Alrighty, without any further ado…
Let’s jump right into the meat of our discussion today.
Recall we were talking about the embedded prophecy contained in the story of King David, the crippled Mephibosheth, and his gentile caretaker Tziva.
At the closing of the post, this is what I established:
FIRST, David represents Messiah Yeshua.
SECOND, Mephibosheth represents the exiled Israelites (or the Jews living in the diaspora today).
THIRD, Tziva represents the Gentile Christian Church.
FOURTH, Mephibosheth returning from hiding in the Trans-Jordan to Jerusalem is equivalent to the Jews returning home to their Promised Land after being scattered and living under Gentile rule.
So let’s break down and analyze 2nd Samuel Chapter 9 from this perspective.
So Israel’s King (Messiah) calls up the gentile Church (the temporary caretaker of the Hebrew estate) and asks…
“Hey, are there any native-born Hebrews left who claim allegiance to Israel’s God?”
Because if there are, the Messiah is ready to bring them back home…
Restore their rightful land inheritance…
And put them in charge again.
The gentile caretaker (the Church) was put in charge of Israel’s land.
But over time, it became full of itself.
Heck, the church started acting like it had REPLACED the Israelites.
So when the Messiah (the King) shows up and asks…
“Are there any rightful heirs left?”…
The Church (Tziva) replies…
“Yeah, but… they’re weak, broken, and totally unfit to take over.”
The gentile Church accuses the Jews of being too spiritually crippled to handle what used to be theirs.
And to add insult to injury…
The church says it is the spiritual blindness of the Jews that caused their authority to be taken away in the first place and handed over to them.
But now, after years of running the show, the Church is shocked when the Messiah suddenly challenges its position.
The King makes it clear:
The Church was just a caretaker…
It was NEVER the new owner.
The land still belongs to its rightful heirs, the Jews…
No matter how much the Church loved to indulge itself in wishful fantasies that it had replaced Israel as God’s chosen people…
Out of nowhere, the Messiah (the King) turns the tables on them.
The King takes the once-oppressed, beaten-down, but rightful Hebrew owners and puts them back in charge.
The gentile caretaker, who had run things for years, will now have to answer to them.
The Hebrews—the King’s own people—are brought back from every corner of the earth to their land…
Just as God promised Abraham.
But simply residing anywhere in the Promised Land isn’t enough.
The King wants them close.
They must live in Jerusalem, near Him.
There, the Messiah (the King) will protect them, provide for them, and welcome them to His table.
Now for those of you who think this is a bunch of hermeneutical hogwash…
Boy, have I got a surprise for you homies.
What I just described isn’t fantasy.
It’s history.
It has already happened per God’s prophetic decree.
As you probably know…
Following on the heels of the holocaust…
Modern Israel was resurrected back from the dead in 1948…
This was the equivalent of Mephibosheth being taken from hiding and returned to the Promised Land.
And then in 1967, the Israelites reclaimed Jerusalem.
This was the equivalent of David establishing a home for Mephiboshesh near him in the holy city (Jerusalem).
God always meant for them to have both.
That’s right.
Just as Mephibosheth got back his family estate and the privilege of living near the King in Jerusalem…
Israel was meant to have their land and their capital city.
We’ll stop here for now.
But guess what?
Mephibosheth’s story isn’t over.
He’s going to make another appearance in Scripture.
It’s what happens AFTER Mephibosheth is restored when the prophetic implications get really interesting.
We’ll get into that the next time we meet.
Stay tuned!
I find your speech and attitude contemptible; instead of bringing unity of the Spirit in the bond of “Peace,” YOU yourself are driving division among Christians, Jews, and Gentiles. Remember, it was the Jews that rejected Christ, their own Messiah. It was God who turned to the Gentiles of His own free will. The Gentiles didn’t seek God. It was God who invited the Gentile into the commonwealth of Israel. Gentiles were grafted into the roots, Abraham. Gentiles are not grafted into Israel. Abrham, the Root is also our father through “Faith,” not the Law. By the way, we are citzen of New Jerusalem.
I also notice that you haven’t responded to my previous comments. Are you afraid of something?
Alright homie, let’s examine your statement: “Remember, it was the Jews that rejected Christ, their own Messiah.”
Take a look at the names of these 12 Apostles:
James (son of Zebedee)
John (brother of James)
Andrew (Peter’s brother)
Bartholomew (also called Nathanael)
Matthew (the tax collector)
James (son of Alphaeus)
Thaddaeus (also called Judas, son of James)
Simon the Zealot
So I gotta question for you.
What ethnicity were they?
Your salvation as a gentile is based ONLY on the eternal and unbreakable covenant God has made with Israel.
You are grafted into the commonwealth of Israel, not the other way around.
Now go get a mocha Frappuccino or something, and chill out.