We are never really told why the cupbearer and the baker were sent to prison.
Most likely they had somehow offended the oriental sensibilities of the semite Pharaoh who was now sitting on the throne.
Remember it was Orientals…semites….not Egyptians who were currently ruling over Egypt.
However, much more important than knowing why they were put in jail is reminding ourselves of the fact that ultimately it was God who had sent them there to Joseph to achieve His purposes.
God is about to raise Joseph up to become the second most powerful person in the world next to Pharaoh.
Hence, as only God can, He is engineering circumstances so that everything unfolds according to His divine plan.
Nevertheless, I can’t help but wonder how Joseph managed to maintain his composure throughout all of what was happening to him.
He had been falsely accused and betrayed.
Everything that could go wrong in his life had gone wrong at nightmarish proportions.
Even the cupbearer after being freed and restored to his original position forgot about Joseph.
At this stage, I wonder if Joseph’s trust of man had descended to the point where he trusted no one.
His own brothers betrayed him.
His father rebuked him when he shared the message that the Lord had placed on his heart.
Potiphar’s wife in whose household he was faithfully serving falsely accused Joseph and got him thrown into prison.
He had been completely betrayed and left in the pit yet again.
How was Joseph able to maintain his sanity?
I’ve just got to believe that deep down inside Joseph knew that God was still in control.
One interesting thing about Joseph’s character is that you never see him complaining, questioning or doubting that maybe God has forsaken him.
I don’t one time see him questioning the greatness of God.
Not once.
How was he able to remain so strong in his faith?
Well, I believe that God left Joseph a sign to let him know that he was still in control.
Have you ever had a confusing time in your life when God seemed silent and things just weren’t going well?
However, amidst all of the negativity, God did something to let you know He had not forsaken you.
It wasn’t anything grand or dramatic but it was just enough of a sign to reassure you and let you know that despite the difficulties you were going through, He was still there and in control.
Well here’s the sign I think he gave to Joseph.
When the cupbearer and chief baker’s dreams came true exactly as Joseph had interpreted them, I believe that was God’s way of saying “See, I’m still here and I’m in control.”
I believe God was telling Joseph, “Though these men do this to you, I still have a plan for you and it will be fulfilled!”
Even though Joseph just got betrayed again and it seems like he will likely spend the rest of his life in the dungeon, it didn’t change God’s goodness and what He had planned for Joseph.
You reading this, I want you to realize right now that there is NOTHING that can happen to you that puts God in a position where he can’t bring good from it.
I don’t care what crazy difficulty or problem you’re facing in your life right now.
Know this!
It’s no match for God.
“Furthermore, we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called in accordance with his purpose.”-Romans 8:28
I wondered too about Joseph’s strong anchored faith in God.
I do believe that it has something to do with Jacob loving him and spending time with him and telling him about God’s dealings with him. About the way he did wrong and had to flee for his life. The dream he had of the ladder to heaven and angels descending and ascending, about him wrestling with God etc. Jacob must have also told him about his grandfather Abraham becoming a father at 99 years old. All that must have sunk deep into his heart. And he knew there is a GOD, ONE GOD! And he feared GOD and loved GOD.
Great explanation. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.