Today, we begin 2nd Samuel Chapter 9. To read the Complete Jewish Bible, click HERE. To read the King James version, click HERE. “David inquired, ‘Is there anyone still alive from the family of Sha’ul, to whom, for Y’honatan’s sake, I can show kindness?’”-2 Samuel 9:1 As we dive into 2nd Samuel chapter 9, remember […]
2S8-14: When the Mighty Fall – Lessons from Scripture’s Greatest Heroes
Before we dive into chapter 9, I want to share a profound insight I’ve observed in most Biblical heroes in Scripture. I’ve seen this peculiarity in Moses and Abraham… I’ve also seen it in David and his son Solomon. What am I talking about exactly? It’s the fact that even the most famous and celebrated […]
2S8-13: Following Feelings Instead of Scripture? BAD IDEA!
“B’nayahu the son of Y’hoyada was in charge of the K’reti and P’leti [serving as the king’s bodyguards], and David’s sons were cohanim.“-2 Samuel 8:18 In the closing verse of 2nd Samuel Chapter 8, we’re given an interesting piece of information. We’re told that David’s sons were cohanim or “priests.” Say what?! Some Rabbis try […]
2S8-12: Why Did King David Hire Gentiles As His Bodyguards?
“B’nayahu the son of Y’hoyada was in charge of the K’reti and P’leti [serving as the king’s bodyguards], and David’s sons were cohanim.”-2 Samuel 8:18 The last verse of 2nd Samuel Chapter 8 is mysterious. We’re told a dude named B’nayahu was placed in authority over the Kreti and P’leti. The Complete Jewish Bible goes out […]
2S8-11: Why Did David Break The Torah By Having Two High Priests?
“Tzadok the son of Achituv and Achimelekh the son of Evyatar were cohanim, S’rayah was secretary,”-2 Samuel 8:17 Alrighty, so in verse 17, we encounter something interesting that’ll fly over the heads of 99% of pastors, preachers, and Bible teachers on the planet. We’re told that a man named Tzadok became the High Priest right […]
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