The way the Levites were presented in relation to the 12 tribes of Israel surrounding the tabernacle presents us with a powerful spiritual picture. Remember I mentioned that the Levites surrounded the tabernacle like a protective moat around a castle. The 12 tribes were stationed further away from God’s dwelling place. What we have here […]
E25-3: The way Israel was placed around the Tabernacle reflected a pecking order of the tribes
The order of the tribes’ placement around the Tabernacle was NOT a random matter. The way they were organized reflects a kind of pecking order that kept inner rivalry between the tribes to a minimum. Here’s a quick easy-to-understand breakdown of how and why the tribes were situated as they were around the tabernacle. EAST […]
E25-2: Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit?
“They are to make me a sanctuary, so that I may live among them.” -Exodus 25:8 The primary purpose of the tabernacle was to establish a clean and holy place where the Lord could dwell among His people. And the primary feature of the tabernacle is that it was placed right smack dab in the center […]
E25-1: The Jewish authors of the NT assumed their readers ALREADY understood the Torah
Today we begin Exodus Chapter 25. For the Complete Jewish Bible, click here. For the King James version, click here. Let’s recall where we’re at in the Book of Exodus based on the following six divisions of this book. -The Deliverance Narrative -The Wilderness Experience -Covenant & Law -The Priesthood and Wilderness Tabernacle -The Golden Calf Rebellion […]
E24-5: Moses receives the 10 Words written on stone tablets by God’s own finger
Adonai said to Moshe, “Come up to me on the mountain, and stay there. I will give you the stone tablets with the Torah and the commandments I have written on them, so that you can teach them.”-Exodus 24:12 In verse 12, the Lord calls Moses back up to the mountain to receive something special. He is going to receive […]
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