“David ruled over all Israel; David administered law and justice for all his people.”-2 Samuel 8:15
In the second half of verse 15, we’re told that David administered “law and justice” for all his people.
Honestly, this is not the best translation from the original Hebrew, which is MISHPAT TZEDEKAH.
A more accurate rendering would be to say “justice and righteousness.”
Or “righteous judgment.”
Now, here’s something a lot of folks don’t realize.
When the Biblical narrator goes out of his way to point out a certain behavior of David…
More often than not, he is referring to a specific command or principle that was first established in the Torah.
In this case, David ruling with “righteous judgment” can be connected to the following verses from Deuteronomy.
“You are to appoint judges and officers for all your gates [in the cities] ADONAI your God is giving you, tribe by tribe; and they are to judge the people with righteous judgment. You are not to distort justice or show favoritism, and you are not to accept a bribe, for a gift blinds the eyes of the wise and twists the words of even the upright. Justice, only justice, you must pursue; so that you will live and inherit the land ADONAI your God is giving you.”-Deuteronomy 16:18-20
The same Hebrew for “righteous judgment,” MISHPAT TZEDEK, also appears in the above passage.
I love how these verses give clear examples of “righteous judgment.”
There is to be no favoritism…
No twisting the truth…
And no taking bribes to rig the outcome.
While David may have committed some grievous sins in his lifetime…
All in all, he ruled with righteous judgment.
He applied this MISHPAT TZEDEK to everyone…
Not just the rich or poor but across all tribes.
He didn’t play favorites with his own tribe, Judah, over Saul’s old northern allies.
David ruled with real justice.
And that’s your takeaway for today.
We often lie, cheat, and bend the rules, thinking it’ll get us more money, power, and security.
But in the end, all we’re doing is digging a pit for ourselves.
Every bribe we take…
Every truth we twist…
Every shortcut we grab only leads to more trouble.
David wasn’t perfect, but when he ruled with righteous judgment…
His kingdom thrived.
That’s the real shortcut to blessings—both material and spiritual.
Want a life that actually lasts?
Then act justly.
Do what’s right, even when it costs you.
In the long run, that’s the only real win.
Ya feel me?
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