So we are in the process of analyzing and dissecting what Jacob meant when he said Ephraim will become “MELO HA GOYIM” or the “fullness of the Gentiles”.
The first piece of the puzzle is that Ephraim was dispersed throughout the nations and for the most part lost their identity and became swallowed up by the Gentile nations.
In order to get the second piece of the puzzle, we need to go to the Book of Ezekiel.
Let’s take a look at verse 37:19:
“Say unto them, Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I will take the stick of Joseph, which is in the hand of Ephraim, and the tribes of Israel his fellows, and will put them with him, even with the stick of Judah, and make them one stick, and they shall be one in mine hand.“
This verse is talking about a time when Judah and Ephraim are resurrected, brought back to the reborn land of Israel, and reunited into ONE kingdom again.
So we know that the Jews today are Judah.
But what about Ephraim?
How is Ephraim going to be able to rejoin with Judah if they’ve been lost and swallowed up by the Gentile nations?
As impossible as it sounds, Ezekiel’s prophecy makes it clear that Ephraim will be found and reunited with the Jewish people.
I believe there is a spiritual and physical component to this prophecy.
First, although I said the identity of Ephraim was lost due to being swallowed up by the Gentile nations, the truth is they weren’t completely lost.
Through God’s providential hand, there remain large populations from the various 10 tribes of Ephraim that have been rediscovered!
They have come forward claiming that they are Ephraim-Israel, NOT Jews.
So this is evidence that not every Israelite who was kicked out of the promised land became assimilated.
Groups from each of the 10 tribes of Ephraim-Israel have managed to stay together and keep their identities intact.
These groups have been found living in various places in Asia with populations sometimes exceeding a million people or more and throughout the past 2700 years they have maintained their tribal names and Hebrew worship rituals.
In March of 2005, the government of Israel in recognition of these Ephraimite tribes finally passed a law allowing these Ephraim-Israelites to return to the promised land and be reunited with their Jewish brethren.
Airlifts to Israel of the Ephraim-Israelite tribes from various parts of the world have been taking place ever since.
This is prophecy in the making folks.
It is happening as you read this.
The 12 tribes are coming together again.
After a 3000 year separation, Ephraim and Judah are reuniting to form ONE nation of God.
However, this event only covers the physical Israelite aspect of the prophecy concerning Ephraim becoming one stick with Judah.
What about the gentile believers in Messiah?
When Jacob said Ephraim was going to “become a fullness of the Gentiles”, this means that in some way Ephraim was going to become a unique and important type of blessing to non-Hebrew folk.
This post focused on the purely physical Israelite connection and how Ezekiel’s prophecy is being literally fulfilled in the land of Israel today via the two houses of Israel reuniting,
However, Scripture also talks about both Jew and Gentile uniting as one in the body of Messiah.
In the next post, I want to discuss this fascinating gentile connection and what it may have to do with Ephraim.
I am sorry if this offends anyone, I really feel that it shouldn’t.
This post is very mormon. Very very mormon. By this I mean that it talks about the Restoration in the same manner that We, the Restorationists do.
I am of the Tribe of Ephraim, I know this because of personal revelation and diligent studies combined. What you are speaking of is very true, and I’m impressed by it. As the days go on, more and more Evangelists, Protestants, and Messianic Jews are preaching the Gospel as we know it, with one thing missing in all of them: The Priesthood. The day is coming soon that the Kohenim of Lewi will return, and if you look now, you’ll find it is already alive and well.
I understand if this isn’t posted or even seen by anyone. I get it. I am willing to answer any questions at all about what I’ve said, though I’d ask for patience.
Christ Lives.
Hi Michael,
Some interesting points you mentioned.
Thanks for sharing!
May I ask you a question ?
How was it revealed to you, that you are from the tribe of Ephraim ?
I am asking because I have been seeking clarification for something pertaining to me personally, a “revelation” Im thinking. Thank you and God Bless
If you was naked 3000 years in Islam Babylon Congo Africa Egypt and went threw doors of no return white trash pier. No Judah or Tribe of Dan went threw doors of no return white trash pier .Its law of the lost tribes to keep Covenant and pass it down .
