Let me start off today by asking you a question.
In my last post, when I was discussing the proper context within which Yeshua said “Love your enemies”, did you notice he was referring to “your” enemies and NOT God’s enemies?
That’s an important point a lot of people overlook.
There’s a HUGE difference between “your” enemies and God’s enemies.
Yeshua urged us to love our enemies.
But he NEVER EVER told us to love God’s enemies.
If you make the fatal decision to side with those whom God has marked for destruction, you can say goodbye to your life and soul forever.
A true believer is NEVER to accept that which God has made it clear He has rejected.
Think about it man.
How in the world can you love what God says He hates and call that unity or living in peace with God?
Let me take this a step further.
Even if you personally don’t have anything against those people or things that God has clearly declared are His enemies, you are still NOT to accept them.
Got it?
We are commanded to reject what God has rejected.
And this may very well include things or family members that are very dear to us.
Let me add a little more nuance here however.
I would NOT necessarily consider the following to be good examples of who God’s enemies are:
-Someone who goes to a different congregation than you.
-A professing believer who adheres to a different set of theological doctrines.
-Someone you know who leads an “immoral” lifestyle. Remember an unbeliever has not entered into a covenant with the living God, so he or she is not obligated to obey anything that was ONLY given to Israel and those grafted into the commonwealth of Israel.
-A family member who denies the existence of God.
When we talk about God’s enemies within the context of Holy War, we’re talking about those people who are in absolute and total rebellion against God to the extent that they will risk their own lives to murder God’s Chosen people.
I would say Hitler and his Nazi regime are prime examples of those who chose to stand with the Evil One.
I would also say those terrorists who have their own children strap bombs to themselves and then send them into a crowd to kill innocent Jews is a good example of God’s enemies.
This is difficult to explain with complete accuracy but any person who has crossed the line of rebellion against the Lord…
…to the point where they will never be eligible for redemption (a decision only the Lord can make)…
…is I think a good working definition of a person whom God has marked for destruction.
But again, understand I’m not God and thus can’t be dogmatic about this.
For instance, I just said that a family member who denies the existence of God probably shouldn’t be considered an enemy of the Lord.
But if you have a family member who participates in God-forbidden activities such as dabbling in the occult, attempting to contact spirits from the world of the dead (like my mom did with her Tarot card nonsense) and actively seeks or does things to destroy your faith, they may be dangerously close to becoming an enemy of God.
Either way, I think it’s safe to say that a family member who does such things is most definitely YOUR enemy (if you’re a believer that is).
And while you are commanded to love your enemies, sometimes the best or only way to “love” your enemies is to separate yourself from them.
These are not easy matters to decide as it may be difficult to discern things from an earthly perspective.
I always try to err on the side of mercy and love rather than hate BUT…
…feel that depending on the situation, a healthy God-motivated “hate” may sometimes be necessary.
I have a feeling some of you may have balked at that last statement.
That’s probably because you’re operating under the modern definition of the word “hate” which means to harbor a violently emotional dislike towards something or someone bordering on the homicidal.
That is NOT the Biblical definition of “hate”.
The Biblical understanding of hate is to thoroughly reject that which God has made clear He has rejected.
On the other hand, the Biblical understanding of love is to thoroughly accept that which God has accepted.
Understand I’m not saying emotions don’t play a part in all of this.
God has also created us as emotional beings.
I’m just saying that our modern day understanding of the words “hate” and “love” seem to only be about emotions.
That is NOT the Biblical understanding of those words.
One who is “hated” by God is a person whom God has rejected.
And one who is “loved” by God is a person whom God has accepted.
That is the sense of “love” and “hate” presented to us in the Holy Scriptures.
If ever the guidance of the Torah is needed in our lives, it is precisely in these areas.
“Don’t suppose that I have come
to bring peace to the Land.
It is not peace I have come to bring,
but a sword!
For I have come to set…
a man against his father,
a daughter against her mother,
a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law,
so that a man’s enemies will be the members
of his own household.
Whoever loves his father or mother more
than he loves me is not worthy of me;
anyone who loves his son or daughter
more than he loves me is not worthy of me.”
-Matthew 10:34-37
“Large crowds were traveling with Yeshua,
and turning to them he said:
“If anyone comes to me and
does not hate father and mother,
wife and children, brothers and sisters
—yes, even their own life—
such a person cannot be my disciple.”
-Luke 14:25-26
Can’t put it better. It reminds me of Balaam who tried to curse the Blessed and Dina- Jacob’s daughter who went to ‘sleep with the enemy’ 😉
I’m glad you enjoyed this one too. Shalom.
Bingo, both Calvin and Spurgeon agree with this. You are correct in point out the difference. Most of God’s enemies do not know us personally. And our own personal enemies may not hate God at all. This interpretation removes the so called contradiction in Scripture, it is consistent. Today’s Christianity, may better be called Churchianity and is soft of sin. Most of Churchianity is full of fake Christians and polytheists.
You’re comment is dead on point. 100% agree. Be blessed and SHALOM!
Thanks you for this, I was just looking up terms to get the naming sequence correct for our Passover (well, almost) dinner on Sunday because everyone else uses the pagan term. LOVE your viewpoint. My aunt is Jewish, I am goy, but I won’t touch swine, she thinks Yeshua’s blood somehow changed the metabolism if that entire group of animals (or cleaned their “sin” as I put it) and so it is rather strange admixture. The church forgot it was grafted on to Judaism. Favorite line: “I work for a Jewish Carpenter.” (Sidebar: How many animals on the ark? 2 unclean, 7 clean, opps, this was understood even before God stated it to Moses, etc..) My Uncle has the audacity to say Messiah would have eaten swine (breaking his own law???) after the resurrection. This made me sick. (BTW, the date was, on our chalender, 4/3/33 we know from secular comments on the darkness correlated with the only double Sabbath. That forgetfulness added to the National German Socialists slaughter of Jews in WWII. Yes, they were killing everyone else also… Love the point of loving my enemies, not God’s. Told errant daughter that I have always tried to be God’s friend (Yeshua: conditional statement: If you love me, then keep my commandments.”) She is acting like God’s enemy (literally sleeping with the enemy, numerous ones. Serious heartbreak, likely broken heart syndrome will take me out. My heart actually aches now.) To good friends I tell them they will have to explain to God, not me, how they justified eating what he told them not to touch. Note also that the eating of the swine comes through the same lines as “easter.” It is staggering that we still celebrate the Ressurection of the Messiah by eating what he told us not to touch. I just shake me head (even though I was raised doing so in Presbyterian and Baptist churches). How is it we can claim “Jesus is Lord” but disobey what he tells us??? Obedience is the meaning of the term “Lord” applied personally. It means, the one you serve and obey. Keep up the good work. I have 7 people to explain this to again on Sunday…:)
Thanks for sharing Ron. I think prayer and living your life as an example would slowly but surely turn those folks who believe incorrectly that the Law is dead and gone. Be blessed and Shalom!
I’m not convinced that we are in a position to decide who are ‘God’s enemies’. As you say, only God can decide who has crossed the line to the point where they cannot be redeemed (if indeed anyone is irredeemable – after all, Paul started off as a persecutor of the Christians). So who are we to judge which people are people God wants us to hate?
I’d really like to hear a reply to this last question. I’ve been contemplating this entire issue for some time.