In the Bible, blood lines are everything.
Connected to this point is the huge misunderstanding that God made a separate covenant for the salvation of the Gentiles.
I’m sorry to say, NO SUCH covenant exists.
Let’s take a look at what the prophet Jeremiah says:
“Behold, the days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah“. -Jeremiah 31:31
It doesn’t mention anything about a new covenant with the house of Scandinavia or the house of Great Britain or the house of South Korea, does it?
For His own good reasons, God has determined that only one group of people will be elected to be saved.
That group is the Nation of Israel and all those people who join themselves to Israel (spiritually immigrate to Israel so to speak) by accepting His Messiah.
This is the clear teaching of the Bible in both the Old and New Testaments.
We see this process of separation occurring in the very first chapter of Genesis when God divided the light away from the darkness.
And here in Genesis chapter 4, we witness the division of Cain and his descendants who will become a race of people that will be against God.
The evidence for this is that five generations later, one of Cain’s descendants, a wickedly arrogant man named Lamech will appear on the scene.
He took for himself two wives and then Scripture recorded the following boast he made.
“Adah and Zillah, hear my voice;
O wives of Lamech, give ear to my speech.
I have slain a man for wounding me,
And a lad for bruising me.
If Cain is avenged sevenfold,
then Lamech seventy-sevenfold.”
-Genesis 4:23-24
Here we have a man committing one of the worst sins a man can commit and boasting about it.
Within a mere five generations, the human race on Cain’s side had become thoroughly wicked.
Fortunately, the story of mankind does not end there.
Soon after, Eve begets another son, names him Seth and proclaims “For God has granted me another seed in place of Abel, since Cain killed him.“
I want to share an interesting parallel concerning Eve giving birth to Cain and then Seth.
Take a look at the following two Scriptures.
“…and she conceived and bore Cain, saying, “I have gotten a man with the help of the Lord.“-Genesis 4:1
“…and she bore a son and called his name Seth, for she said, “God has appointed for me another offspring instead of Abel, for Cain killed him.“-Genesis 4:25
In both cases, Eve makes a declaration to the Lord commemorating the occasion.
However, the subject, verb, and object are different in both cases in the original Hebrew.
In the first instance, Eve is the subject.
Eve gets herself a man with the help of the Lord.
She names the first son “Cain” which is a wordplay on the Hebrew verb Qanah, meaning “to get”.
In the second case, God is the subject and Eve is the indirect object.
This time Eve admits that God appointed Seth.
The name of the second son Abel is a wordplay on the Hebrew word SHITH meaning “placing” or “appointing”.
The contrast in the destiny of Cain and Abel’s descendants is expressed in their names.
The birth of Cain resulted from Eve’s own fleshly efforts.
On the other hand, Seth was God’s provision of an appointed offspring.
Eve’s fleshly efforts gave birth to a people of sin and destruction.
However, the race that emerged from the God-provided Seth line brought forth life, hope and eventually the messiah.
Later in Genesis we will see a similar pattern emerge with the birth of Ishmael and Isaac.
So at this early juncture we can see that the stage has been set for a battle between God’s holy people and the followers of Satan.
This holy war will not reach its final culmination until the Messiah returns.
My question to you is which side will you join?
Ethnically speaking, it doesn’t matter whether you are Jew or Gentile.
Are you going to join that murderer Cain’s line?
Or will you join the Godly Seth line (which will become Israel)?
There is NO COMPROMISE on this foundational Biblical point.
Jesus answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel.“-
Matthew 15:24
With respect to the aboveI have heard Cain and Abel were twins??
Also gentiles and just the Northern Tribe that did not come back like the Southern Tribe
Maybe you’re thinking of Jacob and Esau?
Please remove the phrase whether you are Jew or Gentile for Jews are Khazaria and are NOT God’s Chosen people in the least. Jews do not have Israelite genetic heritage. Jews are infiltrators and identity thieves, liars, usury…they are not of Abraham, Isaac or Jacob/Israel. We know this clearly through DNA today and anyone who denies this are of satan.
Jesus was from Judah of the Israelite people. Jews are not!
If you keep this phrase of whether you are Jew or Gentile then know the Gentile in this phase means not a follower of satan whereas the Jews have satan as their messiah. These Jews have infiltrated every nation on earth and are the Khazarian Mafia of today…also more known as the Cabal.
Whatever man.
Well this is true. The original term “Jew” was named them from the Roman rulers. Of those who live in Judah, But the bible states that the Cain bloodline crept into the high priesthood unaware into God’s peoples bloodline and housed themselves among the Judahites, (JEWS) the original Israelites of God’s people which is why Yeshua referred to them as serpents and vipers. And also the reason why they rejected the Messiah. They were of Cain’s bloodline. But in the end. God knows who his original peoples are. Those that follow him.He came to earth to expose these evil ones, and to make a way for us to return back to him under the blood of his son, his flesh his image Yeshua. For under his blood, the blood of the Passover Lamb, death passes over us now. Passover.
