Today we begin Genesis Chapter 42. For the Complete Jewish Bible, click here. For the King James version, click here. So just as God predicted, the famine struck. We learn from this chapter that it wasn’t just Egypt but the whole Middle East was affected. Joseph, being number two next to Pharaoh, was now one […]
41-7: Ten ways Joseph’s life foreshadows Yeshua in Genesis 41
Today we’re going to continue to show how Joseph foreshadows the life of Yeshua. My studies uncovered ten patterns as follows: PATTERN ONE: Joseph was clothed in the right garments and brought to Pharaoh. In like manner, Yeshua clothes us in His righteousness when we’re brought to him. PATTERN TWO: -Joseph points to God as the only one […]
41-6: Why did God allow Joseph to marry an Egyptian-a daughter from the line of Ham?
“Pharaoh called Joseph by the name Tzafnat-Pa‘neach and gave him as his wife Asenath the daughter of Poti-Fera priest of On.“-Genesis 41:45 I want to point out something obvious about Joseph’s wife Asenath I think many of us have a tendency to skip over without giving it much thought. Joseph’s wife is considered to be […]
41-5: How the names of Joseph’s Egyptian children are connected to our walk with God
In our day and age, a person’s name is just a simple form of identification. However, in the ancient Middle East, a name was much, much more. In those days, a name reflected one’s personality and character and even one’s status in society. When Joseph was elevated from the status of prisoner to 2nd […]
41-4: Just as Joseph prepared for the 7-year famine, so must we prepare for the 7-year tribulation
God has shown Pharaoh what he is about to do. Here it is: there will be seven years of abundance throughout the whole land of Egypt; but afterwards, there will come seven years of famine; and Egypt will forget all the abundance. -Genesis 41:28-30 God is merciful in that he provides sufficient warning to His […]