In our continuing saga of King David, Mephibosheth, and the gentile servant Tziva… Let’s take a quick look at an excerpt from 2nd Samuel Chapter 16. Here’s some context. The situation is that David’s son Avshalom has rebelled against David and tried to take over the throne of Israel. I’m talking about a coup here, […]
2S9-13: The Gentile Church’s BIG Mistake – Thinking It Owned Israel’s Promise
Alrighty, without any further ado… Let’s jump right into the meat of our discussion today. Recall we were talking about the embedded prophecy contained in the story of King David, the crippled Mephibosheth, and his gentile caretaker Tziva. At the closing of the post, this is what I established: FIRST, David represents Messiah Yeshua. SECOND, […]
2S9-12: How This Hidden Prophecy Shows The Christian Church Has NOT Replaced Israel
Are you familiar with the four levels of Jewish Biblical exegesis? They are: Peshat (פְּשָׁט) – The simple, literal meaning. Remez (רֶמֶז) – The hinted or allegorical meaning. Derash (דְּרַשׁ) – The deeper, homiletical meaning derived through comparison and interpretation. Sod (סוֹד) – The mystical or hidden meaning. Let’s talk about the Sod level of […]
2S9-11: Grafted In, NOT Taking Over – When Gentile Believers Forget Their Place
“Tziva said to the king, ‘Your servant will do everything my lord the king commands his servant, although M’fivoshet has been eating at my table as one of the king’s descendants.‘”-2 Samuel 9:11 Back in the day, I used to attend a Christian church here in Tokyo. After the worship service, we’d break up into […]
2S9-10: Why Believers Are Protected, Provided For, And Positioned for Life!
“David said to him, “Don’t be afraid, for I am determined to be kind to you for the sake of Y’honatan your father. I will restore to you all the land of Sha’ul your [grand]father, and you will always eat at my table.”-2 Samuel 9:7 There’s something else I need to make clear here. When […]
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