In my last post we established that…
…our universe consists of the four dimensions of height, length, width and time…
…is based on the Principle of Opposites.
You may be thinking, okay, I can perceive the dimensions of height, length and width as they are plainly visible to my eyes?
However, how can I perceive time?
The answer to that is…
…that time is the measurement of decay.
It is a fundamental law of physics that all things in our universe are running down.
For example, think off all the things we use in our daily lives that eventually break down and need to be replaced.
Or take a look in the mirror and compare yourself to a photo of you taken 10 years ago and you’ll see what I mean.
Time is visible to us because we can observe the physical effects it has on all things around us.
However, the four dimensions and the Principle of Opposites are only characteristics that govern OUR universe.
The sphere of heaven, where God resides, operates under a totally different set of physical laws and principles…
…now there are revolutionary new scientific findings that point to the existence of dimensions outside the four dimensions that make up our universe.
In addition to the four dimensions in our solar system, there could potentially be a total of 11 dimensions in existence!
In science, this idea is known as String Theory.
The reason it’s difficult to wrap our minds around the idea that there could be up to 11 dimensions is because in the universe we live in with our five senses, we are only able to perceive the four dimensions of height, length, width and time.
No matter how advanced a telescope we use to peer out into the vast reaches of outer space, any dimension outside of our four-dimensional universe is lost to our five senses.
However, if that’s the case, where do the other six dimensions exist?
The answer is that they do not exist in our universe.
They exist in another universe or universes.
In physics, this concept is known as “parallel worlds”.
I’m aware this borders on science fiction.
However, what’s fascinating is that if one peruses the ancient Jewish writings, we see that the ancient rabbis had not only pointed out the existence of 10 dimensions…
….but they had also identified an 11th dimension which they called God.
Again, think of heaven.
Heaven could be considered a parallel world where the rules and principles that govern our universe do not necessarily apply.
For example, from Scripture we know that the dimension of “time” doesn’t exist in heaven.
When the Scriptures say that “Heaven is eternal”, “eternal” does not mean a very long, long, long time.
It means that in heaven “time” does not exist, period.
In the Scriptures, heaven is not described as being part of our universe.
Think about it for a second.
God could not have existed in our universe before He created our universe, right?
The Scriptures say He resided in heaven and heaven is a place where our earthly laws of physics do not apply.
It is a totally different parallel world.
So if there’s no way to discern the existence of other dimensions through our five senses, how do we know there are other dimensions in existence besides the four dimensions that exist in our universe?
We can know through the observation of events that are contrary to the normal pattern of things.
For example, if you and another person were to see a knife sitting on a table suddenly pick itself up and impale itself into a wall, that would be eyewitness evidence that there is a dimension outside of the mundane plane of existence we reside in.
This is basically the definition of a miracle, an event that occurs outside of established pattern.
Miracles, whether divine or satanic in origin, are strong evidence that point to the existence of other dimensions outside our universe.
Physicists also employ imagination and intuitive mathematical theories to tap into the unseen realm of other dimensions.
This is what Einstein did when he came up with his Theory of Relativity.
He had a dream he was riding on a bolt of lightning, and then chanced upon the idea that the dimension of time mutated at the speed of light.
One fact that should excite us greatly is that the words contained in our Holy Bibles are literally not of this earth.
They proceed from another heavenly dimension.
In this sense, our Bibles are different than any other piece of writing in existence.
There’s a difference between our time-bound, sinful world with all of it’s limitations and the kingdom of heaven which Yeshua claimed he had brought forth once he started his ministry.
And He proved that this other dimensional world had arrived by performing incredible miracles like walking on water and raising the dead!
“In my Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going.”-John 14:2-4
But we impart a secret and hidden wisdom of God, which God decreed before the ages for our glory. None of the rulers of this age understood this, for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. But, as it is written,”What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him”
-1 Corinthians 2:7-9
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