Today I’m going to expose a common mistake many gentile church pastors make when discussing Israel’s conquest of the Land of Canaan.
Actually, it’s not just a mistake a lot of Christian pastors make.
News commentators, journalists and Muslim spokesmen make this mistake as well.
Let’s get right into it.
Have you ever heard this argument?
“The JIHAD or Holy War of the Muslims against the world is the exact same thing as God commanding Israel to take over the land of Canaan”.
Okay, let’s put this ridiculous claim to rest so you don’t have to waste your time getting sucked into a debate or a “defense” that promotes this position.
The first thing you should know is that there’s a HUGE DIFFERENCE between Islamic Jihad and Israel’s conquest of the land of Canaan.
The mission of Islamic Jihad is to convert the whole world to Islam using any means necessary including violence.
Remember 9/11.
The men who flew the airplanes into the twin towers of the world trade center were in their minds taking righteous action against what they perceived to be a nation of infidels (who they label “The Great Satan”) who refused to submit to Islam.
Islam’s ultimate aim is to establish what they would call “a worldwide Caliphate” which is simply another term for a one-world Islamic theocracy.
According to the commands from the Koran, those who refuse to convert to Islam are to be killed.
Interestingly though, the Koran does seem to give some leniency to the Jews and Christians.
Their lives will be spared if they will fully comply with the laws of the Islamic regime they are living under.
Now let’s compare what I just said about Islam to what the Torah says about Israel’s conquest of the Promised Land.
Israel’s Holy War to take the land of Canaan had NOTHING to do with converting the pagan inhabitants of Canaan to faith in the one true God of Israel.
Israel’s conquest of Canaan was a WAR OVER LAND…
…and not just any old piece of land…
…but a very specifically called-out piece of real estate…
…whose boundaries are defined in very specific terms in the Torah.
Recall from our past studies how Israel carefully avoided any violent conflict wth the Edomites and Moabites.
Moses was always very polite and diplomatic when asking for permission for Israel to pass through their territory.
Because Israel recognized that those gentiles rightfully owned that land they were currently inhabiting.
That’s right.
Here’s another God-principle you can add to the other principles and patterns we’ve learned so far.
God has also ordained certain territory for non-Hebrews (gentiles) to live in.
And not only has God ordained certain lands and areas for the gentiles to live in, but He will enforce their right to keep it.
For instance, the land of Japan where I’m living now rightfully belongs to the Japanese and I believe HASHEM will protect their right to keep this land until He decides otherwise.
Remember the God of Israel is not just the God of Israel.
He is the God of all races and nations, even if those races and nations don’t know it yet.
The Scriptures make it clear that the Lord has predetermined who shall live where, when and under what conditions and circumstances.
And the whole world including the UN has got to understand that the supreme Creator of the Universe has set aside the Land of Canaan for His Chosen People Israel.
Comparing Islamic Jihad to what Israel is doing here is really like comparing apples and oranges…and even that is bringing the comparison too close for comfort.
There was never any command to convert the Canaanites or kill them off if they didn’t convert.
Rather, Israel was instructed to drive the Canaanites out of the God-defined boundaries of what was then on record as being the Land of Canaan.
Those who left the land peacefully had their lives spared.
However, those who decided to stay and fight to the death were obviously and of their own choice subject to being killed.
Good piece.
But I also believe in the fact that when Hashem called Abraham to start a new nation, that Covenant was guided by a relationship between God and man /Religion.
Therefore in addition to acquiring the land of Canan, there is an element underpinning the recourse to a specific way of relating to Hashem prescribed to those who settle on the land.
You made mention of those who were spared if they exited voluntarily. It is also worth noting that those who also decided to stay or show allegiance to them and serve Hashem were also spared..
Therefore, although I did not intend to compare the Islamic jihad with the Jewish occupation of the promised land, one thing is certain that it was God the creator of the Heaven and Earth that LED the occupation of Canan for a purpose according to His supreme WILL.
Good point Abraham. True. Those who decided to join Israel and accept Hashem as their God were also spared. Thanks for sharing.
Hello Richoka, please l am blessed and honoured.
You are doing a wonderful job.
May Hashem reward you many fold.
Hi Richoka, l am personally fascinated with the way you are using Internet technology to teach and spread the Word of God.
I have been following your teachings.Your style is critical with clarity. I stand to agree with you mostly, even when you sound controversial. That is the whole idea about learning,if the audience are compelled to search for the Truth.
Now, l wish to further comment on an interesting aspect on your post no. D1-3.
Permit me to quote you saying
“Interestingly though, the Koran does seem to give some leniency to the Jews and Christians”
I found that to be related to excerpts from the Quran in Sura 48. Al-Fath,ayah 29. The point l make is this; granted that Mohammed was not a scholar. He did not study and or copy portions of the Holy Scriptures (The Holy Bible) that was and is the living Word of God in existence almost 600years before his days. Then he is simply fulfilling scriptures by recognising the Jews and Christians.
On the contrary, l wander if this is properly understood, taught and practiced. The holy scriptures may be misinterpreted, however, cannot be broken. We are told in the gospel of John4:22,that salvation starts from the Jews and to the rest of the world. Therefore, it is Highly IMPOSSIBLE for any other to put aside what is of credible report and practice what is contrary without grievous outcomes.
Beginning with Genesis 1:1-3 Hashem introduced himself as the giver of light to the world. John 1:5, 8:12 etc Jesus is the true Light of life given to all creation. The light of Christ is life eternal. It does not contend with anything else.The only thing that cannot stand light is darkness.Science with all eloquence cannot disproof or reverse the phenomenon.
Interestingly, also l found out that Mohammed confirmed that Jesus Christ is the Light of the world. Qur’an (Sura 5,ayah 46) and those who follow him are the ones that fear God. Therefore we continue to follow light, not just light of the sun, moon and stars, but LIGHT ETERNAL- YASHUA AMASHIA
So where do start, and who do we follow? Even when the Pharisees requested John the Baptist to introduce himself he said ‘ he was not the light but witness of the light. That was the true light which light every man that come into the world (In 1:8,9,34 KJV)
The records are very clear from both ends. Unless we are into some kind of dirty politics, which must be properly addressed
Many thanks