How can you call Dan Joseph’s people when they captured 10 lost tribes. When roots happen in England. When no Dan went threw doors of no return. God said He will destroy Mystery whore Babylon and that is England wicca bastards. I don’t get it . No Joseph people is with 10 lost tribes they with synogog of satan. You lost because their rifles aimed at 10 lost tribes. No blessings came because of them . God said they will have king’s and their kings will worship satan and they will have synogog of satan. God said the bastards will follow Ephraim to the promise land. Why thousands of years these bastards keep killing us and robbing America that suppose to be promise to us . White privilege queen whore Babylon England copyrights won’t work with God. Root’s and 10 commandments movie distorted to slave masters hands as Ephraim. So we going bondage again for their shit. Death is better than slavery. Most famous words from Moses . Bible.says even after wilderness we go to bondage over and over . Why are we called Ephraim when we Judah . Cause we ain’t bitch fucking them with lies
.Russia people not with lost God said you think one hand and shit in other your powerful and we not . So as I see because their wickedness we punished butt naked by human flesh eaters Congo. Guess not sin seeing they lie sucker world.feed me Africa biggest fraud in world history to build foreign countries to destroy America. We just God’s slave bitches as Dan calls us
The 12 tribes of Israel are
Judah – so called negros
Benjamin- West Indians
Levi- Haitians
Simeon- Dominicans
Zebulon- Guatemala to Panama
Ephraim- Puerto Rican
Manasseh- Cubans
Gad- Native Americans
Reuben- Seminole Indians
Naphtali- Argentina and Chile
Asher- Columbia to Uruguay
Issachar- Mexican
Some are Yahawashi’s chosen elect to be awaken. It is up to you to decide the common caucasian can’t be a child of Israel for the people of Israel are a darker skin, the Jews today are not of Hebrew decedents, I know it may be difficult for some but the whites are the ones who must be saved and they have this urge to take over nations then steal from the people of that nation but this is something you can’t take. When the almighty comes all shall see and beg for mercy for the persecution and annihilation of these tribes. Do your research and stop trying to be the one. I was lost and a child of Judah heard me speak. He said he wished to enlighten me, but the price is discrimination and hate. No one wants to here they might not be saved nor be the chosen. You can’t decide, for the almighty has already decided. Pray, do not idol, seek forgiveness, and read the Bible religion will not save you. See you at the end.
ANYBODY who calls on the NAME of the Lord shall be saved!!! Regardless of skin color!
Amen! Yahusha says He has another fold of sheep too, and all who except Yahusha as The Son of Yahuah shall be saved, color of skin does mean NOTHING 1st will be last and last shall be 1st.
Laws of Moses banned since ancient times. Ishmael is not worthy of Gods laws. Do not mix with them . Death is better than slavery. Ishmael is black Americans captain and Colonel of trans Atlantic slave trade Congo Africa Islam Babylon Egypt no mercy slave masters hands. White white lost tribes recognized and forgave them for slavery and fought and died for African American freedom. No blacks or Islam Vikings or Christian tribe of Dan went threw doors of no return white trash pier
What do you mean reading bible and doing won’t save you? Bigger question is is study to find who you are but I was awakened and given dreams. My line is ofjew descendant. One said I’m Ephraim of kings main line. So please explain. My bloodshot eve.
He said religion won’t save you he said nothing about reading the Bible won’t save you smh
If wasn’t slaves you will be as God promised lost tribes on Holy Mountain of God. No escape and no Tribe of Dan went threw doors of no return
The scripture clearly speaks to those that God has opened their mind, heart, ears, and eyes. Edmond Ramos clearly has been spoken to through the word. The Bible clearly states that not all people are loved by God. Jacob I have loved but Esau I have hated. White people come from Esau and God clearly stated in his word he hate Esau. God does not love liars, thieves, those that lay on their bed and devise wicked scheme and wake up and put them into play. The white man has come up with every wicked scheme their is to oppress all other nation of people especially the Tribe of Judah(so-called blacks). Judah is the true Jews and the bible says that they will say they Jew, but says he will expose them. Those people over in the middle east and Israel, and Jerusalem are not the true Jews of God. The Holy Scripture will tell, show and reveal, if you have true understanding. This is and will be hard for the Caucasians to believe, since they always believed that they are superior to Judah, and the whole house of Israel.You have to know that not all people of any nation will be saved but the bible speaks of the 12 gates and that starts with the 12 tribes being saved first and then in God’s master plan the Caucasian will end up being servants unto God’s people. I suggest those of you that are upset by Edmond’s post do your real research. The white man (Roman Catholics) left 100 books of the Bible on purpose because they actually know the real truth about the so-called blacks as being the royal tribe to God and they want to wipe our true identity out,but it will not happen because God has the master plan.
excuse me, but that is not so, you can not wrap a color of ones skin all in a bunch and claim all are the same. liars ,thieves come in ALL COLORS.I am SO GLAD that Yahusha is in control and NO MAN has all the answers only heresay. roman catholic church did do as you say but im not a roman catholic nor are millions of so called white people.matter of fact there is a lot of so called black ppl. that are roman catholics sooooo, your judgement is void.
