount of time talking about the Amalekites?
I’ll tell you why.
The Amalekites were certainly a real race of evil people and the stories about them depicted in Scripture are certainly true.
However, they also represent a certain type or pattern that is NOT restricted to the Biblical era.
Here’s the super important thing you’ve got to understand.
When we go back in history and take a good close look at the Amalekites, ultimately do you know what we’ll find?
We’re gonna find that Amalek represents the spirit of the Anti-Christ and the adversary himself known as Satan.
That’s right.
I’m saying Amalek represents the evil one who controls the whole gentile world and is the ultimate enemy of Israel and God.
If you really, really want to understand what the Lord’s attitude is towards Satan AND…
…what our attitude towards Satan and his minions should be, look no further than the stories of Amalek.
The Lord is in the process of totally eliminating Satan, his followers and everything the devil possesses.
And here’s the thing.
The Lord is going to destroy the evil one and his followers EXACTLY according to the pattern of His genocide upon the Amalekites as presented in Scripture.
I’m done.
GOD will destroy Satan… agreed! HE says : GOD always WINS, why don’t you people give IN and believe the GOOD plan GOD has for US… GOD is LOVE and GOD is MERCY…
And so it was and so it is and so it will be… Psalm 119:119 is clear – ALL the wicked of the earth shall be removed like dross – The LORD revealed this to me in 1999 because the Jewish New Year was on 9/11/1999. Hmmm… That did away with the rapture so many evangelicals want to believe. Who would HE take and who would HE leave behind… Answer: The WICKED will leave, therefore LORD I love your testimonies… PS: The rapture is a totally foreign concept to a Jewish person and Y’SHUAH happens to be a JEW. HE was, is and always will be a JEW. The other verse that HE revealed because of 9/11 was AMOS 9:11… HE will rebuild the fallen booth of DAVID… It was in September 1998 that I built my FIRST SUKKAH according to HIS request. This year will be the 22nd SUKKAH = Read Isaiah 22:22… Shalom on this Shabbat to all who believe HIS WORD. Amen.