The Bible absolutely justifies the death penalty. This principle is set down in Chapter 9 of Genesis. “Whoever sheds human blood, by a human being will his own blood be shed; for God made human beings in his image.” -Genesis 9:6 In this verse, the reason why is also given. It’s because man was created in […]
E20-27: The 6th WORD-‘Thou shall not kill’
“Do not murder.” -Exodus 20:13 Although this 6th Word of God is usually rendered “Thou shall not kill“, “murder” is definitely the more appropriate word which should be used. The Hebrew word here is the verb RATSAH and it clearly means “to murder”. This is specifically a ban on criminal acts of taking a life. It refers ONLY to unjust killing whether […]
E20-26: How the Biblical definition of ‘FAMILY’ differs from the world’s and why it’s important
In the very beginning, man was originally created a family, and was given the Dominion Mandate to populate the earth as a family. It was Adam who was charged with the task to take dominion as the head of the family. However, Adam was NOT to be an independent agent working separate from his wife […]
E20-25: When should you NOT honor your father or mother?
I have visited and been a member of quite a few Asian churches in my time. And one thing I’ve noticed is the reverence and respect the children are expected or maybe I should say pressured to have for their parents. This can be both good and bad. Good because the Bible commands us to […]
E20-24: The dual meaning of ‘so that you may live long in the LAND’
“Honor your father and mother, so that you may live long in the land which Adonai your God is giving you.”-Exodus 20:12 One of the main points I’ve been trying to get across is that although God gave the principles contained in the Covenant of Moses to Israel, these foundational teachings are NOT just for native-born Hebrews. […]
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