Nah your an Edomite .. study white people history .. you defend from Greeks and Romans .. =Edom Mt. Petra/ Mt. Seir was built by your forefathers the edomites.. do you know almost EVERy person of color has wondered why white people are rich, racist, and PRiDEful AF! Nobody likes y’all.. y’all scary looking too
Wow Edomite good luck trying to get your butt into heaven.. there is only ONE race in the whole world who OWNs the world because they have STOLEn, Raped and murdered! Puerto Rico, Israel, Alaska , North America, Canada, Hawaii, East Asia, South Africa, North Africa Europe, and other private islands for rich white people are owned by EDOMITES/white Europeans. The world has been given into the hands of the wicked .. why do you think everyone wants to be where the white mans is.. because we WORK to live FOR MONEY invented and enforced to the whole world by your people.. this is why when it comes to democracy it is better to live in a white/ Edomite area because y’all are the masters at that.. wicked
Black people are what the bible calls “beasts”. They like all POC are indigenous NPC hunter gatherers made when all the other animals were made.. Adam was Caucasian and made in God’s image. “Adam” ThevSons of God the Father, can blush “ruddy”. God was nor a beast with an afro. God is light and shinning. God made Adam like himself, beautiful. Only Caucasians fulfilled spreading the gospel across the whole world. Only Caucasians beame a Great Nation, and a company of Nations. Great Britain, America, New Zealand, Canada, South Africa, Australia, Island, Germany, France, and most of the rest of Europe. To many to name. Blacks live in “Africa” a land named after a Caucasian. A name denotes property. Caucasians are under debt slavery. Just like God said. The Synagogue of Satan is Canannite. Only Judah is pureblood all others are Bastards and void of the promises. AngloSaxon- Israel, Sax-Sons, Isaac Sons, Sons of Isaac. The Father said we will be known as the Sons of Issac. Pure Blood Anglo-Saxons are Israel. The remnant of Judah is hiding and under attack by Satan’s Children the Canaanites still to this day. The truth will reunite both Ephraim and Judah. God the Father is waking Ephraim and gathering them and protecting Judah. The land is being prepared. We will soon be united. Nothing can or will stop it from happening. Not even death. Nothing is more powerful then My Father. Anyone who hurts us will burn. All knowledge is recorded by the Father and the 144000 of Israel “Judah & Ephraim” will judge the world and Rule as God their father. Israel means “to rule as God” Isra-El, Isra = means lifted up, EL = means God. Lifted up as God. Lifted by a proud Father. The Son always takes the name of his Father and assumes all his business and inherent all his belongings. We will be one with the Father. He has already marked his children. Sealed them in their foreheads. How does one know they are to become israel. One is DNA and the other is belief in the Son “The Word”. The Old Testament is the genetic line of Adam to Christ. The new Testament is Christ to the Great Restoration. Both books are specifically about Israel, the Sons of God. Christ was a Nazarite and a Nazarene from Nazareth. Christ is the Word and the Truth and the life. If you are Caucasian and have an unrelenting force pushing you to truth then the invisible had of God the Father in on you. My advice get a “Strongs Exhaustive Concordence. Paper Book and the oldest bible you can find. Look up in the concordence any word that baffles your heart and look at the Greek and Hebrew translations. Do not trust the internet. Get an older dictionary, older thesaurus, and older set of encyclopedia. This will help you tear apart scripture. Revelations 3:9 tells us who is trying to destroy us. Truth will free us. Our empathy was used against us. Time to become warriors. God said to Israel ” You are my battle axe
Edmond Ramos, the tribes of Israel are NOT found in central America.
