In my last post I introduced the Law of Herem which is a principle 99% of all Bible teachers, preachers and pastors anywhere in the world know absolutely nothing about.
Or if they do know about it (highly doubtful though), I can certainly guarantee they ain’t preaching or teaching about it in their congregations.
To quickly recap, the Law of Herem states that since the Lord is the Commander-in-Chief of a Holy War, all the spoils are to be set apart or made HOLY unto Him which means no human is allowed to handle or touch them AND…
…since the Lord is NOT a man, He really has no use for the spoils of war either.
Hence, everything, man, women, children, livestock is to be completely destroyed.
No exceptions.
The option to just simply drive those people and things earmarked for destruction outside of the land does NOT exist.
Because they are under the ban, which is what HEREM in Hebrew means.
Remember, what has been made HOLY unto God is forbidden to come into contact with COMMON man.
It must be destroyed, no exceptions.
Any young religiously schooled Jewish Shabbat student would understand this basic Torah principle which is explained in Leviticus.
Now way back in the days of dinosaurs when I attended a couple of Christian churches, I couldn’t even begin to count the number of people I met who told me they would rather not discuss the “Old” Testament especially as it pertained to the Holy War to take the Promised Land.
Simply because all of the blood spilling, killing and just utter ruthlessness ascribed to the God of Israel made them downright uncomfortable.
The only aspect of the Lord they wanted to be exposed to was His mercy and love.
And because the pastor didn’t have the guts to offend anyone, he only focused on the love of God to the exclusion of everything else.
Not only is that way of thinking dangerous, it also borders on idolatry.
Because you’re shaping God into your own image when it should be the other way around.
Remember, God has multiple aspects to His nature of which love is only one.
When we pick and choose which aspects of God we will or will not accept based on our sensitivities we are redefining the Almighty and sovereign God.
If you deny the Lord’s vengeance and wrath, you are denying not only a key aspect but a very NECESSARY part of His character.
Think about it man.
How can there be justice in the world if there are no rules and no consequences for breaking those rules?
We need the Lord’s avenging justice in order to have peace in this world.
Here’s another thing I think a lot of folks are overlooking.
In what may very well be the very near future, mankind will soon be plunged into the most horrible war it has ever experienced to date.
I’m talking about the War of Armageddon.
In this war, an uncrossable line will be drawn in the sand between two entities.
Israel (including those grafted in) and everyone else.
All who call on the Name of and claim the true God of Israel shall be saved.
Everyone else will be destroyed per this very Holy War protocol we’re studying right here in Deuteronomy.
That’s right folks.
The war to end all wars, the Battle of Armageddon will be a Holy War led by HASHEM Himself and will operate precisely according to the Holy War protocol as outlined in Chapters 20 and 21 of Deuteronomy.
And just as the Lord identified the Canaanites as His mortal enemies, in this final battle, the Lord will mark the unrepenting GOYIM (gentiles) as His enemies
Once the Holy War begins, the opportunity to repent will have been lost.
The God pattern that is established here in Torah will repeat itself.
Just as the Law of Herem is going to be carried out by Israel in Canaan, so too will it be carried out by God’s army of saints and angels led by the Messiah.
In the Holy War to take the land of Canaan, all the spoils of war, man, woman, children, livestock, everything went to God
Likewise, all the spoils of war during the Battle of Armageddon will also go to the Lord.
And what did I say happens to the spoils of war that have been set apart or made HOLY unto God?
That’s right.
Complete destruction.
God ordered the Law of Herem to be implemented on 7 Canaanite nations.
In the Battle of Armageddon, it will be implemented on the whole unbelieving and unrepentant world.
Good teaching . Important for gentiles to know.
Glad you found this edifying Earle. Be blessed and Shalom!
Very educative.
If only human race will come to the knowledge of the maker of heavens and earth, things will be different.
Amen to that!
Tom Bradford,, is one teacher who does teach the Law of Herem, as he teaches Torah verse by verse, as well as NT books.
Glad I found Messianic Revolution!
Hi Sharon, I actually first heard about the Law of Herem from Tom Bradford. I have been faithfully following Tom Bradford’s teachings for many, many years and to be completely honest with you, a lot of what I lot learned from him have served as the outline for many, many of the articles on this post. His Torah Class site as well as the truly awesome Torah commentary by Robert Adler serve as the foundation for a lot of the content of this site. Of course, I don’t agree with everything that Bradford or Adler teaches. I find Tom Bradford to be a bit too Christian for my tastes (for example, believing that Yeshua is literally God) and Robert Adler to be a bit too secular for my tastes. But some of the content they both provide is sometimes just amazing! Anyway, I just want to give credit where credit is due. Be blessed and SHALOM!