This is my second time thru the Genesis portion of your work. You don’t need to respond, I just wanted to tell you I appreciate the wonderful tolerence you show to some folks comments. May God bless your heart and soul!
Hey George,
Thanks for the kind words.
It’s encouraging feedback like this that keeps me going.
Be blessed brother!
Something is wrong with you – I don’t know what book you are reading. The TORAH and the HOLY BIBLE does not say anything you are here referring too. I will re-check your sources and fall-in line with the correct interpretation, respect and understanding real quick before it’s too late.
I will pray for you and others like you.
Thanks for your prayers. Be blessed and Shalom.
hello Matk im bess and im from michagan. i understand some things about the gentiles .the isrealites …the whole key to understanding the 2 people groups is the mistery of what happend in the garden of edan. its a long story but it is in the bible king james i wont go into bible verses but i will just tell you what happend and if you read this and want all the bible verses i will give then to thats my emil.first in the garden of eden its in heaven notice there is no days or time set in the story. notice it dousent say void untill it is talking about thr earth. GOD made adam in his image. the image of GOD is first power is all knowing the head the brain of a body GOD is a being and his power is knowalage the brain the head of a body. the 2being holds a power the body the doer the one that perform what GOD makes noen to be done he is like the hands. the 3 being is the power of movement he is the moving power to move and put in place he is as the feet . …so to brake it down .there are 3 sepert beings with each 3 difrent powers each.and adam was made with 3 beings in one bodyform. angels cant create. thay just have diffrent powers. luserfer wanted a kingdom of his own to rule he wanted to be like GOD .but there was no way for him to do so. because he dident have the power to create. he had a power he could make somthing apear there but it would fade away GOD made adam not noing sin. if adam noes sin he could be destrutive and become a enamy to GOD. because adam is in GODS image. so GOD made adam then the anamals.then eve.the anamales could talk. and the angels GOD called trees in the garden and the fruits GOD called there goodness. GOD said you can eat of all the trees in the garden .but there was a tree that was the angel luserfer. in a diffrent side in the garden adam was not to go to. because GOD new what that angel would cause on adam and eve. the forbidden knowlage .every one obayed GOD even luserfer. he dident leve his place in the garden and go to adam and eve. he stayed on his side of the garden. so what happend is the anamle was by the tree and eve thought the anamal was talking to her. the anamal was called a serpent and he could walk. the anamal new that luserfer was deceving eve true him .and the anamal dident move away or tell eve its not him he sat there and allowed it to happen it was the anamals fault. luserfer used his power on the anamal to deceve eve. so she went to the angel. and he showed her with his power all what sin is and she felt it all and seen it all . the fruit went in her. and his power went on her and she became a part of that angel and she will die because she will fade away and grow old and die. she was decevied into going to that angel. adam was not decevied he disobayed GOD. and followed eve. GOD cursed the anamal first then eve then adam. .then he made the earth to cast them out into and then he set time and days. and then he said be fruitful and maltaply. for anamals and mankind to have sex and offspring. he dident say it at first when he created adam and eve and the anamales .and that was so jesus could be born to mankind to undo the curse. now liserfer has his kingdom to rule over and mankind belongs to him and mankind is a lot like luserfer thay dont even no GOD there creater. all is hidden from them. the sprit world. thay are born with a sin natrue,.all mankind was a gentile people that standfor a people with out GOD. GOD lost his creation. do to luserfer and them becoming a part of luserfer. he became there father.see. there is a certen order in heven as somthing is created. what ever is created first is a higher order then what is created secound and so on. adam and eve was ceated after the angels so thay had the lowest. order of creation . but thay were such a gloryous creation. that all in heaven was amazed and GOD told them all to bow down and serve this creation. and thay did. but luserfer dident want to and some other angels dident want to because thay was higher in order then adam and eve .and so many angels went on luserfer side and thay begain to fight and there was a war between thease angels. the angels that stuck on luserfer side and the ones that stuck on GODS side . and thay were band from that high place in heven. cast out. luserfer and his angels .then after that on earth there was watcher angels a large group of them. that wanted to be with the wemon on the earth and have cildren. as mankind that would mess up the bloodline for jesus to be born true carupt it all if those angels would do such a thing as that .and so thay did. then GOD wiped it out with a flood. and cast those angels in presion. and there off spring when thay die would wonder the earth as evil sprits. no rest for there soul .there was a lot of angels and people condeamed a big loss .so adams bloodline true seth adam son comes noah and noah son shem ,abraham. the house of isreal jesus. thats the reson thease people was chosen by GOD and not the whole world gentiles. this bloodline is adams side of the bloodline not cains yes cains is adams son but he dont follow GOD. GOD picked certen people on adams bloodline to work true and make his self noen and he picked 12 tribes