Today we begin Genesis Chapter 48.
For the Complete Jewish Bible, click here.
For the King James version, click here.
Before Jacob passes away, as head of the clan, he has some very important duties to take care of.
The time had now arrived for him to transfer the first-born rights over to the next leader of Israel.
In addition, he will also have to issue blessings and instructions not only to the next leader, but to all 12 of his sons.
Be forewarned, we’re not going to rush through this.
We’re going to take as much time as needed and be very meticulous in examining these blessings because the ramifications of what Jacob pronounced on his sons here have eternal consequences that affect even us believers today.
In fact, I would go so far as to say a proper grasp of these blessings is essential to not only understanding the remainder of the Torah including both the Old and New Testaments, but will also shed much light on what is happening in Israel right now even as you are reading this.
Before we dive deep into the contents from the next post, let’s take a look at a word that is commonly misunderstood.
“Jacob said to Joseph, ‘El Shaddai’ appeared to me at Luz in the land of Canaan and blessed me.”
-Genesis 48:3
Jacob starts off by recalling an earlier part of his of life when he speaks of meeting a God who called himself “El Shaddai“.
Jacob did NOT call God by the name Yud-Heh-Vav-Heh.
We know this because we learn later that God didn’t reveal his personal name until the time of Exodus to Moses at Mount Sinai.
So what does the word “El Shaddai” mean?
Usually the common response is “God Almighty“.
And for good reason, because that is how the oldest translations of the Hebrew Bible rendered this word.
For example, the Septuagint (the earliest Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible), translates El Shaddai as “All-Powerful”, “Lord”, or the “Heavenly One”.
And the Latin translation renders it to be “Omnipotent”.
However, the truth be told, there is ZERO linguistic basis to support the idea that El Shaddai means God Almighty.
Here’s the reason why.
Hebrew is a descendant of the Akkadian language.
When we study the root word from which a given Hebrew term sprang, we can arrive at a fairly precise definition.
Recently, paleo-linguists (those who study dead or ancient languages) have learned that “Shaddai” comes from the Akkadian word “Shaddu”
Now “Shaddu” means “mountain”.
Therefore, the conclusion is simple.
El Shaddai means “The God of the Mountain“.
This fits in perfectly with the ancient way of thinking in those days that believed the dwelling place of the gods was normally high up in the mountains.
For the Hebrews, their God lived on a mountain top called Mount Sinai.
Abraham called upon on the name of Yahuah, it is a misunderstanding of that verse to claim the Name wasn’t known before the time of Moses.
Thanks for sharing!
El short for Elohim the Almighty’
Shadai means more then sufficient…..
Yahuah means mischievous and is not the creator’s name and Yahuah is 2 Egyptain gods Yah and Huah and the YHWH and YHVH and YHUH are names of Baal and are used in witchcraft
Wow I learnt something here about YHWH… there any scripture which speaks to the name
Michael means man like God in Hebrew, angel of mercy in Arabic
Allah Akbar means God is great in Arabic, Allah is a mouse in Hebrew
Jehovah means Baal in Arabic but Yahoweh(vav pronounced”O”) means the self existent eternal one.
Desire to seek Him with your whole heart and not to make Him something common. Have a great forever!
Dude – the pure definition of “stupid” is — having or showing a great lack of intelligence or common sense.
I can, therefore, call you stupid without the possibility of being sued for slander OR libel.
Moses wrote in Exodus 3:15 “God said further to Moshe, “Say this to the people of Isra’el: ‘Yud-Heh-Vav-Heh [Adonai], the God of your fathers, the God of Avraham, the God of Yitz’chak and the God of Ya‘akov, has sent me to you.’ This is my name forever; this is how I am to be remembered generation after generation.”
Please stop being stupid. Educate yourself.
Dude–Yud Hey Vav Hey does not mean Adonai. Why call oeople stupid when you yourself confuse people.
