“David gained more fame on returning from killing 18,000 men from Aram in the Salt Valley. David stationed garrisons in Edom; he put garrisons throughout all of Edom, and all the people of Edom became subject to him. Adonai gave victory to David wherever he went.”-2 Samuel 8:13-14
In verse 13, we encounter a manuscript error.
Do you see where it says David killed 18,000 men from Aram in the Salt Valley?
Well, the Valley of Salt was located in Edom, NOT Aram.
The NIV corrects this and renders the verse as follows:
“And David became famous after he returned from striking down eighteen thousand Edomites in the Valley of Salt.”
This also perfectly fits with the next verse, which says that David set up troops in Edom, and the whole land came under his rule.
We can also see how the scene has flipped from north to south, showing how David expanded Israel both southeast and northeast.
It is the next verse that I find particularly inspiring.
We’re told…
“Adonai gave victory to David wherever he went.”
This nicely dovetails with what I discussed in Chapter 7:
The Lord our God travels with His people.
He is not confined to some golden box.
He was present wherever David went…
And that was God’s doing…
Not because of something David did.
No temple was needed…
No special furniture or tools were needed…
And no bizarre rituals or incantations were needed!
I should remind you that Yehovah is NOT restricted to national borders.
Remember, back in those days, it was considered an indisputable fact that a nation’s gods only had power in their land.
So if one nation went to battle against another nation…
And they wanted their gods to be present with them…
They had no choice but to transport their gods with them in an elaborate box or something.
They also did that in the hopes it would intimidate the enemy.
This brings us to a clear-as-day takeaway for today.
If you’ve been born again…
And now have the Holy Spirit residing inside of you…
This means God’s presence is with you wherever you go.
Whether you are in New York City or some wild jungle in the deepest regions of Africa…
Ya feel me?
What could be more inspiring than that?
Can I get an AMEN in the house?
“And I am convinced that nothing
can ever separate us from God’s love.
Neither death nor life,
neither angels nor demons,
neither our fears for today
nor our worries about tomorrow—
not even the powers of hell can
separate us from God’s love.
No power in the sky above
or in the earth below—
indeed, nothing in all creation
will ever be able to separate us
from the love of God that is
revealed in Messiah Yeshua our Lord.”
-Romans 8:38-39
I read a long time ago about a conundrum that the Rabbis used to argue over, which is:
We read how God says he will “go down” to see this, or “go down” to see that, but if God is omnipresent, then how can he actually go anyhwere, since he is already there?
A figure of speech, I think.
Many thanks Richoka
EVen though I have known for a long time ago and also believe that God lives in us (me),
I am thrilled by the way you narrated the story.
It came to me as if although I knew, but didn’t believe it, or something of the sort.
Especially, when you said that ‘.
;”’ No temple was needed…
No special furniture or tools were needed…
And no bizarre rituals or incantations were needed!”’
sounds to me like ; a veil just fell off my eyes.
So now, tell me, where do all those rituals begin ? and why ?
I agree God could do what He wants to do without any of those ”elements”
but also remember what happened to Moses and his big brother Aaron.
At a point, it was the rod and the red sea. . .
yet another day’ it was the same rod and the rock; but different outcomes
which eventually costs Aaron his life and subsequently,
The great Prophet of God; even the ”Man of God”’ MOSES, when he saw Canan, but did not step foot there, even though he was destined to lead the Israelites there.
More often than not, God gives us rituals because we need them.
Sometimes, rituals are nothing more than Godly habits that keep us centered so we can go about our day with vigor instead of being overwhelmed with tasks.
Sure!!! I agree with you
I nearly asked why won’t He just do it for us because He ( God ) knows the ‘short cut’
but before I asked the question,, He just reminded that already He does a lot for me that I really know nothing about
and that our relationship is that of a partnership.
there are things God MUST do
there are things Man MUST do
God bless