and names them the house of isreal and judah was the kings line jesus came true. levi was the prest line and that arent set with a number in the 12 tribes. when moses tuck the people out of egept. and there to the mounten when moses receved the laws of GOD .many people herd GOD speak to them. GOD made a covenet with the people and that was a marage with GOD and the people. GOD was with them and thay had to be clean and do surten things so thay dont defile them selfs because GOD was working with them to teach them and keep there bloodline clean for jesus to be born true and all so.. so thay them selfs dont die or burn up from defiling them selfs because GOD is holy and certen things will burn up from being unclean. just his presents being there it would just happen so GOD was trying to pertect them from this. GOD cant be around will burn up and i no he has angels all so that carry out certen things and people wont burn up in his presents. cleanness has to be a certen way so it wont cause harm to people. when GOD is there or a repersenative he sends as a replacut for him …things cant be unclean in a vary certen way, as he instructs the perform. for resons he is holy and his presents is amoung them. so harm dont come to them. so sinkness or sudden death or burn up . these things wont happen to them in the bible in kings.. the time of king solomen when he died. his son became king. the tribe of judah. and he raised taxas. the 10 tribes dident want to pay thease raised taxas. so thay moved to a town called samerya. and thay would go to jarusalom for there temple service there sin offerings. there in jarusalom was the tribe of judah bengaman and levi. and the 10 tribes stop going there. insted thay picked the kings brother to be king over them and thay started doing idolatry there in shmerya. GOD send provets to warn them of this. but thay wouldent repent from this. so GOD devorsed them from him. he cast them out of his presents. and thay became a gentile people thay lost there name as isrealites. because thay were devorsed. thay lost there name as a people all together. there idenaty was gone thay had non. thay will never have a country or a land or be rulers . read dutaronamy the curses. …this is what happend to them. thay are not the black race or any race because the black race has a country and a race with a name thay became a gentile people even cast out by the getile race. were ever thay step foot on . thay are not isrealites any more. there are onley 3 tribes of the house of isreal left and thay are the jews. and any one follow the jewish ways and customs are jews not isrealites. there is no isrealites any more .there will be a new covenet and that will compleat the whole house of isreal the 144000. the isrealites dident follow GODS ways then wy would thay follow his ways after he devorsed them and thay lost there idenaty of who thay were . thay became somthing elss GOD erased it all from them and he turned them into somthing else. cast them out from him compleatly.its deep you need to understand this. ….GOD is against atultry. remarage. onice your maried its a covenet. agrement. and onley way you are free from that agrement is when your wife or your husband dies. then you are free to marry again. other wise it is adultry. so when jesus came and died he freed these people from the marage to GOD .because GOD was a husband. and GOD died and now we are free to marry GOD onice again.. and we will be the bride of christ. and when jesus rose its a rebirth a new begaining .what was dead and gone is now a live it is for those isrealites of old by god thay were turned into gentiles. dead to GOD and never have a chance for salvation. and now thay can be back into the fold of GOD and all gentiles.true jesus is death and jesus bought mankind back with a price of his blood being the sacerfic.for mankind. and his right and saten has no rights over mankind as he onice did. but mankind need to chouse to eather give up there flesh desirers and let there sprit rule over them GODS instruction for salvation or live to there flesh temtations when it is going against GODS instrutctions. see when we do the things are self and are flesh wants to do and we dont no GODS instruction how to live are lifes here on the earth.we go against are selfs and are souls for the after life and are life here on the earth .wether we no what we are doing or not . it will come back on us .we bring it on are selfs. we open the door for saten to step in and GOD alows it .because he dont stand for sin. he is against it. sin causes pain and suffering on us it has consaquinces when we do the acts of sinful things…if you read in the bible all the sins. and think of how it makes us fill when we do these things and how it has a afect on are kids and famaly. bad memeries. remarage is no good it is to much gelouscy and one side itness and so much more. when there is kids that your bringing into a new marage. sin is all unlove thats the bottom line the world shows a lot of unlove. for entance food is plentyful. it grows freely out of the ground and on trees. there is fish in the waters. no one should ever go hungry because of not having money to buy food little children should never starv. thay are helpless and need care. and in this world it is with held from mankind .that is a part of mankind survival .food and water thay need. i no it takes some money to till the ground for planting. but seeds restart on there own every year. the food grows out of the ground. and look at all the food thats good to eat that gets trowed away. .well if you read this . give me a comet back i want to cher what i lerned. thank you…. im bess…and this stuff is in the bible i do have the scriptrues on it
So if you mislead people .. in other words lie about the truth., if we commit sins in ignorance it’s more forgivable then lying to people about history ..