So today we wrap up our study of the Book of Genesis.
If you’ve been faithfully studying with me over the past year or so, by now your knowledge of Genesis probably surpasses that of most pastors out there and you should now have a strong working knowledge of the key foundations of our faith that will so enhance and enrich your understanding of the Scriptures moving forward.
Nevertheless, before moving on to the Book of Exodus, a quick review of the foundational dynamics set down in Genesis is in order.
So let’s get started.
This first principle basically means that things in this world are both physical and spiritual in nature.
In other words, objects and events recorded in the Scriptures are physical manifestations of spiritual truths or events that have already occurred in the heavens.
For example, the serpent being kicked out of the Garden of Eden is a spiritual replay of what already happened when Satan was kicked out of heaven possibly thousands of years earlier.
And speaking of this event, do you know what physical object will later be modeled after the Garden of Eden?
The answer is the tabernacle.
And of course, Yeshua is a perfect example of the physical reflecting the spiritual as He Himself said “He who has seen me, has seen my Father in heaven”.
The God of Israel is NOT a politically correct being.
He is adamantly opposed to the syncretism of the world that seeks to harmonize all religions and groups under one umbrella in the name of peace.
In fact, this is probably the most politically incorrect thing I’ll ever say but God does NOT want peace in the Middle East.
And the reason is because the leaders of the world are trying to achieve peace on their own terms, NOT God’s.
The Land of Israel was given to the descendants of Abraham as an everlasting possession and thus God can never accept one inch of that Holy Ground being parceled off to another group of people who are not His.
As a believer, God will surely and gradually take steps to separate you from the things and ways of this world.
You have to accept that this may include separation from close friends and family.
Probably the easiest way to explain this is just to say that the way God acted in the past is how He will act in the future.
“God is the same yesterday, today, and forever”.
Noah’s ark is a good example.
This story establishes a pattern for a time I believe in the near future when God will again execute justice on a wicked, unbelieving world but a remnant will be saved just like Noah’s family was.
God patterns (the way God works) will continue throughout the Old Testament, into the New Testament and right until our present day.
It is very important that we pay attention to these patterns, because they reveal the character of God.
This is probably the most awe-inspiring and mind-boggling characteristic of God that is put on full display for us in the Book of Genesis.
Divine providence is God achieving His will through and/or in spite of our free wills.
He can take mankind’s worst actions and somehow wrest good from it.
How is He able to do this?
Well, God knows everything and He is control of everything.
He knows everything that every person or creature is going to ever do.
He has figured it out and knows already how everything is going to end.
I wouldn’t say He knows what’s going to happen literally beforehand.
I would say it’s more along the lines that God is so intelligent, he can figure out everything that’s going to happen.
He also knows in the exact framework something is going to happen down to a drop of rain falling in the Amazon somewhere.
So if find yourself in a situation that doesn’t seem good for you.
Rest assured, God can and will find a way to turn that negative situation on its head to perform good in your life.
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