“David said to him, “Don’t be afraid, for I am determined to be kind to you for the sake of Y’honatan your father. I will restore to you all the land of Sha’ul your [grand]father, and you will always eat at my table.”-2 Samuel 9:7
There’s something else I need to make clear here.
When it says that Mephibosheth is going to eat at David’s table, it isn’t meant to be taken literally.
He ain’t gonna be dining with the king every night.
However, he will be provided with food fit for royalty…
In as much quantity as he wants…
Which, if you ask me is still freakin’ AWESOME!
Another point we shouldn’t overlook is we’re told Mephibosheth would be living in Jerusalem!
This is as opposed to living in the City of David.
The City of David and Jerusalem are NOT synonymous.
They were two different places.
So again, to the point I just made, it’s not like Mephibosheth will become a member of David’s high court and dine with him daily.
There’s another reality at play here we’d be remiss to overlook.
Mephibosheth had been safe while in hiding…
But now that he was out in the open…
The word was gonna spread like wildfire!
That was dangerous news for Mephibosheth.
Because the Gibeonites were still out for his life.
If he moved onto Saul’s old land (even though it was his land ironically)…
He’d be living right next to the very homies who wanted him dead.
Not such a great idea.
Another option is he could’ve been transferred to a City of Refuge.
But let’s get real.
Cities of refuge were for those who had committed involuntary manslaughter and were on the run from an avenger.
In other words, Mephibosheth would’ve been living like an exiled prisoner living off of scraps.
That was certainly no comparison to living under the direct protection of the king.
David knew the only way to keep Mephibosheth safe was to keep him close and under the watchful eye of his bodyguards.
That way, anyone plotting revenge would be forced to think twice.
So here’s the takeaway coming to me today.
Mephiboshesh had won the lottery!
Because of the covenant David had made with Jonathan…
He’d be living under the King’s royal protection…
And be provided with the highest quality of food for life!
But here’s the thing.
We as believers have it better…
I mean it.
We have it so much better!
Not only are we under the Father’s protection…
We have the very Spirit of God dwelling within us…
And are guaranteed a royal home in the world to come for life!
Can I get an AMEN in the house?!
“In my Father’s house are many mansions:
if it were not so, I would have told you.
I go to prepare a place for you.
And if I go and prepare a place for you,
I will come again, and receive you unto myself;
that where I am, there ye may be also.”
-John 14:2-3
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