“When people of Aram from Dammesek came to the aid of Hadad‘ezer king of Tzovah, David killed 22,000 men of Aram. Then David put garrisons among the people of Aram in Dammesek; Aram became subject to David and paid tribute. Adonai gave victory to David wherever he went.”-2 Samuel 8:5
So we’re told that a group of folks called Aram teamed up with the king of Tzovah, and were summarily slaughtered by David.
Aram and Tzovah were part of an alliance that made up the nation of Ammon.
So when one party was in trouble, the other party came to the rescue.
Unfortunately for them, they found out real quick what happens when you come against Israel.
As a result, this area known as Damascus came under Israeli control.
David didn’t just conquer them, he stationed a ton of troops there to keep the region firmly under his control.
From here on, we’ll see Syria (mostly called Damascus) and Israel pop up together a lot in the Bible…
Sometimes as allies…
Sometimes as enemies.
A big Jewish community even formed there!
That’s why we find the Apostle Paul heading to Damascus, ready to track down and arrest some “Jesus followers.”
The takeaway for today is as simple as a can of beans.
Be careful who you align yourself with.
The Arameans thought they were helping an ally, but they ended up on the losing side of history.
In the same way, our choices—who we stand with and what we fight for—have lasting consequences.
Standing against God’s plans never ends well…
But standing with Him leads to victory.
The whole planet is gonna realize this soon.
Hi Richoka, this group called Aram, do they in any way relate to the tribe of the Patriarch Abraham?
For Abraham said about his roots that ” I am a wandering Aramaic”
Back to the main subject,
I agree with you in the assertion that even though we have the right of Associations;
enshrined in the ”human rights” laws of our constitutions.
It is our foudamental rights to form or join association of choice.
People have misconstrued the word of God with the constitutions and those ‘ so-called ‘ human rights.
Same sex marriage and their advocates, occult groups etc.
Charles Spurgeon once said – no soul in hell can say s/he came to Jesus Christ and he rejected them.
Lets choose wisely the Messiah is still inviting us to come. We need to act faster because,
In conclusion I leave you with what Jesus said in the Gospel of Matthew 12 : 30
” He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad”
Hmm…I’m not so sure there is any direct connection. But I would have to double-check that.
Dear Richoka
Please I wrote a comment here but it’s not appearing since yesterday
Hope you will check and rectify same
Thanks sir
Sure. I’ll check.