Do you wanna know why soooooooo many mysteries of the Bible escape us?
It’s because we’re asking the wrong question.
And what’s the wrong question?
This is something we’ve touched on before but the wrong question to ask is…“WHY?”.
So why is it so wrong to ask “why”?
Because you’re thinking like a gentile (or a Greek) and that dog ain’t gonna hunt when it comes to understanding the Hebrew Scriptures.
Yesterday we discussed that from the time of Creation all the way up to the final words of the Book of Revelations, the Bible unfolds via the progression of patterns that once established NEVER change.
So whenever you ask questions like…
“Why does the Lord act a certain way in this situation?”
“Why do bad things happen to righteous people?”
“Why it’s against God’s Will to have sex outside of marriage?”…
…you’re never gonna find the answer man!
Because that ain’t how the Scripture works homey!
Instead of asking “why” all the time, what should we be asking?
We should be asking “which“.
In other words, which God-pattern is being demonstrated in this particular situation?
Or which God-pattern should I apply to a particular problem I’m struggling with in my life at the moment?
I think it’s really tragic there are precious few Bible scholars who really understand the progression of God-patterns embedded in the Holy Scriptures.
And the whole gentile Christian world is completely lost when it comes to this topic simply because they’ve pretty much taken the whole “Old” Testament and just tossed it in the garbage bin.
Let’s get something straight.
If you don’t understand Torah, the basis for God’s divine patterns will never take root and be established in your mind.
Your theology will always be based on shifting sand.
Here’s a nice little analogy to get my point across.
Have you ever put together a jigsaw puzzle?
Whether you have or haven’t, just bear with me for a minute here so I can make my point.
For this analogy’s sake, consider each piece of the jigsaw puzzle to be a nugget of truth presented to us in Scripture whether it be a Bible story, a prophecy, proverb, command, law and even Yeshua’s own parables.
So here’s my point.
Attempting to understand the Bible minus understanding the divine patterns established in Torah is like the jigsaw puzzle BEFORE you put it together.
In other words, it’s a complete mess of scattered pieces.
You have no idea of their orderly sequence or their organic relationship to each other until you put it together according to the already established picture (or pattern in this case).
See, what a Western Greek thinker attempts to do is understand each piece of the jigsaw puzzle on a stand alone basis and as I just said…that dog ain’t gonna hunt man!
So let me reiterate the point I mentioned yesterday.
Starting with the story of Creation, certain God-patterns were established that were carried forward and then manifested more clearly in the stories of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
These God-patterns were then extracted from the patriarchal narratives and clearly laid down by Moses at Sinai.
Later when Messiah came on the scene, they were brought to fruition at an even higher level via Yeshua’s teachings and parables.
Finally, these God-patterns will peak to darn near perfection when the Millennial Kingdom (aka the 1000-year reign of Messiah) comes to be.
Now…in spite of all this progression, I want you to get this one point embedded in the deepest recesses of your cranium for all time and forever:
The God-patterns established in the Torah remain the same.
Got it?
The only thing that has changed was how they were revealed and transformed over time but they were never changed and they sure as hell weren’t done away with.
I’m done.
“Do not think that I have come to
abolish the Law or the Prophets;
I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.
For truly I tell you,
until heaven and earth disappear,
not the smallest letter,
not the least stroke of a pen,
will by any means disappear
from the Law until everything is accomplished.
Therefore anyone who sets aside
one of the least of these commands and
teaches others accordingly
will be called least in the kingdom of heaven,
but whoever practices and teaches these commands
will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.”
-Matthew 5:17-19
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