“Israel moved on again and pitched his tent beyond Migdal Eder. While Israel was living in that region, Reuben went in and slept with his father’s concubine Bilhah, and Israel heard of it.”-Genesis 35:21-22
So we’re told that Jacob’s clan left Beit-el (House of God) and moved to a place called Efrat.
Efrat would later come to be known as Beit-lechem (House of Bread) or in English, Bethlehem, which we all know is Yeshua’s birthplace.
Next we’re told that Jacob’s dear wife Rachel dies while giving birth to Benjamin, who will become the 12th and final tribe of Israel.
After Rachel is buried, Jacob moves to a place called Migdal-Eder (the watchtower of the flock).
It is in this area that we are suddenly told that Jacob’s firstborn son Reuben slept with Jacob’s concubine Bilah.
It’s also important to note that Jacob was aware of what Reuben did.
We’re going to examine this event closely because it reveals much about the culture of that time and will have a strong influence on Israel’s future.
Now the first thing you should notice is that Reuben sleeping with Bilah happens right after Rachel’s death.
This is not coincidental.
These two events are linked.
Bilah was both Rachel’s handmaiden and Jacob’s concubine.
Reuben was Leah’s son.
Now if you recall, Jacob loved Rachel more than he did Leah.
And Reuben was always well aware of this.
It pained him greatly that his mother had always held a much diminished status in his father’s (Jacob) eyes.
Think back to the story of the Mandrakes that Reuben got for his mother.
Now that Jacob’s most beloved wife Rachel was gone, Reuben knew that this was a chance for his mother Leah to become Jacob’s sole and most favored wife.
In addition, the status of being the son of Jacob’s favorite wife would result in tangible perks.
However, Reuben had one big concern.
What if Jacob decided to make Rachel’s handmaiden Bilah his most favored wife instead?
After all these years of having to assume an inferior position to Joseph and his mother Rachel, there was no way he was going to let Bilah get in the way.
So Reuben slept with Bilah.
This was a very calculated move on Reuben’s part.
By sleeping with Bilah, he ruined her.
It was now impossible for Jacob to legally marry Bilah because it was unthinkable that he would marry a woman who had slept with another man, especially if that man was the son of her husband.
You can see why Reuben wanted to make sure his father knew what he had done.
This was so Jacob would be forced to reject Bilah resulting in Leah automatically inheriting the coveted favorite wife spot.
Verse 22…“and Israel found out”…is a key phrase.
In order for Reuben’s devious strategy to go as planned, Jacob had to be made aware of what happened.
Here is an interesting excerpt from the Talmud on this incident:
“ He (Reuben) said, ‘If my mother’s sister was a rival to my mother, must the MAID of my mother’s sister be a rival to my mother?”
Again, this had nothing to do with Reuben seeking sexual pleasure.
In those days, when a leader succeeded another leader…or a son inherited leadership from a father (normally due to the father’s death), it was customary to also inherit the leader’s concubines.
The possession of a former leader’s concubines affirmed the new leader’s position and power.
What Reuben did was nothing less than an attempt to dethrone his father from his position as leader of Israel.
Much later, while on his deathbed, in retaliation Jacob would take away Reuben’s firstborn rights.
Then Jacob summoned his sons and said, “Assemble yourselves that I may tell you what shall befall you in the days to come. “Gather together and hear, O sons of Jacob; And listen to Israel your father. “Reuben, you are my first-born; My might and the beginning of my strength, Preeminent in dignity and preeminent in power. “Uncontrolled as water, you shall not have preeminence, Because you went up to your father’s bed; Then you defiled it-– he went up to my couch.-Genesis 49:1-4
Great post! Out of all the scholars that I have read online about the account of Reuben and Jacobs concubine Bilah, I believe your’s is the most accurate.. Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t Absalom pretty much do something similar??
