Yesterday I introduced the teaching that Moses’ speech (actually three long speeches) in Deuteronomy to the people of Israel was really his version of Yeshua’s famous Sermon on the Mount.
I hope that thought achieved the necessary impact I had intended because if you can really grasp this parallel, you’re ready to study the final and fifth book of the Torah.
Understand that this is also further evidence that the Bible is circular in nature, as opposed to linear.
In other words, starting with the very first chapter of Genesis, God establishes certain patterns that continue to repeat over and over again throughout all of Scripture.
The patterns start off on the physical level as mere dust and clay…
…and then slowly but surely they progress onwards and upwards towards a higher spiritual plane…
…until finally at the culmination of the end times, they peak and reach their pristine spiritual perfection.
This was HASHEM’s original plan in the beginning for all creation.
However, we’ve still got a ways to go.
God’s plan is still a work in progress and unfortunately there is a huge gap between heaven and earth at the moment.
This should be obvious.
Just look around you.
We still suffer sickness, divorce, sexual deviancy and immorality, and wars.
However, HASHEM assures us a time is coming when the gap currently separating Heaven and earth will no longer be.
The day is coming when Heaven and earth will merge into one.
Here’s another way to look at the God patterns established in Scripture.
Think of them as being like gravity.
When we properly cooperate with gravity, we can do great things like fly airplanes and enjoy sports.
In fact, if you think about it, all sports are based on the proper cooperation with gravity.
However, let me ask you this.
What happens when you do NOT properly cooperate with gravity?
I’ll tell you what happens in ONE WORD.
The same principle applies to God’s Torah.
When we cooperate with and obey the Lord’s instructions, we don’t just obtain life or simply a means to survive at a bare sustenance level, no, we obtain a JOYFUL AND FULFILLED life!
I’m talking about TRUE joy and TRUE fulfillment…the kind that fills up those inward parts located deep down inside those hard to get at parts of your very soul.
God’s joy is something that tastes as delicious as a cinnamon roll but is as nutritious as a big bowl of salad filled with a wide variety of vegetables.
When you thoroughly absorb and internalize the principles and patterns in the Torah…
…you will never worry about ANYTHING…
…no matter your life circumstances.
And you will never suffer from crushing depression.
Your thoughts and your life will be changed FOREVER.
Yesterday you learned that Deuteronomy is Moses’ version of Yeshua’s Sermon on the Mount.
Well, in closing, let me share one other thought with you.
The New Covenant or New Testament is NOT about a new set of principles or patterns that have replaced the “old” testament.
Again, this is an incorrect understanding that Roman-based Christianity and the gentile church fathers have foisted upon the masses.
The Messiah does NOT have the authority to “do away” with God’s Law.
And most definitely, no prophet, apostle or disciple of HASHEM has the authority to do away with God’s Law.
In fact, not only does the Messiah not have the authority to do away with God’s Torah, HE DOESN’T HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO ADD TO GOD’S TORAH EITHER.
Anyone who would propose to do away with, replace or add to Scripture (and when I say Scripture, I mean the TANACH), is a FALSE MESSIAH OR PROPHET, period!
The Book of Deuteronomy is going to make this point very, very, very crystal clear.
Thoroughly embed this thought into the deepest recesses of your cranium so that you will never ever forget it.
All of the so called “New Testament” concepts of love, grace, peace, mercy and redemption have their origins right here in Torah…
…and a good portion of these ideals are found in the Book of Deuteronomy.
Yeshua is God There is ONE God
God the Father
God the Son
God the Holy Spirit
and the three are ONE
Besides God there is no other God..God is the Holy One of Israel,He is Savior, Lord and King ( Isaiah 43)
Please see Article 3 of our Faith Statement (which I have copied below).
This site does NOT accept the Trinity.
3. Foremost and greatest among the commandments according to R’ Yeshua is the Shema:
‘HaShem is our G-d, HaShem is one; and you will love HaShem your G-d…’
(Mark 12:29-30, Mattityahu 22:36-38).
As Shaul a.k.a. Paulos (Paul) says, for us, there is one G-d,
the Father (1 Corinthians 8:6), Whom R’ Yeshua loves (Yokhannan 14:31);
his Father and our Father, his G-d and our G-d (Yokhannan 20:17),
the only true G-d (Yokhannan 17:3).
‘Blessed be the G-d and Father of our lord Yeshua the Messiah’
(1 Kefa / Peter 1:3, Ephesians 1:3, Colossians 1:3, 2 Corinthians 1:3).
As the Torah says, HaShem is the Most High G-d / the Highest Power
(Bereishit / Genesis 14:22), the G-d of gods / powers (Devarim / Deuteronomy 10:17),
whereas R’ Yeshua has a G-d (Mattityahu 27:46, Hitgallut 1:1, 1:5, 3:12, et al.),
being the beginning of G-d’s creation (Hitgallut / Revelation 3:14),
the Firstborn Son of G-d (Yokhannan 3:16, Colossians 1:15, Tehillim 89:26-27).
