There is another important difference between the first Passover observance that took place in Egypt and the ones that occurred afterwards.
I’m talking about the element of agriculture that was later added.
The theme of the very first Passover was all about Israel’s exodus from Egypt, BUT…
…once Israel settled in the Promised Land, things done changed.
Pay attention to the information I’m going to share today because when we begin discussing Shavuot, these details will come in handy.
The first thing you need to know is that the agricultural element was added to Passover via the Feast of Firstfruits which takes place two days after Pesach on Aviv 16th.
The typical teaching you’ll receive on Firstfruits is…
…that the first fruits of the Barley harvest was brought in…
…and then afterwards…
…several weeks later…
…yet another harvest that took place…
…but instead of it being barley, it was wheat.
However, technically speaking, that’s not really correct.
Here’s the thing and pay close attention because your Biblical knowledge is about to surpass 99% of the population of any churchgoer practically anywhere in the world.
Firstfruits was NOT an indication of the beginning of the Barley harvest.
Yes, you read that right.
Heck, let me say it again.
The Firstfruits celebration did NOT symbolize the beginning of the Barley harvest.
The truth is the exact day that the actual harvest took place changed every year.
Any farmer anywhere in the world knows it’s impossible to set a precise day of harvest by the calendar.
That dog just ain’t gonna hunt man.
Every year you have to be patient and wait until you notice that the grain (or fruit) had reached its optimum point of ripening which as I just said CHANGES from year to year.
Hence, the conclusion of the matter is that the observance of Firstfruits was more of a preharvest festival than anything.
It was a day celebrated to look forward to the soon-coming Barley harvest (which is the first type of grain to ripen in the fields).
It was NOT…
…and I repeat…
…it was NOT…
…a time when the harvest was happening real time.
When you read the writings of the Rabbis on this matter, they also explain Firstfruits by saying that it is an observance whose purpose is to humbly beseech the Lord to give them an abundant harvest.
How the ritual worked is that the priest during the Tabernacle ceremony would wave a not-yet-ripened sheaf of Barley in the presence of God.
Again, the meaning of this was NOT to celebrate a harvest that had already begun but …
…as a humble gesture asking God to bring them a good harvest…
…because at that point in time, they still didn’t yet know what the result of the harvest would be.
I’m done.
Your on the right track, that it is about sancitfication thru dedication, but you need to look closer at scripture.
When did you write this? I am seeking also, what I have found is we are not heliocentric, it is a sun-worship scheme… look at and the tycho brahe model… earth centered as the Creator set up…
his calendar is a calendar of counts…. so from what i am reading, the firstfruits was of wheat, not barley, it even says wheat in other scriptures…. and the Creator did not set up that Feast the same time as Passover… man out of convenience changed it… logically, how could Israel make a grain offering and harvest while fleeing during the Passover? So why, during the remembrance of the Passover and Feast of Unlevened Bread, would the Creator incorporate a harvest celebration?? No! The Creator specificially divided the 2, the Passover to be remembered from that time forth, and the FirstFruits offering to be when they entered the land… TWO different times!