Hi Rinny, Thanks for the positive thumbs up! You’re right about Absalom. Saying he did something similar is quite an understatement. He went downright hog wild and slept with all of his father’s concubines on top of I believe the roof of his father’s palace. It was super rebellion and yes it was an audacious power play!
Thanks so much for this.
I read someone else post, and while it made sense. There were some things he said that were just plain speculations.
But my friend you gave a more concrete evidence with bible to back up your words. I’m amazed by this teaching!
Also to add, that Jacob divided the wives and children by rank when Esau was coming.
Thanks for reading. I’m glad you found this enlightening. Be blessed and SHALOM!
Is an amazing explanation. Thank you for sharing it
Glad you found this informative. Be blessed!
Isn’t this article taken almost word for word from a class taught by Tom Bradford from torahclass.com? Don’t you think you should give credit where credit is due? or did I miss the credits somewhere?
Hi Carolann, I love Tom Bradford’s Torah Class. I’ve already mentioned in other places that I get a lot of inspiration and make a lot of outlines for my articles based on the information he has on his site. And this article as you pointed out is a perfect case in point. However, I would say it is far from a word-for-word rendering as you put it. Keep in mind this information about Reuben attempting to usurp his father is also well explained in the Talmud which is now in the public domain. On this note, I should also let you know I borrow ideas liberally from Robert Alter’s tremendous Torah commentary. Credit has also been given in those cases as well. Be blessed and Shalom!
It amazes me how there’s always someone who brings in negativity to a Bible teaching. Does it really matter who said it first? What matters is that he’s sharing an explanation for the word of God. I read this verse earlier and did not understand as much and searched for a breakdown and I for one an completely grateful that I ran into this. However you Carolann should probably find something to do. Instead of attempting to shame someone for “stealing” someone else’s teaching, pray for them next time instead and ask God for direction on how to speak to people.
Thank you, Jade. . I totally agree with you. The devil is always roaming and roaring about planting negative thoughts. Instead of uplifting and encouraging the spread of the Word of God. the devil will enter into man’s hearts to destroy.
I see the devil who made richoka accuse you of plagerism. That lots of indisputable evidence that the devil is up those triocks That explains why I often getting complaints about “bad”habits, regarding iinconstancies in my statements, using vulgarisms, and lapses in my personal hygiene. And that time when I was a kid, whenin the 4th grade. I stole the snickers bar .
Still I wonder how Beelzebub would find the the time and effort to demean my character. I mean you have to believe in the existence of Hell if you believe in the devil. And with that place open admission policy, and the limited number of demons employees tro apply the precsribed tormenting protocol, even with automation, it must be a helluva a job. keeping up with the shifting reulationa about what contitutes sin (rember Simony?) and how abo Maybe, like Yeshua or Job, its because i’m such and wonderful person to start with?>
Very interesting Richoka
This is great message and lesson to everyone, You should not try to help God to fulfilled his proposes or try to act smart to help someone in wrong ways thinking God will not know or such individual you are trying to work against.
Reuben should know the Ten commandments,and penalty for his action
This singular wicked Acts really affected his lineage,Until God use Moses to reduced the curse
Let Reuben Live
This makes small lifting with Deborah which I perceived came frm tribe of Reuben.
This is also telling us all,to be careful of our actions,which may cause positive or negative at later end.
God blessing, Amen
You’re welcome Peter. Be blessed and SHALOM!
To me, you have add a lot of your own thoughts in this story of Reuben.
This is some good insight, your break down of this story is quite remarkable.
First time reading the Bible and I was confused when I read Jacob’s son’s sleeping with his father’s concubine and this post help me understand why. I can care less if he copied this teaching from someone else but the Holy Spirit led me to this post for clarification, not the other person teaching because God knows I would not discover the other teaching but this one. If I have the opportunity to copy this study and share it with someone else I would do it without thinking, isn’t that’s exactly what we call to do as the body of Christ is to share the word of God by any means?
