Alright folks, up until now we’ve been studying the timing of the springtime feast days in quite extensive detail.
Because all of that knowledge is about come in super handy as we begin a mini-study of one of the most important events in the history of mankind.
Of course, I’m talking about the timing of Yeshua’s last supper, arrest, crucifixion, burial and resurrection.
We’re also going to discover how the traditional Christian understanding of the timing of these events are based on a foundation of shifty sand as opposed to the solid rock of God’s Torah.
So let’s get started.
First, when we read the Gospels, we are told that Yeshua was killed, put inside the rocky tomb and then was resurrected during the springtime feast days.
Second, we are told that he died on PESACH (Passover Day) and then arose on the 1st day (Sunday) of the week.
Third, as we have already studied, we know for a fact that there had to be at least one Sabbath day (the regular 7th day weekly sabbath) that occurred in between those times.
Now Christian tradition informs us that Yeshua died on a Friday, the 6th day of the week.
In other words, they’re saying that the Passover in the year Yeshua died was on a Friday.
That’s why they call the day Yeshua was nailed to the cross “Good Friday”.
Well, we run into a humongous problem here right out of the gate.
Do you recall what Yeshua likened his resurrection to?
He said…
“Jonah was three days and three nights
in the stomach of a big fish.
The Son of Man will be three days and
three nights in the grave also.”
-Matthew 12:40
Can you see where the problem is?
If Yeshua was crucified on Friday afternoon, put into the grave before Friday night and arose at sunrise on Sunday morning as the Christians say, how many nights is that?
It’s only two nights, isn’t it?
Hence, it contradicts Yeshua’s words that he would be in the tomb for a total of three nights.
No matter how you slice it, there’s no way you can cram 3 nights into the Christian understanding of how the events unfolded.
And believe me, there have been a ton of shall we say quite imaginative theories put forth to try and make it fit but none of them really work.
We’ll continue this discussion the next time we meet.
How do I read the rest of this?
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