This is a good time to introduce an important principle you should understand when studying your Bible.
I am referring to the Principle of Reoccurring Patterns.
In other words, an event that occurs in the earlier pages of the Bible establishes itself as a pattern that will repeat itself again and again throughout the Scriptures.
Let me give you some examples of how this works between the first pre-flood man Adam and the first post-flood man Noah.
-As Adam was given authority over all creation in the Garden, Noah was given authority over the new world.
-As Adam was instructed to “be fruitful and multiply”, so was Noah.
-Adam was the world’s first farmer as he was responsible for caring for the Garden. Noah also was the new world’s first farmer as the first thing he did was plant a vineyard.
-Adam’s downfall came about as a result of partaking of the fruit of the garden he tilled. Likewise, Noah’s downfall came about as a result of partaking of the fruit (the wine) of the vineyard he tilled.
– Adam had his nakedness shamefully revealed as a result of his transgression. The same thing happened to Noah.
– As a result of Adam’s sin, mankind was placed under a curse for all generations. Likewise, as a result of Noah’s sin, Noah’s grandson Canaan had a curse placed on him and his descendants for all generations.
-Out of Adam’s three sons first mentioned in the Scriptures, Seth and his progeny would be considered the Godly line. Similarly, out of Noah’s three sons, Shem and his progeny would be considered the Godly line. The messiah Himself would be born from Shem’s line.
Isn’t this amazing?
There are many more patterns and we will see them repeat constantly throughout Scripture.
I will be pointing them out as we move along.
Contrary to the teachings of evolution, history is cyclical, NOT linear.
Thank you for including us in this site and forum! I got back into Genesis pretty deep a few weeks ago again, as our family unit and now some extended ones started waking up to Torah importance. My shepherd Husband and I felt major conviction to delve back into the dietary habits and how it was ordained at creation versus Noah’s time before and after flood. Wowsers! Beaitiful revelations and connections of dots compiled over the years finally dissolving more of the spiritual cataracts! Also, the Ham/Cainan thing and the sons of Noah along with where they traversed to and why has been good discussion. How glorious to find your posts and share in the joy of the Word rightly divided with the key points and themes so appropriately stated concisely! Amen!
Upon fasting from internet and social nedia for nearly 2 months, I was missing Google occasionally and hearing other insights on my topics of study modern-day Twistianity, oops Christianity, friends think Im nuts for merely contemplating! We have came out of Babylon and our modern-day Exodus started taking form from what was seeming prettt stalemate after grueling labors and persecution in Flint, Michigan. The poisoning of the people, oppression, and negativity was eating at us.
Then we started home church Torah study with a few loved ones, blasting our Shofar, and actually honoring the Feasts. Then the scales started falling off quickly and, needless to say, walked by faith to drop our nets and sell our home to go care for an elderly aunt way out in the boonies.. Dream come true! Been healing her, feeding her portions of daily manna and she is overcoming dementia and LDS philosophy quickly!
So upon repentance, diligence, obedience and sacrifice, we have inherited co-partnership with almost 20 acres to homestead that she farmed for decades!! Praise Yah! To be blessed for making the specific changes the Father spoke to my Husband, 4-yr-old Elijah and me, i quit my job for governtment health sorcery and cancer institute slave to go to the sick widow and do things Gods way!!!
Long testimony but finally ready to share in the joy of honoring and learning what truly brings about cursings and blessings, as spelled out so clearly (as mud sometimes!) in our divinely inspired, hand-crafted instruction manual!
Found your site and really agreed, actully threw my hands up laughing and praising for leading us to you all. Too peculiar to see through the lenses it appears your studies have led you to and through, and grateful for all the nuggets, gems and treasures you have taken time to organize and share with us all.
This post nailed all of what Ive been compiling info on the last while here down to the tiniest detail! However, the Principles and insight on how to approach these biblical, purposeful, methodical styles helps one like me new to actually Doing Torah, keep record of these major situations and retain to regurgitate to others. Keep up the great service and I pray blessings, peace, and endurance to your team as we join forces and walk through this earthly generation as a virtual spiritual church Body of likeminded warriors. Thanks again! Toni Preston and Family
Hi Toni! Wow! Thank you for this awesome testimony! Yes! May the Father continue to bring us into His Truth. Many blessings and Shalom!
The 8 family members of Noah are not the only people who survived the Great Flood. Noah’s flood was regional and not global. It took place from 2345 BC to 2344 BC. Babylonian, Egyptian, and Chinese history runs right through this time period with out a break. In the original Hebrew, the word for “that land” was mis-translated as the “whole world”. Many people have left Christianity over this mis-teaching by Christian institutions.
I would say there are a lot better reasons to leave lawless Christianity than this one.