There is nothing wrong with sharing someone elses work as long as you acknowledge the source. Otherwise it is plagiarism. We learn this in college as you right your papers. It was imperative to site your sources for that very reason. Give credit where credit is due. I too enjoyed the outlook on such an offensive act by Reuben.
Understood, I have a bachelors degree and know all about that but at the end of the day, this isn’t school. It’s a post to assist others in understanding what they’re reading. If it was written verbatim then I would understand people going off the handle. No reason to send accusations or try to shame someone for sharing the word of God but that’s just my humble opinion. People get too worked up over this stuff and worry about the wrong thing. Just worry about studying and spreading the word of God.
Very helpful information for understanding Reuben and Bilhah. Sorry that Carolann thought it was her place to “inaccurately” chastise your comments – to publically do this shows very bad taste and a haughty spirit on her part. I appreciate your many helpful articles.
God bless you sir, this is great insight. My thought on Reuben action was different but now I received a good enlightenment.
Thanks so much for the knowledge sharing. I could not know this without your post. Stay blessed.
Thanks for reading Piencia. Glad you found this both useful and edifying. Be blessed and SHALOM!
Thank you for the explanation. It greatly blessed me. I pray for many blessing to you!
Glad you enjoyed this Patricia. Thanks for reading! Be blessed and Shalom!
Great article, very helpfull. It brings up a couple of questions. Why would Bilhah allow it to happen being she is the mother to Dan and Naphtali? Would she be concerned about position also or was she in a vulnerable state due to mourning Rachel ? Can you think of any other reasons?
Hey Steven, Great question and I’m not sure if I have a good answer at the moment. Perhaps Bilah felt powerless to resist Reuben’s temptations because her status was that of just a concubine. The Scripture isn’t really clear on this. If anyone else wants to chime in, please do.
Even the Age difference between Bilhah and Reuben, couldn’t she have resisted or informed Jacob about the advances of his son? Just wondering aloud too.
I Have no problem with someone sharing someone elses teachings. I was involved in jail ministry before COVID. I taught Bible studies with the women and another women taught at times as well. HOWEVER, she did take someone elses teachings, which I would have had no problem with EXCEPT when I told her show much i enjoyed her teaching she continued by saying that she just kept writing and writing as the Holy Spirit gave it to HER. Little did she know but i found the teaching on line WORD for WORD and she still took the credit. That is when I feel it is wrong. She did this 2 different times and both times she took the credit as the HOLY SPIRIT gave it directly to her. But this was excellent insight. Thank you so much for your input about Reuben and the concubine.
Hey, that’s some pretty good teaching! I stumbled upon this because I’ve been giving a lot of thought to “big picture” kind of ideas lately.
I think that Ruben is an example of how iniquity (wrong thinking) can be planted in the mind and, eventually, take over the actions. Just like the serpent planted the seed of iniquity in Eve’s mind… I also think that iniquity is the “him” that the Lord told Cain he was supposed to rule over. “All we like sheep have gone astray and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all…”
See Psalms 51 for how David admits that iniquity was at the root of his adultery and further defines iniquity as untruth in the secret parts. I suspect that there was always a part of Ruben that always wanted to exact revenge for how he and his mother were treated?
Anyway, what do you make of Ruben offering his sons lives as collateral for the safe return of Benjamin or his weak attempt to save Joseph’s life?
Hey Larry, happy you found this informative and hopefully also edifying. It seems like Reuben’s character was pretty consistent throughout his life. Thanks for reading. Be blessed!
Most astonishing to read! (Found this article a few years after published). In 5+ decades of Bible Study, this BACKGROUND is NEW to me! Am thinking a lot of God’s Word gets misinterpreted, left unappreciated, or ignored in not knowing ancient cultural customs. Thanks to YHWH for your insight!!!
Delightfully received. (BLESSED ARE YOU IN MESSIAH; amen)
Glad you found this edifying. Be blessed!