Lmao white peoples are not gods chosen people hellllll noooooo!! Y’all invented racism, capitalism , porn, television, cars, POLITTION, Christmas, Money, Hollywood, you are. Crazy. People come from TRIBES not nationalities. You are an Edomite and your time is almost finished so rejoice you daughter of Edom because native Americans in central , north , and South America and NEGROS have been cursed like no other people in the world.. you do know that more then 100,000,000 million native Americans were murdered, raped and stolen from to slavery not counting central and South America ?! Esau nobody has suffered like these ppl even until this day they suffer ! Nobody has suffered like these ppl anywhere in the world.
you my friend are in error. this is called pride and God opposes the proud and gives grace to the humble. Humble yourself or it will not matter what your dna is bc jesus said to the pharisees (jews) that he knew they were abrahams descendants but satan was their father. WHY? bc of pride!
No black Americans Ishmael captain and Colonel of trans Atlantic slave trade ever do anything but pimp and be no mercy slave masters hands. Laws of Moses banned since ancient times when God freed his people from Africa islam and tribe of Dan Esau who royals mixed in with you . Painting at the white House under the stairs hidden from the white Babylon slaves shows blue coats Ishmael United nations black Muslim brotherhood and nubians Capt and colonels of trans Atlantic slave trade slave masters hands handing laws and education and religion and government and military to red coats wicca Esau bastards royals great Britain whom they planned long ago their luxury log cabin and fire place and own crutches and gardens and cloths fancy when white lost tribes was baked 3000 years and went threw doors of no return white trash pier where they was made to walk white trash pier with boulders tied around the necks and chains and ores to their death and plentiful Congo alligators ally blacks fed white babies to plentiful Congo alligators Africa. Ishmael is not worthy of Gods laws and real lost tribes fought and died and forgave you for your freedom .Africa hoofs never did shit in life but lie steal and kill
Two positions are taken:
1) Michael: I identify with most of your understanding, especially regarding Ephraim. However, Yeshua HaMashiach is our High Priest…in the Order of Melchizedek…and is returning for His spotless (according to Torah) Bride. I don’t reject the possibility of more than one priesthood being in operation, but as for me and my house, I will follow Messiah, not Levi, as a priest and king within the Kingdom of YHVH Eloheinu!
–Shalom bshem Yeshua HaMashiach tsidkenu
2) Edmund: the emotional wounds that your flesh refuses to allow YHVH to use to produce the same thing in once-African slaves that He produced through the same means in Joseph, the Messiah figure given to deliver Israel, need to be given to God in obedience and faith. Your racism is from HaSatan and keeps you enslaved to him, hatred and selfish insecurity of your identity…which you are striving lift YOURSELF by with carnal efforts filled with error. SERVE, and YHVH will lift you, brother!
I believe Abba gave me understanding of The Way that Jesus walked in and taught, which BOTH houses of Judah and Ephraim (My first-born of the Spirit) have fallen away from equally: Dt4:2…we all reject Torah in many ways! When we both return to Torah, the Living Torah will unite us in His hand…because we will BE IN HIS HAND TOGETHER THROUGH OBEDIENCE!
YHVH put 3 marks on us, as a sign between Him and us: the Sabbaths, Passover and First Fruits…Look them up! Jews in Israel will stop rejecting and fearing Christians who want to return (aliyah) to the land to help Israel in obedience and true love when BOTH houses return to keeping Torah in the Dt4:2 context.
Ephraim knows Messiah…compare the reactions of both houses upon the return of Messiah in Zechariah10:6 vs 12:10.
Amen. Yeshua Hamachiach our Messiah. YHVH Haschem. Your post is awesome. Gids people are humble and in their hearts do not divide the body of Christ to hatred or racism. That familiar spirit is if Satan. Therefore Haschem knows what to do. The spirit man doesnt have this spirit. Edmond good research but God Haschem doesnt divide. Only Satan.
But your people invented racism.. this concept didn’t exist until you people conquered the world ?? You make zero sense.. umm I bet you could live a very great life in Europe while other Israelites have to cross the caravan because they scar from European conquest. You people don’t know morality. Or else y’all would of rebelled against Europeans oppression , Nationality/ pride, Fashion , Tv, Capitalism, polluting people’s lands , cars Everything that comes from white peoples hands/ creation.