Ok and you educate yourself as well
-Bill Freeman
It is hova that means mischief. Huah means to exist.
Help me understand, why the KJV says the name Jehovah, which is Greek
and the Torah is Hebrew ?
Is Jehovah Greek?? What is that based on please?
“Jehovah” is an English transliteration based on the original Hebrew.
When the Masoretic Scholars added the vowels to the Biblical text – about 500 AD, when they came to the Holy name of God the put the vowels of Adonai under YHWH. This was to indicate to the reader that they should sat Adonai, and not say the name of God – it was too sacred. This practice is used today in the synagogue. The English translators who did not understand the convention translated YHWH with the vowels of Adonai which with vowel shifts in Hebrew would render Jehovah. So Jehovah is really a non-word a fact which I explain to Jehovah Witnesses when they call on me.
One mm
One must always remember. YAHWEH told Moses I appeared unto Abram Isaac n Jacob as elshaddai but BY my name Yahweh was I Not known to THEM EX 6:3
how do you prove that? Anyone could say that and give any name.
What about the root שדד?
Or even the common word שד?
Why can’t the actual Hebrew define the word?
God of the mountain makes perfect sense! Richoka.. what was the name of the mountain Abraham took his son Isaac to and tell me .. what city is there today and is there a significant’s ? I think I know the answer, but I’m not sure.. thank you!
I do believe that El Shaddai does mean God of the Mountain but for many reasons, especially the fact that all the gods had mountains and Yahweh had owned all of them, even baal zefon, so Yahweh was calling Himself and was called The God of the mountains or the God of God’s. In fact there was another god who was called el shaddai and the Biblical writer was saying, no, it’s Yahweh…
Thanks for seconding my point Chris.
If you get a Strong concordance and research the word El SHADDAI You Will See That It means the breasted one GOD of many breast
Stron was a socialist POS
Those translations are shoddy.
For a better take on the meanings of these things.
Strong was a socialist POS
Those translations are shoddy.
For a better take on the meanings of these things.
That being said, The God or the Mountain, it also says to me, king of the hill, Lord most high, high and lifted up, far above all princeapallities, powers, might and dominion, which in my mind says, God the all powerful, or God Almighty.
Quite a bit of allegorizing there Stanley, no? But I guess it works, in a super indirect way.
El Shaddai – The God who does all things abundantly – God of countless blessing. The breasted one God of many breasts etc
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At only about 40,000 views a month, I don’t think it’s worth it yet. If I was getting millions of views a month, well, now in that case, that might be something to think about.
Benhadad the Syrian had his warlords suggesting that the God of Israel was a mountain god – and that pissed off YHVH.
The God of mountains reflects much on being the king of all,most high &super power,so according to Biblical verse integration it is understood as God of Israel,the Almigty God and above all.
Of course, but I’m talking about a LITERAL translation.
El Shaddai means Asherah, and that should be obvious from proper Hebrew etymology, the textual context and archeology. The Akkadian stuff is yet another cringe.
Please explain the obvious sir. How exactly does El Shadai mean asherah. How is it explained using Hebrew etymology
2008 a woman said that El Shaddai means ” breast,” in correcting my listening of the Amy Grant song. Sounds a lot like ” how many angels can dance on the head of a pin ?”
Our nation is wobbling as in 1968 and people are trying to discern the ‘name’ of GOD Almighty, who as the author of life is certainly from Whom my life and blessings have flowed for almost 70 years. The question is who people say, Jesus is, and whether He is the only Way to Heaven Paradise, etc. I doubted and lost my wife’s love and the pleasure of my daughters’ but not their love.
nice try
If your credentials supersede Mauro Biglino I’ll listen
-Bill Freeman
Alot of searching for our creators title falls short due to your souls still questioning which fits best. Not all people where created in the same likeness either, so remember the people that was here before the Hue-Man with the soul of the Most High-Yah..HAYAH, the only truth to feeling, spelling, saying the power of spirit in his appearance. Cause names and title are based on opinion. Spell it front to back, right to left still says “Praise Yah”. Stand in the sun, look up with your arms spread wide and feet together and feel his power resignate on your hands and face..
