Today I want to show you some surefire NT evidence that Paul kept the Law even AFTER his encounter with the risen Yeshua. Let’s take a look at some Biblical passages from the Book of Acts. “On hearing it, they praised God; but they also said to him, “You see, brother, how many tens of […]
N6-2: There Is No Commandment That Establishes The Office Of Nazarite For Life
We are now dealing with the fascinating topic of the office of the Nazarite or NAZIR in Hebrew. I left off by saying that what the office of NAZIR was, its customs and how it operated evolved over the centuries. In scholarly circles, you’ll be told there are two kinds of Nazarites. You’ll be told […]
N6-1: Was Yeshua A Nazarite?
Today we begin Numbers Chapter 6. For the Complete Jewish Bible, click here. For the King James version, click here. Broadly speaking, Numbers Chapter 6 can be nicely divided up into two parts. The first part (the first 21 verses) introduce the office of the Nazarite. The second part (the last 5 verses) gives us […]
N5-15: Adultery only has meaning if a husband remains faithful to his wife
A lot of people take issue every time I say that adultery is based only on the marital status of the woman. Yet it is true. A married man sleeping with an unmarried woman is NOT adultery per Torah definition. And there are plenty of scholarly resources that support what I am saying is true, […]
N5-14: How Tradition Altered The Torah-Ordained Consequences For Adultery
There are a couple of ways tradition had veered away from the Torah and altered the consequences for committing adultery by Yeshua’s time. The first major difference is that only women needed to fear the accusation of adultery. This was wrong. Let’s revisit Leviticus 20:10 “If a man commits adultery with another man’s wife, that […]
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