Have you ever felt down in the dumps because the predominant gene pool of you and your family stem from the line of Ham?
Maybe you feel inferior to other races or people groups.
Or when something bad happens to you, maybe you feel like it’s because you’re cursed or something.
Well, none of that is true.
Read this and feel better.
First, given all of the race mixing (I myself am half-Japanese and half-French) and intermarriage that has occurred over the centuries, the simple truth of the matter is that if it were possible to conduct a DNA test that would be able to tell us down to the very molecule what races of blood are flowing through our veins back to biblical times, I think the results would show that all of us are most likely a mixture of all of Noah’s three sons.
Second, 10 of the tribes of Israel were actually dispersed throughout all the Gentile nations.
So regardless of what color your skin is, it is totally possible that you could have some Israelite blood in you.
Third, the Scriptures make it clear that regardless of what line you were born into physically, you can make a spiritual choice to be grafted into God’s holy line.
And of course, the opposite is also true.
Many Arabs have forsaken their Godly Shem heritage for the cursed line of Ham by choosing to identify with the ancient Philistines (for those who weren’t aware,”Palestine” is just the Greek word for “Philistine”).
And many Jews, people originally chosen by God, have chosen to switch their allegiance from the God of Israel to a God their ancestors did not know.
The below video is a sad example that this sometime happens.
The gentlemen being profiled is a Jewish person whose original name was Joseph Cohen but for whatever reason decided to convert to Islam.
And on a more positive note, the following is a video of an Arab Christian who is serving in the Israeli Defense Forces (sorry, this video is Hebrew only).
The most important decision you will ever make and the ultimate determinant of your identity is NOT your earthly blood lines but which God you decide to entrust your life to!
Choose wisely because you will have to live with this decision for all eternity.
There is neither Jew nor Gentile,
neither slave nor freeman,
neither male nor female;
for in union with the Messiah Yeshua,
you are all one.
-Galatians 3:28
Therefore, remember that formerly you who are Gentiles by birth and called “uncircumcised” by those who call themselves “the circumcision” (which is done in the body by human hands)— remember that at that time you were separate from Messiah, excluded from citizenship in Israel and foreigners to the covenants of the promise, without hope and without God in the world. But now in Messiah Yeshua you who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Messiah.-Ephesians 2:11-14
Wonderful! Yahweh bless you. Keep up the good work.
Happy you found this a blessing. Thank you for reading! Shalom.
Its a wonderful discovery God bless you richly.
Thanks for reading Patrick. Be blessed and SHALOM!
I know that all of those who are of faith descendant of Abraham Galatian 3:7, but many deny this horrible sin. Thank you for posting this, even though I already know that in Christ we are one nation but so much hatred and abuse toward other races is very painful. I often have to remind myself of the scripture. There are so many none bible reading Christians that are racist, by pretending that the elephant in their living room is not there. It is hard for me to understand how anyone that claim to know God can behave in this manner. I have two amazing sons, well mannered, hard working, kind, all the desirable qualities people seek in a human beings. A racist person see their race first. I pray for their safety all the time and to keep the white supremacist and racist police away from them. I pray for the emotional being. Is very healing that someone is talking about this.