So beautiful..Shalowam, Shalom
Adomites and homo sapiens are not the same species.
Homo sapiens seem to be downgraded Adomites with shorter life.
-Bill Freman
For another resource on Hebrew translation please research Joseph Prince.
“God didn’t reveal his personal name until the time of Exodus to Moses at Mount Sinai”
Actually that is not true
This is a list of those who spoke “The Name” before Moses;
Eve, Lamech, Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Eliezer, Laban, Bethuel, Jacob and Leah
Hi David, Thanks for sharing. Can you provide Scripture references please?
Your welcome…
Eve Gen _4:1, Lamech Gen_5:29, Noah Gen_9:26, Abraham Gen_14:22, Sarah Gen_16:2, Eliezer Gen_24:27, Laban Gen_24:31, Bethuel Gen_24:50, Jacob Gen_27:20 and Leah Gen_29:32
Exodus 6:3 says that God revealed himself to the partriarchs as El Shaddai, but to Moses and beyond as THE LORD (Yahweh). Since Moses wrote the Pentateuch he uses THE LORD in those passages since his audience now knows God by that name.
Ex. 6:2 God spoke to Moses and said to him, “I am the LORD (Yahweh). 3 I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, as God Almighty (el Shaddai), but by my name the LORD I did not make myself known to them.
God clearly revealed His name before Exodus time period as the following clearly shows.
Eve Gen _4:1, Lamech Gen_5:29, Noah Gen_9:26, Abraham Gen_14:22, Sarah Gen_16:2, Eliezer Gen_24:27, Laban Gen_24:31, Bethuel Gen_24:50, Jacob Gen_27:20 and Leah Gen_29:32
Abraham and Jacob used His name. Either the scriptures are lying or you need to look further into the scripture you use and recognize that you are not properly understanding what the creator meant.
Perhaps Ex. 6:2 should be translated as “…but by my name, YHVH, did I no make my name know to them?”
Correction: “…by my name YHVH, did I not make myself known to them?”
Published findings of Dr Douglas Petrovich, reveal that Ancient Hebrew did not evolve from other languages as you have theorized. The other Semitic languages evolved from the earliest pictorial form of the alef-bet of Ancient Hebrew developed in preparation of God’s written Word. The root of Shaddai is “destroy the door”. If a city no longer wished to follow the one who had been their king, when the king went out of the city, it would declare it’s independence by closing and baring the door. A king that is “all powerful” is the king that can “destroy the door”. (Sheen and Dalet). Have you looked at the works of Dr. Frank Seekins?
All praises to Yahuah 🙌🏾
Instagram: cityofyahuah
#Clarity Minds
I leave this page more confused than when I arrived..
I think everyone here might enjoy
Mauro Biglino on these subjects.
The Hebrew word for “Goddess” is “Eloah”, but the lying scribes and translators, translated the word “Eloah” as “God” instead of “Goddess” in many of the English Bibles.
The Mother Eloah is The Lord
The Rock is The Lord Jesus Christ
The Rock is Christ Jesusa
“For who is “Eloah” besides the Lord?
And who is “The Rock” except our Eloah?”.
Psalm 18:31
1 Corinthians 10:4
“And they all drank the same Spiritual Drink, for they drank of that “Spiritual Rock” that followed them in the wilderness, and “That Spiritual Rock” was Christ”.
Deuteronomy 32:18
“You neglected “The Rock” who begot you, And forgot Eloah, The El Shaddai who gave you birth”..
El Shaddai in Hebrew language is “God With Breasts”, God The Mother.
MelquisedecLisbet is the New revealed name of God for this end time.
For more biblical proof visit and