“David said to him, ‘Don’t be afraid, for I am determined to be kind to you for the sake of Y’honatan your father. I will restore to you all the land of Sha’ul your [grand]father, and you will always eat at my table.‘”-2 Samuel 9:7
Ever felt an unbearable sense of doom?
Maybe your boss summoned you to his office, and you knew the axe was about to drop.
Or the doctor called you back after a test, and you braced for the worst news of your life.
Or your wife sat you down for a “serious talk,” and deep down, you knew—this was the end.
However, when the moment finally arrived…
To your utter shock—
It was the exact opposite!
Your boss called you in—not to fire you, but to praise your hard work, announce your promotion, and give you a raise to boot!
Your doctor’s serious tone wasn’t delivering bad news—it was pure disbelief.
Your latest tests showed your diabetes had miraculously reversed!
And your wife?
She wasn’t asking for a divorce.
She was beaming, about to tell you the news you’d both prayed for…
After years of trying, she was finally pregnant!
Well, this is exactly what happened to Mephibosheth.
When he was summoned by King David, he thought his life was over.
He feared David was going to execute him…
Or turn him over to the Gibeonites where he would be killed anyway.
So when he was finally in the presence of the great king…
He fell to his knees, trembling in terror at what was about to happen.
But then to his utter shock…
The OPPOSITE occurred!
Mephibosheth learned that not only was he going to live…
But Saul’s royal estate was going to be turned over to him…
And that he was going to eat at the King’s table moving forward!
Mephibosheth was stunned.
He was crippled, helpless, and treated like he was worth nothing.
All his life, people looked down on him.
Maybe they pitied him.
Maybe they just wished he wasn’t their problem.
And now…
Out of nowhere…
He was being shown CHESED (kindness) he’d never earned.
He was so shocked, he blurted out in typical oriental humility…
“Why would you do this for a dead dog like me?”
Back then, calling yourself a “dead dog” was a way of saying, “I’m nothing.”
“I don’t matter.”
It was the lowest thing you could call yourself.
And that’s exactly how Mephibosheth felt.
Folks, the takeaway here is crystal clear.
If this isn’t a picture of God’s boundless grace…
And how the Lord has saved us, worthless sinners…
I don’t know what is.
We were dead in our trespasses…
We were counted as crippled and despised…
As ones to be scorned and mocked…
Yet the King of the Universe…
Reached out to rescue us with His loving hands…
Plucked us from the depths of despair…
And gave us a seat at his royal table…
Where we will dine together for all eternity.
Can I get an amen in the house?
“Behold, I stand at the door and knock.
If anyone should hear My voice
and open the door,
then I will come in to him and
will dine with him, and he with Me.”
-Revelation 3:20
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