Today we begin our study of Genesis Chapter 9.
For the Complete Jewish Bible, click here.
For the King James Version, click here.
This chapter starts off with God’s first post-flood speech to Noah in the Bible.
This is also the first time Scripture has God addressing someone in narrative form using the phrase “And God said….“.
Immediately, we are introduced to a major change that has occurred.
The vegetarian man of the Garden of Eden is now allowed a carnivores’ diet, and as a result the animal kingdom that once had a harmonious relationship with man will now live in fear of him.
Why do you think it was so easy for Noah to get the animals to cooperate with him prior to the flood?
The answer is because before the flood man had a different relationship with the animal kingdom.
“Every moving thing that lives will be food for you; just as I gave you green plants before, so now I give you everything — only flesh with its life, which is its blood, you are not to eat.”-Genesis 9:3-4
Based on the above verse, at this stage, it seems like no living creature was off limits for food.
However, there was a very strict rule placed on the eating of meat, and it was that man was NOT allowed to eat the blood from an animal.
The reason is because blood carries the life essence in it.
We will see that moving forward blood is only to be used for sacrifices.
Blood is way too holy for man to partake of!
We see the importance of blood also being applied to human beings.
The taking of human blood (in other words murder) is strictly prohibited and if it happens, the person guilty as charged will have his or her life taken from her. He or she will be subjected to the death penalty.
“Whoever sheds human blood, by a human being will his own blood be shed; for God made human beings in his image.“-Genesis 9:6
Notice in verse 6 that God assigns the responsibility of meting out justice for murder over to man now.
Up until now, God had dealt with it Himself.
What’s interesting is that when God dealt with Cain, the punishment meted out was banishment from His presence.
The mere separation from God’s presence was sufficient punishment.
However, in the post-flood age, when man murders man, he will incur the death penalty.
Honestly, if I was a murderer and had to choose between the death penalty and eternal separation from God’s presence, I would choose the death penalty any day. (I mean, we’re going to die anyway right.)
Concerning this portion of the Scripture, the ancient Jewish sages have pointed out that here God is establishing the principle of earthly government.
Actually, this is the beginning of what would eventually come to be called the 7 Noachide Laws.
The 7 Noachide Laws are the most fundamental principles of justice that God gave to Noah and from these basic laws will come all the other civil laws that will eventually comprise the Torah.
The seven laws are as follows:
1) No idol worship.
2) No taking God’s name in vain.
3) No murder.
4) No incest.
5) No robbing and stealing.
6) No eating blood nor meat of strangled animals.
7) Man must submit to government authority.
Thousands of years later after Yeshua’s ascension, these Noachide Laws were brought up by the Jerusalem Council of 49 AD as the minimum behavioral requirements for gentiles who wanted to fellowship with Jewish believers in Messiah.
Instead, we should write them a letter telling them to abstain from things polluted by idols, from fornication, from what is strangled and from blood. For from the earliest times, Moshe has had in every city those who proclaim him, with his words being read in the synagogues every Shabbat.”-Acts 15:20-21
Just a question: Why didn’t the sages include Sabbath observance as part of the Noachide Laws? In recent articles, Sabbath observance is said to be for all mankind and Gentiles are encouraged to keep the Sabbath, but why didn’t the sages insist that Sabbath observance was part of the laws to be observed by the descendants of Noah? It is not that I dispute the Sabbath, I am just curious as to why the sages did not include it…Peace
Hi Nataniela, Thanks for your question. However, the truth is while Sabbath observance may not have been a specific part of the Noachide Laws, the sages did promote the idea that the Sabbath was for both Jews and Gentiles. “Every Noahide who renounces idolatry needs to observe Shabbot”, says Rashi, the great Torah commentator – because failing to properly honor the Sabbath is itself a species of idolatry (Rashi on Yevamot 48b). Or how about this quote? “Everyone will eventually keep the Sabbath – the Seventh Day – on the Seventh Day. “Because it confirms the true theory, that of the Creation, which at once and clearly leads to the theory of the existence of God.” (Maimonides, Moreh Nevuchim – “Guide for the Perplexed” – part 2, chapter 31: “The Institution of the Sabbath Serves (1) to Teach the Theory of Creation, and (2) to Promote Man’s Welfare”). Also, Israel’s prophet Isaiah speaks praisefully of “everyone [including non-Jews] who keeps Shabbot from profaning it.” (Isaiah 56:6). “Happy is the man who does this, and the son of man who holds fast by it: who keeps the Sabbath from profaning it, and keeps his hand from doing any evil.” (56:2). Maybe it wasn’t specifically mentioned in Noachide Laws because it was a given. Hope this helps. Shalom. Rich
Thank you Rich, It definitely does help to answer my question.
I attended a Shabbat keeping church for 18yrs, driving several miles to and from. The church split over the Sabbath belief. I was very unsettled, confused and upset over it. I was told to read the entire book of Galatians which I did. The Sabbath belief is always in my mind but I have been attending an evangelical congregation that is pro-Israel and prays for Israel. In my heart I want to please and obey ADONAI my Messiah. Maybe I should just keep Sabbath at home. What do you suggest for me?
Interested to know what does one actually do on a Sabbath?
Relax and rest. Read, spend time with family, or just sleep. I think studying Scripture is best.
Jesus called Himself ‘The Lord of the Sabbath” (Mark 2: 28; read verses 23-28). This was when His disciples were accused of ‘desecrating’ the Sabbath for picking the heads of grain on the Sabbath. He reminded the Pharisees of the ‘unlawful’ act of David and his companions who ate the consecrated bread meant for priests only. To bring it home, these days in some countries, Saturday and Sunday are work days. Christians in such countries have no choice but to worship on either Thursday or Friday. Jesus is quoted in John 4: 21-24 that true worship is in spirit and truth. Place and day of worship are important, but the purity of the worshiper’s heart is more important.
It seems that churches split over many things. Maybe it is best to meet with a small group of like minded people. Many of us have experienced the challenges of attending groups or churches that are brutal with no love of truth. Shabbat can be a delight with pleasant things to do and learn. It is easy to lose focus or feel guilty about not attending a “church”, but when we go to our Messiah in prayer, meditation and gratitude for what He has done and is doing in our lives, everything gets better. It seems that when we are in need of fellowship and encouragement, some one comes along that is a gift from Him.
Thanks Ben. I hope this blog plays a small role in achieving that process.
you mention:Based on the above verse, at this stage, it seems like no living creature was off limits for food.
However the previous chapter mentions the clean and unclean animals. Since this is obviously the same as later in the Torah, it would seem the knowledge of the proper use of animals was already known. When the sheet came down for Peter and all christendom now believes all animals are clean, it apparently didnt “keep reading” as it says 28 He said to them, “You yourselves know that it is not permitted for a Jewish man to associate with a non-Jew or to visit him. Yet God has shown me that I should call no one unholy or unclean.” Peter knows the interpretation of the dream and it doesn”t relate to animals.
Very appreciative of your insights, thanks and May yah bless you as you walk with Him (my capital y doesnt work haha so sorry to seem irreverent)