There are Hebrew Edomites who have repented to Judah and Ephraim and joined in the Second March to Exodus. This happened in 2021. The Sealed Portion of the Book of Daniel was unsealed in 2019 and is being preached by Ephraim as we speak. Prophecies are unfolding, racism and hatred will end. 144,000 will be gathered on My Zion, the King of the Tribe of Judah has accepted repentance of some Hebrew Edomites. Some of us do stand firmly against the slavery caused by the Edomites and we do this because we love Thy neighbour and battle to bring peace to all peoples as we build heaven on earth. Shalom ♥️
My name is Kevin. By race considered a Caucasian born and raised in the United States. Because I am viewed by society this way does not mean it defines me. I have called out to God since I was a child initially because of very traumatic events I witnessed. I attended church and even as a child was given a desire to learn and understand this world better. I am continually amazed by how many in this world have used the scripture both Old and New Testament to support their carnal perspectives. There is one undeniable fact, God knows each of us and looks upon our hearts. He knows His sheep and His sheep know Him. I have studied the question of the identity of Ephraim and his progeny for many years primarily from His word. What I have found to be most important are the prophecies especially in the Old Testament with regard to the tribes of Israel. Let God’s word be true and man a liar. My suggestion is to read those prophecies concerning the tribes especially Ephraim and then look at the history of the world and it becomes clearer. There is no doubt that we are living at the time of the end and God himself will will separate those that are His from those that are not. It will not be by man’s doing. God bless each one who knows Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.
The Bible doesn’t divide by Nationality. Nationality is something your people edomites have enforced on the whole world .. all white people are the same (edomites) have you not seen Mt. Seir/Petra.. your ancestors built that lmao!
“from the nations concerning which the Lord had said to the people of Israel, ‘You shall not enter into marriage with them, neither shall they with you, for surely they will turn away your heart after their gods.’ Solomon clung to these in love.” – 1 KINGS 11:2
No race or nation mixing per God. God of Israel is indeed “racist” and nationalist. Converts, which would be Christians today, of other races/nations had to be 3 generations purified by marrying pure Israelites to be in the assembly, which means they couldn’t be more than 1/8th Non-Israelite to count.
Amen! God blessed this nation as He did Israel, because we are both a blessing to other nations. We have had evil rulers, but that doesn’t describe the common man. The Native Americans were having tribal wars long before we escaped European rulers. Africans were having tribal wars long before they were sold into slavery. The Chinese practically built our railroads. Do you ever hear them lamenting? Irish slaves were treated far more harshly than black slaves because they were hated. God will do what He will do. He is a God of love and kindness and tender mercies. I don’t know what Hecsees in me, but I trust in God with all my might and I rely on His promises because He does not lie.
It’s hilarious that white people dint accept they come from esau.. the Bible doesn’t divide by skin color nor current democratic nationality but TRIBE. Everyone had a forefather.. by the fathers seed. Edomites(Europeans) have deceived the whole world into thinking we are all the same under Yahawashi Ben Hamashiac. You Could look white and be an Israelite ONLY if your father is an Israelite meaning NEGRO (Judah) or any Israelite from native Americans.. there has been ZERO ppl in the world who have gone through Mass genocide like these people. The Chinese man is rich , the white man owns the world, the Asians eat wired bugs, Arabs defend from Ishmael and whites from esau.. white people have lied so much it’s finally coming to surface.
You’re high in high school if you think that the black people are Judah…you need to learn about Jacob and his 12 sons to see who is true Israel today…You are filled with hate over the shame of your ancestry and have rejected TRUTH. Africa is not blessed, has never been blessed and does not have any characteristics of the prophetic nations in end time prophecy ie possess the gates of their enemies, does not have the double portion blessing of Joseph, does not have the most fertile lands, the best waterways, has not spread the Gospel to all the nations of the Earth, and would actually still be cannibal tribes today if it weren’t for the Anglo Saxon Christians ie Ephraim and Manasseh, who liberated you into knowledge and adoption (if you’re saved that is)! As a matter of fact, wouldn’t you say that Africa has been cursed? Famine and disease for thousands of years? who are the ones who help? The white Christian nations! the Sheep Nations! If you understood scripture then you would know that the first person to be saved after Jesus, was a black servant…through God’s Grace and mercy the cursed servant among servants would be adopted into the family of God..the curse broken! but you have been fed lies for so long and brought up into generational hate that you can’t see what those 300 and some years ago could and started worshipping God, ie the liberating sheep nation to all the world even greater than Great Britain! America! The white Christians liberated you and the rest of the world followed the lead and set the tone for liberty which is reference to Grace as in “set the captives free.! Noah cursed Hams descendants remember? they were to be a servant among servants to his brothers…your liberty! but you refuse to have love in your heart because of shame..because of envy, because of hate! Well, all i can say is Jesus took up ALL of our shame and we all need to learn to love one another as brothers and sisters in Christ!
