Today we begin Deuteronomy Chapter One.
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“These are the words Moshe spoke to all Isra’el on the far side of the Yarden River, in the desert, in the ‘Aravah, across from Suf, between Pa’ran and Tofel, Lavan, Hatzerot and Di-Zahav.”-Deuteronomy 1:1
As we begin Chapter One of Deuteronomy, here’s the image of the situation I want you to visualize in your mind.
Picture Moses standing on top of a high hill in Moab only a short distance away from the West Bank of the Jordan River.
Understand that chapter one of Deuteronomy is a continuation of Israel’s journey in Moab.
Moses is overlooking not only the people of Israel but also able to gaze across the vast expanse of the Promised Land, the very land God promised to Abraham and his ancestors about six centuries ago.
He is about to speak to the leaders and elders who after receiving Moses’ message will in turn share it with the rest of the people of Israel.
Moses is going to give three long sermons in total.
He will be going over the major events of Israel’s past history ever since they left Egypt and will also be expounding on the Laws and Commands of God.
What’s going to be quite fascinating is reading Moses’ take on certain famous (and notorious) events that occurred during Israel’s 40-year trek in the Wilderness.
The way Moses will present these events is going to be quite different than how we first read about them in the other books of the Torah.
Because they’re going to be presented in the light of hindsight and from his perspective.
Well, this is it folks!!!!
Israel’s days of wandering in the desert wilderness are about to come to an end.
Finally, they are going to inherit the land set aside for them many centuries earlier.
However, there is one caveat to them being able to successfully fulfill this promise.
They are going to have to take the land by force.
All of the kings and kingdoms currently occupying Canaanite territory aren’t simply going to stand up and with smiles on their faces and hand over the land to Israel just because Israel showed up on their doorstep claiming “God gave us this land“.
Heck no.
Things aren’t going to be that simple.
Joshua will have to lead a 600,000 man army into Canaan and take the land by force.
There’s a huge lesson here for us.
In order to fulfill God’s plan for our lives, we too will have to go into battle.
We will have to fight to occupy the territory and fulfill the promises HASHEM has for our lives.
Walking in faith is not sitting on your sofa all day long eating potato chips and watching reruns of whatever ridiculous TV program you like to watch.
You are called to pick up your sword and FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT!!!
“I have fought the good fight,
I have finished the race,
I have kept the faith.”
-2 Timothy 4:7
“Do not suppose that I have come
to bring peace to the earth.
I did not come to bring peace,
but a sword.“
-Matthew 10:34
do you know that when you use the term West Bank you are implying it belongs to the people to the east of it? the people who live in the communities where they are re settling hate that term. I only learned this a few years ago.
Hi Lisa, I didn’t know that! Very interesting. Thanks for sharing. Be blessed!