The events of the flood as related in the Bible read like a time log.
Apparently, God really wanted us to know in exacting detail the specific days and times certain events took place.
We are told that the waters rose for 150 days and then receded for 150 days.
We are told that on the 1st day of the 1st month of the 600th year, Noah opened the covering of the ark.
Afterwards, we are told that on the 27th day of the 2nd month of the 600th year, God instructed Noah to leave the ark and begin repopulating the earth.
Let’s take a look at the following verse:
“On the seventeenth day of the seventh month the ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat.”-Genesis 8:4
Now what’s interesting is that the 17th day of the 7th month is when Yeshua was resurrected from the dead!
I don’t believe this is coincidental.
Both the flood and Messiah’s resurrection teach us that only through death does new life come.
This is another principle that is repeated again and again throughout the Scriptures.
If we are to successfully move forward towards the new life that God has prepared for us, we have to die to our old life.
Abraham died to his old life by leaving his home country and separating from his family.
The Israelites had to die to their old life of captivity in Egypt in order to enter the promised land.
There is no fence straddling here.
It is NOT possible to keep one foot in the world and one foot in the Word.
There were tremendous differences between the Old World that existed before the flood and the New World that Noah and his family entered after the flood.
Adam was born into a perfect world.
Noah was born into a fallen world.
Adam was created in the “image of God”.
Noah was created in the “image of Adam”.
We are more closely related to Noah than Adam.
What we are going to see as we move forward is that in the new world, man’s relationship to God, his environment and his responsibilities changed. Certain “living creatures” will now be okay for food and animals will now fear men.
And Yeshua said unto him, “No man, having put his hand to the plow and looking back, is fit for the Kingdom of God.”-Luke 9:62
You have me confuse, if Passover and Feast of iunlesven bresf amd tje Feast of First fruits is in the first month pf Nisan 14 ,them hoe could our Savoir be ressurected im the 7th month?
Going by a different calendar.
Go to Exdous 12:2
Jesus is First Fruits which is on the 16th of the month
Thanks very much Mr Richoka. according to the article i understand that we are not the decendants of Adam but Noah because after the flood that sweep Adam’s generation, Noah multiply. but why are we still under Adam’s curse which is death?
Messiah was resurrected on the 16 day of the 1st month of Nissan, where you get seventh month from?