God specifically told us what would happen to us in the end times through the prophetic blessings of Jacob’s 12 sons which represent the end time nations today!..You have no knowledge of scripture and especially the prophetic. You are brainwashed by media and hate, and jealousy has poisoned your mind to the truth I suggest you look up Ephraim and Manasseh in prophecy in Google and learn a thing or two! God Bless America and God Bless President Trump
Esau is the twin brother of Jacob and both are white! Esau seeks to kill his brother Jacob (Genesis 27:21) and through his Roman, German, and other descendants almost succeeds in doing so. Esau has given rise to military elites such as the Spartans and to conquering warriors like Alexander the Great. Esau is Great! There is none like him, for good or bad. He creates civilizations and destroys them. He stalks through the pages of world history and leaves his imprint everywhere. Esau was blessed that he should benefit from the riches of this earth and be a warrior nation, “By Your Sword You Shall Live!” (Genesis 27:20).Descendants of Edom include the historical founders of Russia, China, and Japan. Esau was important in the genesis of ancient Sparta, of early Rome, of Venice, and of Germany, and of numerous other nations. Esau was also known as Edom. Edomites are to be found amongst many other peoples including those of the west. Input from Edom may well be present in the genealogies of many of us today. The Edomites have their own national characteristics through which they may be recognized. Esau has an existence parallel to that of the Israelites from the Ten Tribes. He is similar to them and often neighbors them. Esau bears an everlasting implacable instinctive grudge against Judah and Joseph (Amos 1:11).
The Bible prophesies that in the End Times the Ten Tribes led by the Tribe of Joseph..the combined nations of Great Britain and America, will be engaged in a total war against Esau (0badiah 1:18). The forces of Joseph shall emerge victorious from the encounter. These are the Ten Tribes of Israel who were exiled by the Assyrians and lost consciousness of their ancestry. They eventually moved to “the west” where they are to be found today, alongside Esau and often mixed in with him.
Adam had a ruddy complexion. So what. Moses had a black wife. So what.
I never paid much attention. What does it mean that God marked Cain? And why do Muslims believe it was Ishmael who was offered up as a sacrifice? It was Isaac. He was the precurser to Christ. Muslims don’t believe that Christ is even the son of God, and that He was the Sacrificial Lamb who died for our sins, was resurrected, and now lives. And if Christ is the second Adam, could He have a ruddy complexion? Maybe He inherited His Fathers complexion. He said, If you’ve seen me, you’ve seen the Father. All these questions will be answered, but I wonder who is the most racist, the black man or the white man? We each are accountable not only for ourselves, but what we have instilled in our children.
STOP! Everyone, just please STOP!! Y’all remind me of the disciples arguing among each other about who will sit on the right hand of Jesus! No good ever comes of that and Satan just LOVES it when he can arouse hate and anger among humans.
Hatred abounds in EVERY race! From the birth of Man, tribes fought against tribes because of the color of each other’s skin, their language or even customs – they hadn’t the ability to connect with one another, but they KNEW by how someone looked whether or not they were members of their own tribe. Since tribes were always at war, it was difficult to tell who was harmless, who wasn’t. Just about the only way class, race and weak language skills could be overcome was via FOOD. That’s why they always cooked a meal for visitors to their camps. It was their best way to offer peace.
If you’re judging people by race, you’ve got a biiiig problem. What IS race, anyway? Just another divider white men dreamed up to prove white men were superior to black men. Just like I.q. Tests, college board exams, driving tests, and college entrance applications, race was a tactic used to keep black people “out”. Yes, those of European descent throughout history have made their way through conquests with their big machetes and “manifest destiny” (another man-made invention. But racism breeds in every race. (Give Satan a hand, there.). That’s why we can never seem to wipe it out – in every generation, Satan whispers hatred in our ears. HE perpetuates the rot and stink of racism. Whether or not you’ve been mistreated by people of another race, Satan will find a way to keep that plant fertilized and growing in our minds and hearts. And we must constantly reject the racist thoughts, rude comments, unfair treatments we’ve experienced; for Satan is whispering evil into EVERYONE’s ear! People of all nationalities have been involved in all kinds of war and atrocities. You can’t hold grudges for very long without making yourself sick, so we may as well just apologize for any racist acts you’ve committed and treat people better.
