“But if the charge is substantiated that evidence for the girl’s virginity could not be found; then they are to lead the girl to the door of her father’s house, and the men of her town will stone her to death, because she has committed in Israel the disgraceful act of being a prostitute while still in her father’s house. In this way you will put an end to such wickedness among you.”-Deuteronomy 22:20-21
Following on the heels of my last post, we are dealing with the topic whereby a husband accuses his wife of not being a virgin after their first sexual union together on their wedding night.
We learned that if the husband’s accusations are found to be untrue, his punishment is that he will be publicly humiliated by being whipped, he has to pay a hefty fine to the father who he disgraced and will never be allowed to divorce his new bride no matter what she does afterwards.
However, what if the husband’s allegations are true and it is found that the girl had been cavorting with other men BEFORE she married?
In that case, the bride is to be taken to the doorstep of her father’s house and be stoned to death by the community (not by her parents).
I betcha a lot of your thinking…‘boy this is really severe!’
True but recall in the previous chapter we were shown what was done to a rebellious son who refused to submit to his parent’s supervision and was a glutton and a drunkard.
That rebellious son was also stoned to death.
We see that Scripture tells us the main way a daughter is rebellious is by defying her father’s supervision by having sex with men minus being engaged to them AND…
…the primary way a son is rebellious is by becoming a hog wild glutton and drunkard.
Scripture informs us that God’s justice for both of them applies equally.
They will both be given the death penalty.
And why?
The Scripture tells us because…
…“it shall purge the wickedness from Israel”.
Next, notice how the verse says the girl “has committed in Israel the disgraceful act of being a prostitute“.
In Hebrew, the word used for the “act of being a prostitute” is ZANAH.
This word literally means to behave or act as a prostitute.
Western Bible translators will usually designate this as an act of “fornication”.
They are wrong.
The Biblical reason why “prostitution” is wrong is because it represents an illicit physical or sexual union.
Again, we’re talking about unauthorized or forbidden mixtures here AND…
…understand that in the truest Biblical sense all forbidden unions are essentially ADULTERY.
This is really the truest sense of the so-called 7th Commandment (really the “7th Word (DABAR)”).
Here’s another point you’ve really got to understand.
The only reason the young woman in question is subject to stoning is because she is committing illicit acts while under the ownership of another party.
In other words, her actions are negatively affecting those who are providing for her care and well-being and Biblically that’s a big no-no.
When a woman is living with her parents, she is under the ownership of her father AND…
…when married, she is under the ownership of her husband.
This is the REAL REASON why she will be subject to the death penalty.
However, if she leaves the authority of her parents and does not get married and then as a single young woman has sex with another man, would she be subject to stoning?
Technically, I don’t think she would be.
I’m going to end it here.
I sincerely appreciate your article as I have so many questions about things in the Bible that seem to be kinder to men than women. I know that God is a good and righteous God to be but these discrepancies torment and sadden me terribly. For example:
Why wasn’t King David stoned to death for having sex with Bathsheba? Why can a man rape a woman and not be put to death?
If the marriage is so holy why did God let men have multiple wives, especially considering the outrageous number of concubines and wives of King David and King Solomon?
Why are temple prostitutes stoned to death and not their customers?
I struggle with these questions and I desperately want to understand so they will quit hindering my relationship with my Lord God.
Thank you,