We’ve just begun a study of Holy War from a true Biblical perspective and I’m pretty confident that for most of you, the material you’re about to read in this post and those to follow is probably stuff you’ve never been exposed to ever in your whole life.
So let’s get started.
Here’s the first thing you need to know.
Jam-packed throughout the entire Tanach and even in the Brit Hadashah (New Testament), we’ll find a ton of warfare metaphors and illustrations.
For instance, the following sayings of the Apostle Paul have become immortalized in the hearts of gentile believers all over the world.
“put on the whole armor of God”…..
“wear the helmet of Salvation”…….
“wield the sword of the Spirit”
“be fellow soldiers with Messiah our warrior leader
in a battle against evil forces”
This brings us to an ugly truth that many pastors and Bible teachers who only want to preach maple syrupy and warm fuzzy sermons that only focus on the love of God have to come to terms with.
Warfare is going to be the way the Creator of the Universe is going to bring ALL OF MANKIND under submission to Him.
And Israel is going to be His chosen instrument to achieve this.
In fact, take a look at the political situation between Israel and the gentile nations today and you can see that God is slowly but surely rearranging the chess pieces so to speak so that in the very last times it is going to be Israel against the whole world.
The whole world is going to gang up against Israel and try to destroy the chosen nation and the chosen people.
Israel has nothing to worry about however, because one plus God is always a majority.
The world will lose…GUARANTEED.
And by the way, that’s the reason the Jewish Messiah urged his followers to NOT be of this world or even touch the things of this world.
Because it’s slated for destruction dude.
Just as God brought Egypt to its very knees during the Exodus, He is going to be doing the very same thing to all the nations of the world.
The exact same pattern is going to be implemented but on just a much larger scale.
If you’re a gentile, I pray that you’ll be part of the “mixed multitude” that is grafted into Israel (if you don’t understand what I just said, you’re already lost. Go back and start studying the Torah from Genesis Chapter One).
Now what I’ve just explained may be the most un-politically correct thing I’ve ever said in my whole life but it’s true.
However, understand that when I say “warfare”, I’m talking only about HOLY warfare that has been authorized by God to deal with evil.
Here’s a statement that’s going to surprise you.
You read that right.
It takes wisdom to discern which wars depicted in Scripture were truly God-ordained and which ones were only about men’s agendas and actually came about because of their deliberate disobedience in following God’s laws and commands.
Do you wanna know why King David was denied the privilege of building the Temple?
The Scriptures clearly state it’s because his hands were “stained with blood”.
But God said to me,
‘You may not build a house for my name,
for you are a man of war and have shed blood.’
-1 Chronicles 28:3
Now a lot of folks misunderstand this.
They think the reason David was denied the privilege of building the Temple was because he had shed blood, period.
Here’s what you’ve got to understand.
There’s a difference between the righteous shedding of blood and the unrighteous shedding of blood.
That’s right man.
There is such a thing as God-ordained shedding of blood versus the shedding of blood that is NOT God-ordained.
In fact, we’re studying about the righteous shedding of blood right now by diving into that portion of Scripture dealing with God-approved Holy War protocol.
Those pastors and Bible teachers who can’t properly distinguish one from the other become dangerously unbalanced either preaching only love and ridiculous New Agey warm fuzzy sermons or go to the opposite extreme and only preach hell, damnation and the death of the wicked.
So understand that not all of King David’s wars were HOLY Wars.
Even when he adhered to Holy War protocol to some degree, he didn’t always do things within the strict boundaries of the Holy War protocol we’re about to study.
As a result of his many decisions that were carnal and self-serving in nature, King David bore what Scripture calls “blood guilt” and thus was denied the privilege of building the Temple.
A Holy Warrior who does things according to God’s Torah neither deviating to the left or right will not end up having to live with blood guilt of his head.
The coming Messiah will be one such person.
The Messiah is the one who will be leading the charge of the Battle at Armageddon, the war to end all wars.
Isn’t that ironic as all hell?
It will take a war that will literally kill millions of people who are judged to be God’s enemies led by the Messiah also known as the Prince of Peace that will finally propel us into the Messianic Kingdom which will be a 1000-year reign of peace.
Only a mind properly filled with the wisdom of God can grasp this paradox.
Awesome truth! All in scripture♥️
Glad you enjoyed this one too Bernice. Stay tuned for much more! Shalom.