“David said to the young man who had told him, ‘Where are you from?’ He answered, ‘I’m the son of a [resident] foreigner, an ‘Amaleki.” David asked him, ‘How is it that you weren’t afraid to raise your hand to destroy Adonai’s anointed?’ David called one of his young men and said, ‘Go over to […]
2S1-3: The Danger Of Twisting The Truth For Personal Gain
“On the third day, there came a man from Sha’ul’s camp with his clothes torn and earth on his head. He approached David, fell to the ground, and prostrated himself. David said to him, ‘Where are you coming from?’ ‘I escaped from the camp of Israel,’ he replied. ‘Tell me, please, how did things go?’ […]
2S1-2: How David Teaches Us To Endure When All Seems Lost
Let’s examine David’s situation as it stands at the moment. On the third day, he and his men returned to their destroyed village, Ziklag. They were joyful because they had rescued their wives, children, and the elderly who had been kidnapped by the Amalekites. They had also succeeded in getting back everything that was stolen, […]
2S1-1: The Divine Cycle – Death as the Pathway to Renewal
Today we begin 2nd Samuel Chapter One. For the Complete Jewish Bible, click HERE. For the King James version, click HERE. “Sha’ul had died, and David had been two days in Ziklag after returning from the slaughter of the ‘Amaleki.”-2 Samuel 1:1 Verse 1 starts with, “After the death of Saul.” Scripture often marks the […]
2S-INTRO-11: David’s Life Wasn’t In His Control — Neither Is Yours
David’s rise to power occurred in three stages. The first stage was when he worked in Saul’s court as the king’s musician, loyal armor-bearer, and a close friend to Saul’s son, Jonathan. The second stage was when David became Saul’s hunted enemy. With Jonathan’s help, David escaped, formed a group of 600 soldiers, and spent […]