I love filling out official forms. You know, the forms that ask for your race – to check beside your race? Well, I hit every box! I’m not a pedigree; I’m just a Heinz 57! A MUTT! I have NO IDEA about which tribe I belong in the Bible, nor do I care! It’s all in Gods hands. Nor do I care what race Jesus was; He’s my Saviour because of the wonderful things He’s done in my life and others’. Red, yellow, black, or white – He’ll always be MY LORD!
My family on both sides were poor with mental illnesses and criminals galore; some died in insane asylums, others died in prison. We were what the rich called white trash.
I had a slave merchant in the family in the 1600s; he fell in love with a Pygmy on his last boat trip to Africa. By the time they landed in Savannah, Ga, he had devised a p getaway plan. When she went on the slave block, he bought her, and married her in a little Methodist church. They headed north, settling in Canada. He saved her slave papers from fear that someone would try to kidnap her and take her back to the south. They had six children, and one became a missionary.
The missionary was send to Java and had a housekeeper that the church provided. Well, THEY fell in love and married; they had four children.
One of their sons became a missionary, too and was sent to Peru, and yep…he married a Peruvian girl who gave him four children. They lived in Peru for 10 years, then moved out west, where both their two sons found brides and married secretly in Cherokee, NC in another Methodist church with only friends and family. Prejudice reared it’s ugly head, because the two sons both married Cherokee Indians, so the parents and children all returned to Canada, just in time to avoid the Civil War.
My ancestors scattered then, living in different Canadian provinces and states. My grandparents were both born in North Carolina. They settled in the Smoky Mtns, and my mom was the only child that moved out of there.
When I decided to do my family tree. I found that somewhere in the 1300s, my ancestors from Austria migrated to the Ukraine. They were Ashkenzi Jews, which is weird, because everyone else were Gentiles in France, Germany, and British Isles.
When I was 9 yrs old, I learned about orphans and orphanages. I was so upset, I vowed to never have bio children, only adopted children. I am the proud mother now of two adventurous, spunky Chinese girls. My youngest is totally blind. It’s been a blast raising them.
I joined a Facebook group for those with the genome a1b1c1a1. I was surprised to learn that I’m the ONLY member who isn’t African-American, and boy, do I get teased! I’m often referred to as the “white sheep in the family”! Some of us in our area go to lunch once a month, and I thoroughly enjoy my new-found cousins.
I hear a lot nowadays that is you’re white, you’re a racist; if you think you’re not, then you just haven’t admitted it to yourself. Well, I defy anyone to call me a racist. How can I be a racist with African blood myself and being mom to two Chinese children.
The person who had a list of the tribes and their locations now, please tell me where you got that info! I’d love to read about it. I regularly read a blog called “Black People in Bible History”, where they claim Jesus was black. The writer’s reasons for stating this sounds very compelling to me. But as I said, I don’t care what race Jesus was! When we get to heaven, we’ll all be spirit and won’t have bodies, per Jesus; so we won’t know each others’ race, anyway!
And another thing: if all caucasians are going to hell, then WHY did Jesus tell people, “Go into ALL THE WORLD and make disciples? Why bother?
We’re all different because of Gods designs! Some of us are darker because our ancestors lived close to the equator, thus being more prone to sunburn, skin cancers, and serious dehydration. God gave them thick, kinky hair to prevent them from getting skin cancer on their head, thicker lips to prevent their mouths from drying out faster or causing blisters inside their mouths. Their skin is darker to protect them from harmful uv rays.
That’s the only reason we’re different. Inside, we’ve the same wants and desires, we love our families, we all want to give our children what we didn’t have. I wish we would stop running away from each other, but instead, running towards each other, to give help and love that is needed. And when race rears it’s ugly head again, I wish we could deny race and say, “Not today, Satan, you SOB!” God bless you all!
From this article, cross reference to scripts. Along with the confirmation of writings from Columbus diary.
I believe it.
“Skin in behalf of skin.” – Job Chapter 2. Satan said it. Not GOD.
I am APPALLED over the hatred, venom, name-calling, and vitriol on these posts. Jesus said ‘Whoever does the will of My FATHER is my brother, sister, mother, father.’ Hint: it isn’t to claim ownership of the tribes of Israel because of skin. This is not from GOD. It is demonic and bears the fruits of the same one who said those words in Job 2.
Because, you could very well be descended from those tribes. But if you’re hateful, it makes zero difference. Skin? JEHOVAH made all the nations. HE’s the one WHO colored them. Like HE does dogs and cats, birds, flowers, trees, ski, and everything else on the planet. Arrogance is a bad sin. Desiring for the person next to you to have every good GOD intended for him or her is what’s Godly.