Important Comment Addendum:
Am feeling….”dumb” (an understatement). Might have spelled an offense, here. In this Website’s “Faith Statement”, I noticed that the “o” is represented by “-” in the word; G-d. A few minutes ago, though, I submitted a comment (awaiting review) in which I made no such substitution and included the “o”. I’m a Gentile Christian, learning about Y’shua! However, I end up offending many of G-d’s family:
One “Hebrew Roots” Assembly informed me I wouldn’t be allowed to say “Jesus”, ONLY “Yahshua”. Other “Assemblies” instructed me to say “Yeshua”…and there’s several other Name variances! WORTHY IS THE LAMB SLAIN is whom I remember with every breath. How to correctly say or spell, like “Yehoshua”, brings me to tears. One group insists this Name is the only correct one to say and I’m not welcome unless complying. The “Name” is G-d’s Nature, to my thinking. “In His Name” is the One Who Suffered our sins to give us a perfect nature as His is! G-d refused to let corrupted Adam & Eve eat from the Tree of Life…Or they’d be immortality corrupt.I
We each need an INCORRUPTIBLE NAME…and our transformation to immortal incorruptible shall occur in the twinkling of HIS EYE. MESSIAH HAS A NAME NONE OF US YET KNOW, IN FACT.
MANDRAKES WITHER. Please forgive my ignorance:
(why must the “-” replace ” o”, in spelling G-d…?)
Is “YHWH” correct to speak instead of saying “Yahweh”.
Is it true that the sound of our breathing is how to pronounce “YHWH”.
(That Way, even atheists PRAY CONTINUALLY!!!)
! Thank you, all Beloved!
1 John Chapter 1
…7 But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin. 8 If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.…
Berean Standard Bible (which HOLY BIBLE is the accurate translation?) AMEN.
Thanks for sharing Theresa.
Honestly, since nobody knows the correct pronunciation of God’s Name, it’s probably best to write it out in YHHW.
But keep in mind, that Orthodox Jews will take offense at that even if it is in writing.
Therefore, to be respectful, just use the titles HaShem or Adonai instead.
However, some Jews are waking up to the fact that’s not really Scriptural.
Here’s an article from a Jew raised Orthodox who believes God’s Holy Name should be said out loud: https://www.israelalia.com/g-ds-name/
Be blessed!
Like in Leonard Cohen most famous song Halleluja, he addressis the Lord, about the sme prohibition:
“You say I took the name in vain
I don’t even know the name
But if I did, well really, what’s it to ya?” ( rhymes with Haalelua,)
Wao! I am better enlightened and much more informed on why Reuben had the audacity to explore the nakedness of his father’s wife. Thanks so much.
Wao..you dissected it well. In Zimbabwe we would say wero wero instead of well. Great explanation. It made me to go through the the entire Genesis 35-. Keep writing bro.
Hey Maison…
Glad you found this informative.
Be blessed!
Thank you for this post.
Bible is silent about if Bilhah was raped or she agreed to be slept with and she didn’t mention it to Jacob all the while Ruben was tempting her or making his moves.
If it wasn’t sudden, then it was planned. She also had a part in the iniquity.
But in all, we pray the LORD SHOWS US MERCY….In how we do what we do.
Good points you made there James.
Thanks for sharing.
Be blessed!
Thank you Rich, whenever I am studying the Word of God and can’t find comprehension, I come to your page to see more insight. Was this the first instance where a son tried to usurp authority or any devious plan by sleeping with his father’s wife/concubine? I know there are more instances of this in the Bible, which I have been trying to gain more knowledge about.
Hi Anita,
Thank you for the warm words. Appreciate it.
To answer your question, this may be the first recorded instance of a son trying to usurp authority by sleeping with his father’s wife/concubine.
The other time this happened on a huge scale was when Absalom publicly slept with his father’s (King David) concubines. This was a calculated move to demonstrate that Absalom had utterly taken over his father’s throne and authority.
Another thing to think about is whenever we disobey our Father in Heaven’s commands, that is also considered to be spiritual adultery and maybe even idolatry in some sense.
Be blessed.
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