Before we move any further through Deuteronomy 24, there’s an important idea I need to drive home and it just so happens this is the perfect timing to do it.
Because the next few laws we’re going to be studying are perfect demonstrations of the point I want to make.
Let’s get started.
First, never forget that once you are able to not only grasp but also INTERNALIZE the nature of the patterns embedded in Holy Scripture, this puts you in the powerful position to not only be able to understand God’s Word more fully but…
….also better able to discern the present times and prophecies that are unfolding right before our very eyes.
So here’s the big point I want to make.
The Mosaic Law is not only real and practical BUT…
…it also serves as a shadow of things to come.
Got it?
It exists on two different dimensions simultaneously.
Historically speaking, some of those shadows of “things to come” have actually already been realized with the first coming of Yeshua.
However, and this is where the Christians lose all sense of intellectual respectability, the laws and teachings given through Moses at Sinai were NOT just glib sayings or impossible ideals.
The idea that there was no serious expectation by HASHEM that Israel should obey these Laws is un-kosher hogwash beyond the par.
I know I’m getting ahead of myself here but check out this verse from Deuteronomy 30.
“However, all this will happen only if you
pay attention to what ADONAI your God says,
so that you obey his mitzvot and regulations
which are written in this book of the Torah,
if you turn to ADONAI your God with all
your heart and all your being.
For this mitzvah which I am giving you today
is not too hard for you,
it is not beyond your reach.”
-Deuteronomy 30:10
So let’s get this one thing straight for all time and forever…
…God 100% FULLY INTENDED THAT ALL THE COMMANDS of the Torah be followed to the letter.
The Lord didn’t hand down to Moses the 10 Suggestions and then expound on the ten suggestions with 603 guidelines.
Yet having said that…
…we’ve got to understand that while the laws and commandments of the Torah serve a practical purpose and are to be obeyed, they also demonstrate certain underlying principles and ideals that were brought to their next level of fruition by Messiah (not done away with).
Heck, no wonder Christians have struggled for ages (and still struggle) with the connection between the Law and Messiah.
That’s the point I wanted to make today.
God demonstrates who He is, His will for us, and what He will do in the future by embedding certain patterns and principles in the Scriptures.
However, sometimes these principles and/or patterns won’t be made clear until generations later.
We can see this process repeated from beginning to end in the Scriptures.
It’s not just restricted to the giving of the Law and the coming of Messiah.
For example…
…the principles embedded in the creation story were fleshed out in the inspiring stories of the patriarchs and then…
…the stories of the patriarchs were further fleshed out via the giving of the Law to Moses and then…
…the principles of the Mosaic Law were taken to yet another level with the coming of Messiah.
There wasn’t anything that was done away with.
Each level while existing as an independent entity was also built on the foundation that came before.
To say something was done away with would be like building a house and then saying “Alright, now that we’ve built the house, let’s do away with the foundation”.
If you did that, do you know what would happen?
The whole darn thing would come crashing down like a lego house built on shifting sand.
And here’s another thing to keep in mind.
The ultimate fulfillment of the Law didn’t actually end with Messiah.
That’s right.
The principles of Torah demonstrated in Yeshua’s life and expounded upon in his parables will become even more refined and expanded on in the Millennial Kingdom.
When that happens, it ain’t just gonna be Israel.
It’s gonna be the whole world folks.
My brother I really concur with this great eye opening teaching. It is a nail on the head, only if our worldly unTorah lectured Christian brothers would humble themselves and study for the truth.
Hi Dr. Tony, I’m glad you found this edifying. Please share and be blessed. Shalom!