We therefore renounce the senseless idolatry foisted on the nations by Rome
in the form of the trinity, which twists the title ‘Son of G-d’ into
‘G-d the Son’—which never once appears in the writings of R’ Yeshua’s
first disciples and emissaries—and mindlessly says the Spirit of Truth,
who does not speak on his own authority (Yokhannan 16:13) is also the
Most High G-d, HaShem.
As Shaul says, HaShem ‘who alone has immortality, who dwells in
unapproachable light, whom no one has ever seen or can see.’…
…’Claiming to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the
glory of the immortal G-d into a likeness of an image of mortal man…’
(Romans 1:22-23a).
No man of the dust has ever seen nor can see the face of G-d
(Shemot 33:18-23, Yokhannan 1:18, 1 Timotheos 6:16).
You may also find the following quote from a noted scholar to be
quite enlightening.
That Yeshua (Jesus) never regarded himself as G-d is most obvious
from his reply when hailed as “good master”: “Why do you call me
good? There is none good but one, G-d” (Mk.10:18; Lk.18:19).
When the disciples would know the exact time of the coming of
the Kingdom of Heaven, he tells them: ‘That day and that hour
no man knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the son (Messiah),
but the Father (G-d) only’ (Mt.24:36). Yeshu is thus not omniscient:
he and the Father are not equal in knowledge. When we remember that,
in the Garden of Gethsemane, he begs the Father to let the cup pass
from him; and that, during the crucifixion, he cries out, ‘My G-d,
my G-d, why has You forsaken me!’ – it is prefectly manifest that
in no sense did he look upon himself as G-d. Like every Pharisaic
Jew he believed in the absolute unity of G-d, and he turned to G-d
in time of trouble. [Joseph Klausner, “Jesus of Nazareth”, pg.377]
May HASHEM (the Father who Yeshua instructed us to direct our prayers
to) lead us into all truth.
In the “I AM’s” (a hint at Who Christ is perhaps?) in the book of John, Jesus calls himself the GOOD Shepherd. Interesting. Also interesting and only a few examples that I will site, would be this mysterious “ Angel of the Lord” that appears in the OT. In Judges 13, this angel is worshipped by Manoah and his wife (they fell on their faces to the ground) and Manoah states that they have “just seen God, and surely they shall die” —No man has ever seen God the Father. Could this be the God the Son walking among the Israelites in the Old Testament?
This angel also announced his Name to be Wonderful in the same chapter of Judges; the same description given to our Savior in Isaiah 9.
In Joshua 5:13-15 this mysterious “angel of the Lord” appears to Joshua and says of Himself “I AM the commander of the army of heaven. Now I have come. Then he tells Joshua “Take your sandals from off your feet, for the place where you are standing is holy.” Joshua interacted with this angel, spoke to Him face to face. This “angel” says the same thing to Joshua that God the Father spoke to Moses. -Also, interesting because in Revalation 19, Jesus is called “The Word of God” and is commanding the armies of heaven.
John 1:1-14 tells us that “In the beginning, The Word was with was with God and the Word was God and in vs 14 it says “The Word BECAME flesh and dwelt among us.” Sounds to me like King Yeshua has accompanied God the Father long before the time of His earthly birth.
His virgin birth was unique because He came from the Father, not earthly man- Christ was not from the seed of Adam-a created being, He was from God, He is Spirit, He is and was perfect and without sin, just like His Father.
Angels know better than to receive worship from man. (Except of course for Lucifer and the fallen angels) Christ was worshipped by his own mother in the womb.
In response your above text, I believe when He stated “Why do you call me good?” I believe it was because yeshua knew the man knew Who He was- The Son of God. There is far more said of the Oneness of Father Son and Spirit than you are seeing.
No other “prophet” is lifted to the High place given our Savior. Moses will not lead the armies of heaven, Elijah has not been called Faithful, Righteous and True, as our Savior has been- nor will any other prophet rule and judge as Christ will. From His mouth comes a sharp sword to stroke down the nations. No other sits at the right hand of God and of no other did God command to humans “This is my beloved Son. Listen to Him!”
The Jews whole reason for killing Jesus was because He constantly spoke as though He was equal to God. He is light and in Him there is no darkness. You can say that of no other man. I feel like you have diminished the power and authority of the One Who sacrificed His life to pay for your sin.
Just a reminder, if you fail at one letter of the law you have transgressed them all…
John 14:6-7 I am the way (not your works) and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also. From now on you do know Him and have seen Him.” Interesting statement made by our Savior.