Today, I wanna explore an interesting question. How is the story of David taking the Shewbread from the High Priest at Nob connected to Yeshua and his followers picking and eating grain from a field on the Shabbat? Let’s take a look at this incident as told in the Book of Matthew. “At that time […]
1S21-12: Christianity’s BIG Mistake – Not Embracing The Entirety Of God’s Word
Let’s get our bearings on where we’re at. So David has just approached Ahimelech at Nob to get some food and a weapon. However, the only food available was the special holy bread meant for the priests. Yet Ahimelech decided to give David some of this bread anyway. Now, what’s interesting is this event became […]
1S21-11: Israel’s Fallen State During Saul’s Reign – Part Five
Today we’re gonna wrap up our little study of Israel’s fallen state during Saul’s reign. So let’s get on with the fifth and final point. It is this. The God of Israel had forever abandoned King Saul. Another more interesting way to put it is to say… The God of Israel had abandoned the King […]
1S21-10: Israel’s Fallen State During Saul’s Reign – Part Four
We now arrive at our fourth point as we continue our review of the political and religious climate of Israel during Saul’s reign. Do you recall where the original Wilderness Tabernacle was first placed after Israel entered the Promised Land under Joshua’s leadership? It was Shiloh. Shiloh served not only as a religious center but […]
1S21-9: Israel’s Fallen State During Saul’s Reign – Part Three
So the next point I wanna discuss concerning Israel’s fallen state during Saul’s reign is how just how fractured the Levitical Priesthood had become. For starters, there were TWO High Priests in existence. Now if there were two high priests in existence… That meant there were at least two sets of common priests in existence… […]