“But you are not to detest an Edomi, because he is your brother; and you are not to detest an Egyptian, because you lived as a foreigner in his land. The third generation of children born to them may enter the assembly of Adonai.”-Deuteronomy 23:8-9
As surprising as this may seem to some of you, the Lord has reserved a special place in His heart for Egypt.
At the final judgment, it appears that Egypt will fare somewhat better than the other gentile nations surrounding Israel and be given certain rewards.
Because Israel dwelled in Egypt as a foreigner.
As I mentioned yesterday, the Lord is very accurate in His judgments concerning how He hands out and holds back blessings.
It seems like God is taking into account BOTH the great honor and respect Egypt accorded to Israel when it first arrived in the form of Joseph who eventually arose to become Vizier of Egypt versus…
…the latter half of Israel’s stay when they were made slaves and forced to do hard labor for 400 years until the Lord rescued them through Moses.
There’s also a very practical reason behind why the Lord has reserved a special place in His heart towards Egypt.
When Israel fled Egypt during the exodus, thousands of Egyptians were so impressed with the might and power of the Hebrew God that they decided to flee with them.
However, the question is…
…what was to be their status?
Well, we’re told that right here in Deuteronomy 23.
The “third generation” born to them will be allowed to into the assembly of Israel as full citizens.
Most likely what happened is that the descendants of those Egyptians who left with Israel during the exodus who had children and passed away, these folks probably became citizens instantly once Israel took over the Promised Land.
The LORD prophesies against Egypt in Isaiah 19. Egypt will experience a number of hardships — “the river will dry up” and the LORD will “strike Egypt with a plague” but then “heal them” (Isaiah 19:5,22). “Five cities in Egypt will speak the language of Canaan” (presumably Hebrew), bow down to the LORD, and “worship with sacrifices and grain offerings.” The highway between Egypt and Assyria is such that “Assyrians will to go to Egypt and the Egyptians to Assyria. The Egyptians and Assyrians will worship together” (Isaiah 19:23). The LORD’s favor will be so great that he will bless them: “Blessed be Egypt my people, Assyria my handiwork, and Israel my inheritance” (Isaiah 19:25).
Perhaps this is what you are referencing.
Awesome. Thanks for sharing.