Hate cannot, nor will it ever measure up to this standard.
You have fallen way short. Examine your hearts. Whether you are from a line of kings, or just everyday folk, GOD examines the HEART.
Hi…Ephraim, the legal heir, the firstborn of the dead is allready around and the reason for all the oingoings in worldwide confusion.
You can find him on this websites:
Virtual Real Empire Ephraim, Priester nach der Ordnung Melchizedek:
Zion Elite BIZ Academy – Ausbildung:
22 Joseph is a FRUITFUL BOUGH, even a fruitful bough by a well; whose branches RUN OVER THE WALL:
23 The archers have sorely grieved him, and shot at him, and hated him:
24 But his bow abode in strength, and the arms of his hands were made strong by the hands of the mighty God of Jacob; (from thence is the shepherd, the stone of Israel:)
25 Even by the God of thy father, who shall help thee; and by the Almighty, who shall bless thee with blessings of heaven above, blessings of the deep that lieth under, blessings of the breasts, and of the womb:
26 The blessings of thy father have prevailed above the blessings of my progenitors unto the utmost bound of the everlasting hills: they shall be on the head of Joseph, and on the crown of the head of him that was separate from his brethren.
Genesis 49:22-26
19 Say unto them, Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I will take the stick of Joseph, which is in the hand of Ephraim, and the tribes of Israel his fellows, and will put them with him, even with the stick of Judah, and make them one stick, and they shall be one in mine hand. (THIS PASSAGE IS SIGNIFICANT}
20 And the sticks whereon thou writest shall be in thine hand before their eyes.
21 And say unto them, Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I will take the children of Israel from among the heathen, whither they be gone, and will gather them on every side, and bring them into their own land:
22 And I will make them one nation in the land upon the mountains of Israel; and one king (Jesus) shall be king to them all: and they shall be no more two nations, neither shall they be divided into two kingdoms any more at all.
Ezekiel 37: 19:22
Name the nations and or people who fulfill Gods Word? The progeny of Joseph would be a very blessed people although they had strayed from God. They represent the Northern Kingdom of Israel and were scattered for their idolatry.
14 And Israel stretched out his right hand, and laid it upon Ephraim’s head, who was the younger, and his left hand upon Manasseh’s head, guiding his hands wittingly; for Manasseh was the firstborn.
15 And he blessed Joseph, and said, God, before whom my fathers Abraham and Isaac did walk, the God which fed me all my life long unto this day,
16 The Angel which redeemed me from all evil, bless the lads; and let my name be named on them, and the name of my fathers Abraham and Isaac; and let them grow into a multitude in the midst of the earth.
17 And when Joseph saw that his father laid his right hand upon the head of Ephraim, it displeased him: and he held up his father’s hand, to remove it from Ephraim’s head unto Manasseh’s head.
18 And Joseph said unto his father, Not so, my father: for this is the firstborn; put thy right hand upon his head.
19 And his father refused, and said, I know it, my son, I know it: he also shall become a people, and he also shall be great: but truly his younger brother shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations.
20 And he blessed them that day, saying, In thee shall Israel bless, saying, God make thee as Ephraim and as Manasseh: and he set Ephraim before Manasseh.
Genesis 48: 14: 20
Who defends Israel since its return in 1948? Who has been given the power to do so? Gods Word cannot return void. This is not about being racist. It is about Gods plan being carried out. Noone can do anything to stop it. It also does not mean that atrocities have not been committed because they have. God wiped them (the Norther Tribes from the Kingdom of Israel} from His sight so that He could remove the stony heart from them and replace that with the knowledge of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This has occurred. No other nation on this earth or in the history of the world can fulfill these prophecies except for the ones whom God gave the task to. Look at the world now. The attack has come against. It is not to say that He has not extended salvation through the faith and belief in His Son Jesus Christ to all people. God’s Word states there is neither Jew nor Gentile since the time of the New Covenant. Christ said he had not come but for the LOST of the Tribes of Israel. It is through them that God would carry out His plan. We are almost there. Believe in Jesus today. There is no religion that can save you. This includes Judiaism or following the Noahide Laws. This includes the Catholic Church. This includes any Protestant Denomination. God knows who His sheep are. Become one of them through belief in the only begotten of the Father Jesus Christ.