“When Aharon and his sons have finished covering the holy furnishings and all the holy utensils, when the camp is about to move forward, then the descendants of K’hat are to come and carry them. But they are not to touch the holy things, so that they won’t die. These things are the responsibility of […]
N4-2: Due to changing circumstances and no Temple, NOBODY can follow Torah perfectly
“Here is how the descendants of Kohat are to serve in the tent of meeting and deal with the especially holy things: when the time comes to break camp, Aharon is to go in with his sons, take down the curtain which serves as a screen, and cover the ark of the testimony with it.”-Numbers 4:4-5 […]
N4-1: If you don’t understand ‘TRIBALISM’, you’re NOT going to understand the Bible, period!!!
Today we begin Numbers Chapter Four. For the Complete Jewish Bible, click here. For the King James version, click here. The main theme of Numbers chapter 4 is all about what is usually called the 2nd Levite census. The biggest difference between this census and the earlier one is the age range of the Levite […]
N3-14: A look at Yeshua’s firstborn redemption in the Gospel of Luke from a Torah perspective
We’ve covered a lot of territory so far in Numbers chapter 3. We’ve learned that every firstborn male Israelite baby by default belongs to the Lord and is His Holy property unless that baby is redeemed. We also learned that it was the tradition in the ancient Middle East for the firstborn son to serve […]
N3-13: Why wasn’t John the Baptist redeemed even though he was the firstborn?
Over the last couple of posts we’ve explored quite an interesting scenario. We studied how the Levites outright replaced all of the first born non-Levite Israelite males for the priesthood of Israel. Now one fascinating question that needs to be asked at this juncture is what happened to the status of all future Israelite firstborns […]
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