Alrighty, today we finish up the book of Judges!!! So if you stuck with me from the beginning, GOOD JOB! You’ve packed on some serious “Biblical muscle” to your body of knowledge that far, far surpasses most anyone preaching from the pulpit today. In fact, if you’ve been with me from Genesis Chapter 1, you […]
JU21-5: No Hebrew Person Alive Today Has ‘Pure Blood’
I need to point out something important. We’ve just got done reading about how Israel took 400 virgin girls from Gilead to supply wives to the tribe of Benjamin to prevent them from going extinct. Now here’s the thing. From this point onward, all children born to the tribe of Benjamin will be mixed. The […]
JU21-4: Why The Jewish People Make The BEST Lawyers In The World
“They ordered the men of Binyamin, ‘Go, hide in the vineyards, and keep watch. If the girls of Shiloh come out to do their dances, then come out of the vineyards, and each of you catch for himself a wife from the Shiloh girls, and go on to the land of Binyamin.’”-Judges 21:20-21 Following the […]
JU21-3: A Verse That Pretty Much Every English Bible Translation In Existence Gets WRONG!
“‘Completely destroy every man and every woman who has had sex with a man.’ Among the inhabitants of Yavesh-Gil‘ad they found 400 young virgins who had not known a man by lying with him, and they brought them to the camp at Shiloh, which is in the land of Kena‘an.”-Judges 21:11-12 I wanna show you something […]
JU21-2: The Consequences Of Sin Will Compound If Not Nipped In The Bud Early
Verse 7 of Judges Chapter 21 well sums up Israel’s current problem. “How are we going to obtain wives for those who remain alive, since we’ve sworn by ADONAI that we won’t let our daughters marry them?” The victorious 11 tribes of Israel realized the end of the tribe of Benjamin was a very real […]