Before we move on to Deuteronomy Chapter 13, there’s one important thought I want to share with you.
I don’t think it would be inaccurate to label the Christian church a “lawless” institution.
Think about it.
We’re talking about an organization that preaches and teaches that the Law of Moses has been done away with and has reduced everything God would expect of us to the one word of “love”.
What has been the result of this?
Well, just take a look at the church today.
It’s a total mess!
We’ve got denominations who endorse homosexuality, gay marriage and abortion…
…while at the same time attempting to ban the execution of murderers, forgive sex crimes committed upon innocent young children…
…and declare that any god one worships in any other religion is all really just the same one true God of the Bible.
Why has Christianity fallen so far away from the truth of God’s Word?
The answer is simple.
Because they have thrown away the foundation of God’s Word (the Torah) and instead replaced it with what they call the “law of love”…
…which they say pretty much invalidates all of God’s other commands that came before.
The skewed logic that emerges from this is just friggin’ unbelievable!
They’ll tell us that it’s not right to be against homosexuality or same-sex marriage because it’s not loving and since God is a God of love, He would never be against two men getting it on with each other.
Or we’re told we can’t execute a murderer because that’s not a “loving” thing to do.
They reason that no loving god would ever take a human life as retribution.
Are you kidding me?
Have you ever heard the story of Noah’s ark or Sodom and Gomorrah?
God literally destroyed whole human populations at once.
Another major unbiblical idea being promoted in the church is that it’s wrong to stand with Israel against the Palestinians.
Because again it’s just not “loving”.
Christianity has committed the very sin the Israelites were warned not to commit here in Deuteronomy 12,
The have mixed the ways of the world with God’s ways in the hopes of attaining peace with the surrounding culture.
Church doctrine is simply an aberrational stew of Greek philosophy and intellectualism with a bit of New Testament theology thrown in along with various cultural traditions.
Unfortunately, to speak out against established church doctrine (like the trinity for instance) will in many cases put us at odds with our friends, family members and places of worship.
You will be labelled a heretic, a bigoted and intolerant fundamentalist or as being part of a dangerous cult that has brainwashed you.
Well, go ahead and call me a heretic or a bigoted intolerant fundamentalist if you want but the words of Scripture here in God’s Torah are as clear as a bright sunny day.
God says to Israel…
If you obey all of My instructions, regardless of the social consequences, you will be greatly blessed.
But if you let the world influence you to the point where you pervert the true worship of me just so you can have a form of peace that allows you to fit in with your neighbors, then expect the curses of the law to overtake you in due time.
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