We’re going to be closing out Deuteronomy Chapter 22 today.
However, before we do I have a couple of things I want to point out before we move on to the next chapter.
FIRST, we learned from the passages at hand that it is a man’s duty to protect the women living under his roof whether they be his wife (or wives) and his daughters.
This ain’t some macho ideal that says men are better than woman.
This is a man’s role and responsibility as ordained by God!
If you’re a married man who has been blessed with daughters, understand that the Lord has put these women under your authority and YOU are responsible for the their welfare.
This also includes making sure they are properly educated in proper sexual conduct as taught in the Word.
Sex education should not be left up to the school system which only promotes a progressive and/or secular humanist viewpoint.
SECOND, I think it’s important to recognize that all sin or unlawful sexual behavior takes place in our minds.
We THINK first and then act, NOT the other way around.
Whether a girl living under the authority of her father or a girl committed to another man decides to prostitute herself…
…whether a man decides to commit an act of rape against someone…
…whether two consenting adults decide to come together in an unlawful sexual union (as defined by Torah),…
…REMEMBER it all begins in the mind.
Yeshua was right.
Even looking at a married woman with the intention of committing adultery with her is already adultery in the sense that the man in question has already taken the first step towards committing the illicit act by forming the a clear vision in his mind of what he intends to do.
THIRD, all of the examples of unauthorized mixtures such as two different animals being yoked together, two different seeds being planted together, and even the commandment of not wearing garments woven with mixed threads point to the 7th Word of God which clearly states…
Because in its purest sense, adultery is nothing less and nothing more than an unauthorized or illicit mixture or union.
And there is no unauthorized union that is more serious than two human beings coming together in a sexual union that is NOT approved by the Creator.
When you do so, you’re asking for big trouble, both spiritually and in terms of the earthly consequences.
Heck, committing adultery and homosexuality will get you the death penalty for crying out loud!
When you’re feeling the urge to commit an illicit sexual act, go get a burrito or something to direct your mind elsewhere.
Remember what Rabbi Shaul said about the physical body of a believer.
He said we are to consider it as a fleshly tabernacle containing the very Holy Spirit of God and treat it accordingly.
To violate our own fleshly temples is to trample on God’s HOLY property and we all know what the Scripture says the consequences are for doing that.
Alrighty, this finishes up Deuteronomy Chapter 22 (man that was a slog!)
However, we still have a long way to go with Moses sermon on the mount concerning the dicey topics of human sexual relations and unauthorized mixtures.
See you all next time.
Exxelent thank you
Thanks for the positive thumbs up Anna. Be blessed and SHALOM!