I want to share a few more summarizing thoughts about unauthorized or illicit mixtures before we jump into our text study of Deuteronomy Chapter 23.
First, understand that when we’re talking about unauthorized mixtures or unions, we’re not talking about the mixing of something “bad” with something “good”.
When God prohibited wearing garments woven out of both wool and linen, it’s not because linen was inherently “evil” and wool was inherently “good” for instance.
Wool is NOT an inferior type of thread compared to linen and vice versa.
The same goes for seeds and animals as well.
And when it comes to human sexuality, the same idea also applies.
A male is NOT inherently superior to a female and vice versa.
Again, the issue is the PROPER use of God’s creation (including our own bodies) according to their intent and purpose as the Lord has ordained.
Remember, the Lord created and carefully designed the universe and everything in it.
If that’s the case, wouldn’t it be safe to assume He understands very well how everything fits together perfectly in His universe and that it’s not our job or right to challenge His commands?
Wouldn’t it be best to humbly accept and obey the plan and patterns as He has established and explained them to us in Scripture?
Also, I feel compelled to remind you that although the commands concerning forbidden mixtures were to be followed literally, we are also at the same time supposed to meditate upon the spiritual principles behind the physical commands.
The Lord doesn’t just want blind and mechanical obedience from us.
Remember, God’s commands are the physical expressions of His Glory and His Truth as established in the heavens.
From the Heavenly to the earthly…,
…from the spiritual to the physical…,
…from the unseen dimensions to the seeable four dimensions that make up our universe…,
…ALL of Lord’s creation has been created according to a precise divine order with everything working together in perfect harmony.
Therefore, it is rebellion beyond the par to…
…take something meant for one purpose in God’s creation and use it for another…
…take two things that should stay separate from each other and fuse them together in defiance of what God has commanded otherwise.
Again, that is the very essence of what adultery is from a true Scriptural perspective.
Biblically speaking, adultery has a much broader and deeper meaning than the overly simplistic “sleeping-with-another-man’s-wife” definition we have assigned to it.
Alrighty, now that I’ve gotten that off of my chest, the next time we meet, we’ll begin the text study of Deuteronomy Chapter 23.
The first part of this chapter deals with a particular category of unauthorized unions that could best be described as “forbidden relationships”.
Stay frosty until next time!
This is really enlightening, Im looking forward to the expositions of these unauthorized unions. Thank you for what you do sir.
Hi Martins, Glad you enjoyed this post. For the expositions of these unauthorized unions, please check out all the articles I wrote for Deuteronomy Chapter 22.