Hebrew is constructed using a system of “root” words. The Hebrew language takes a word, gives it a meaning, and then there are offshoots of that word that gives us different words for different uses (more similar to Chinese or Japanese in this sense I would say). However, the different words coming from the […]
1-10: Was the first human a he, she, or both?
When reading Scripture, we’re all guilty of superimposing our own ideas, insecurities and bias into the text. This is called “eisegesis” in convoluted seminary talk. For example, in the Genesis account, most people assume the first human created was a male. However, the Scripture isn’t so crystal clear on this point. Let’s take a good look […]
1-9: Man’s attempts to do away with a 7-day week have all failed
Have you ever wondered about the universal significance attached to the number 7? If you think about it, this number is not “natural” in any physical way. It would be more natural to use the number 10 (the number of a human being’s fingers). Or the number 12 (the number of months in the year). […]
1-8: There is NO astronomical basis for a 7-day week
Whether we would like to admit it or not, in terms of having a global impact, no other book even comes close to the Bible. Volumes have been written on the influence the Bible has had on the world. And when I say the world, I mean the whole world, NOT just Western civilization. […]
1-7: In the Scriptures, physical objects reflect spiritual truths
I’m sure everybody here can relate to the power of a brand-name or symbol. For example, what does the following symbol mean to you? Depending on who you are, the Statue of Liberty could be a powerful symbol representing hope and freedom. Or, if you are an Islamic extremist, it could represent the […]