“Joseph had a dream which he told his brothers, and that made them hate him all the more.”-Genesis 37:5
God has just communicated to Joseph via a powerful dream.
After waking up, Joseph just can’t contain his excitement.
He goes out to find his brothers and relates to them the vision of how there were 12 sheaves and 11 of them were bowing down to the 12th.
The implication was quite clear to them that someday they would all submit to him as his servants.
And no doubt, Joseph was still parading around in his royal tunic when he shared the details with them.
Soon afterwards, Joseph has another dream.
This time, instead of sheaves, he shares how the sun, the moon, and eleven stars bowed down to him.
This might not seem like a big deal to us but in those days, the sun symbolized the father, the moon the mother, and the stars were considered to be offspring.
This was quite insulting!
The bratty little Joseph was now saying that not only his older brothers but his own parents were going to bow down to him.
In that era, dreams and visions were considered the standard ways that the gods communicated with men.
So people gave much credence to these dreams and visions.
Now the biggest takeaways I get from Joseph’s dreams are this.
First, not only do the dreams reveal the future, they can impact future events because with the foreknowledge you’ve been given, you can now take actions you otherwise wouldn’t have taken.
Second, the process of how a God-given dream comes true may be quite contrary to your expectations.
Joseph was sold into slavery and found himself in a situation where the chances of his dream coming true seemed practically nil.
Nevertheless, later events proved that in spite of the obstacles, God’s perfect will was eventually accomplished in Joseph’s life.
Finally, there is no force in heaven or on earth that can stop a God-ordained vision from becoming a reality.
Joseph’s brothers tried to prevent Joseph’s dream from coming true by selling him into slavery.
They thought they had succeeded in killing his dream.
They were dead wrong.
“there is no force in heaven or on earth that can stop a God-ordained vision from becoming a reality.” spoke blessing into my life as I read it. Yahweh reminded me of how He has always planned from the very beginning to help me get out of Torah-lessness. Things are making sense to me now more than ever. Shalom, moreh.
Glad you found this inspiring John. Be blessed!